
I Can Create Avatars

After getting involved with something that science could not explain, Benjamin is given another chance at life as Liam, a normal human in a universe that has numerous habitable planets and different human factions. Granted with the ability to create avatars and use them as extra bodies, Liam makes it his goal to slowly climb up the power ladder and stand at the top in a universe where both personal power and laws were of high importance for survival. Sharing the powers of this avatars with his main body, Liam plans to slowly but surely push away all the obstacles in his path to becoming the strongest, not because it was his final goal, but because that was the only way to life a leisure life in a universe like that. A/N: Yes, this is a harem novel. But, it will be small and I want to flesh out my characters, so I'll be taking my time with this part. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the reviews.

PsionicMind · Fantasie
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110 Chs

Changing Clothes

Robert sat in front of Liam with dark circles while looking extremely tired but Liam did not comment and simply waited for him to speak. 

"Like I promised, I found us a job. The pay is pretty good but it's a mid tier level so you're obviously overqualified for this. It might not be much but since our group is new, it'll be hard to get the high paying gigs so you might have to wait for a while until we build up our team's record.

This one pays thirty thousand rudo and it is pretty simple. All you have to do is play the role of a bodyguard for one of the rookie actors who has started to make a name for himself. His production company will be paying us and a few others so as long as you just stay with the team, you should be able to get the money.", he said and opened up his laptop. 

"Timings are from.... 5 PM to 2 AM and you'll get a short break to finish up your meal but it'll be better if you get something to eat fast since it's a job that requires you to be beside the client. You might get a tip if you're lucky enough. 

The probability of the client getting attacked is extremely low so I've considered this as an easy job. Though, even if there was some kind of danger, I'm sure that you will be able to keep things under control since you're obviously overqualified for this job."

Liam nodded slowly, "Okay, I'll go prepare for it. Is there anything else to keep in mind?"

"Hmm, let's see... yeah. It'll be better to wear your suit to the job instead of these casual clothes. Secondly, I will need your name and ID so that I can officially register the team."

The registration did not take too long and Liam walked back to his room without much worry. He spent some money on his grooming but after he took a look in the mirror, he felt like the change wasn't much. He simply looked a little more groomed but it didn't make him look any more handsome. 

'Plain old bland face huh... it'll be hard to stand out with just looks but eh, I guess I'll just have to do my job and earn money.', he thought as he wore his suit and checked the time. 

There was still some time left but he didn't like being late so he left early. Remembering that he did not know where he was supposed to go, he called Robert.

"Hey Robert, send me the location. I don't know where I should be going.", he said when he heard Robert on the other end of the phone. 

"Ah yeah. I'll send you the location."

He didn't have to wait for long as he received a link soon after the call ended. He clicked on the link and nodded to himself. 

"It's a bit far but I should be able to reach on time... Hmm, maybe I'll just run to this place. This way I'll be able to warm up and save some money too.", he muttered as he checked the route properly and memorized it. 

He took off his suit and walked back to his room before changing back to his casual clothes but this time, he put the suit in a bag. He then made sure that the bag was strapped on tight to his back before he walked out of his room. 

Once outside the internet cafe, he began to job and as he covered more distance, he began to increase his speed. Overtaking vehicles without much effort, he made people's jaws drop as they saw him run past them while they were leisurely sitting inside their vehicles. 

Liam noticed a good looking long car but did not pay it much attention as he passed it but the people sitting inside the limousine couldn't take their eyes off him. 

"Manager, that man... isn't he really fast? It's like he's a high grade human. Could be be the one who you hired? I remember you telling me that there was an over qualified guy who wanted the job.", an extremely pretty guy asked the man who was sitting in front of him while he sipped on some coffee. 

The manager shook his head, "Yeah but that speed is... similar to the High Grade Serum II's effects. I didn't really pay much attention to the person who would be coming since it's not really my job but the most he could have taken would be the lowest version of high grade serum. 

There's no way anyone in the right mind would work for such less money when they invested in millions on serums."

"I guess that makes sense.", the pretty guy said and forgot about the running man he had seen a minute ago.

A few more minutes later, Liam stopped in front of a large van and just from looking at the cameras and other equipment's, he could tell that he was at the right place. He walked up to one of the people nearby. 

"Hello, could you point me towards a place where I can change my clothes? I came to this place because I got a job here for today.", he said politely but to his dismay, the woman in front of him gave him a disgusted look. 

With a frown on her face, she pointed towards one of the smaller vans, "Go do your thing there. Tch, they're hiring ugly men nowadays? Is the company going bankrupt or something?"

Liam kept himself in check and silently walked to the van and entered it after opening the door. 

'Hah, that fucking bitch. Take a look at yourself on a mirror before commenting on my looks, damn old ass. She has wrinkles that look like shedded snake skin.', he cursed her in his head as he took off his clothes. 

"What... Who let you in here?!! KYAAAA!!"