

Mahi got up the following day with an unbearable headache, she got up and went to the kitchen and brewed a cup of coffee for herself, when she came out of the kitchen she saw Mahir entering the dining room, he looked at her and said, "how are you Mahi?" Mahi looked at her and just nodded her head, she was about to go out of the dining room when Mahir grabbed her hand and turned her towards him, "What happened Mahi, why are you looking sad?" Mahi looked deep into his eyes and jerked her hand out of his grip, "You also knew that Smarth was leaving but you didn't tell me? May I ask why you have kept it from me?" Mahir looked at her with a soft gaze and said that it was Smarth's decision and he was none to interfere in it, but why was she overreacting. Mahi looked at him in disappointment and went out of the dining room, Mahir looked at her fading back when suddenly his phone started ringing. He saw the caller id and answered the call.

"How is she doing?" Smarth asked in a worried tone.

"She is sad," Mahir sadly manner.

"You should have told this to her earlier, you know she is very sensitive when it comes to you," Mahir said concernedly.

Smarth just heaved a sigh in frustration and cut the call. He ruffled his hair in frustration, picked up his car keys and dashed out of the room.

Mahi was sitting on the couch and reading a book when Smarth entered her room, he walked towards her, sat on the floor in front of her and held her hand, he looked deep into her eyes and said, "I'm a sorry pumpkin. it was never my intention to hurt you. I'm sorry that I had kept it from you." Mahi looked at her with her puffy eyes and took her hand out of his grip, "Why are you sorry? It's not like I deserve an explanation." with that she kept the book on the coffee table and tried to get up from the couch. "You are overreacting, look I'm telling you that I'm sorry what else do you want, listen to me, pumpkin I'm going tomorrow and I don't want to leave when my best friend is angry," Smarth said sadly.

Mahi scoffed and looked at him, "I'm overreacting, you are the one who kept such a big thing from me and now you dare to say that I'm overreacting. You used to tell me that we are soulmates and we will never keep any secrets from each other but you have broken that promise by hiding such a big thing from me, Smarth,"

"Listen Mahi I got to know a few days earlier about the confirmation and you knew how were things going at that time, I thought that I'll tell you when the right time will come and I told you, but that timing was not good," Smarth said in frustration.

"Let me clear you, you didn't tell me I got to know by Mahir and I don't know that you have ever planned to tell me about it or not, how could you do this to me when you knew that it's gonna hurt me badly, and you are leaving me when I need you the most, Smarth please don't leave me. I need you here with me" Mahi pleaded from Smarth. Smarth got up from the floor and looked at Mahi, "Don't behave so irrational, you know that I have to go and there is no point in discussing this matter." Smarth explained.

"I can't believe this, I'm irrational, then fine leave and never show me your face again neither try to call me again, we are done and everything that you have told me was a mere lie, you're free to go, now get out from my room. I don't want to see you in front of my eyes," Mahi yelled at Smarth.

After taking a deep breath Smarth looked at Mahi and said softly, "I'm leaving tomorrow for five years Mahi, I hope you'll come to see me off and will try to understand my position." with that he left her room.

Mahi fell to the floor with a great thud, she looked at the back of Smarth and said, "Today I lost the most important person of my life, I'll never be able to tell you my true feelings, be safe soulmate, I think it's really over between us, now there would be none on whom I can rely on. You also left me alone, now I don't know what the future is holding for me," tears were continuously falling through her eyes.

Smarth came downstairs and found Mahir sipping his coffee, he went towards him and sat across from him on the couch. "What happened, you're looking devastated," Mahir asked concernedly.

"Mahi is mad at me, she has broken all relations with me, I don't know what I should do now, " Smarth replied sadly and put his head in his hands.

"She will be fine, buddy, you know her, just give her some time she will look for you when her anger will be gone."

"I don't think so, let's see, I need to go, I have to take care of a few things before leaving," Smarth said and got up, Mahir bid him goodbye and went to Mahi's room.