
Sapphire blue

I wake up startled."Where am I?" I ask aloud. I seem to be laying on a plush, red velvet chaise. I seem to be in some kind of Penthouse. There is white marble everywhere; the ground, the walls, the furniture. I stand up uneasily and I walk towards a giant window with an incredible view of the city. It's night already! How long have I been asleep? What happened? I hear footsteps approaching. I turn and to my surprise I look into a pair of breathtaking sapphire blue eyes. "Asahi..." I don't know what to say. "Ichiko you are finally awake! you had me worried sick!" Asahi brushes his jet black hair out of his eyes. "What happened? Where am I? How long have I been asleep? Where is my car? Does Mr Saito know I'm gone? Am I fired?!" I must sound like a blathering idiot! I am embarrassing myself in front of the love of my life! Asahi chuckles warmly making me weak at the knees. "everything is fine Ichiko" he smiles his dazzling, reasuring smile and I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Are you okay though? We were involved in a massive car accident this morning. I brought you here after you passed out. You had me so worried!" Asahi motions for me to sit down. "I'm fine" I say "I am so sorry for bothering you but thank you for taking the time to look after me". I awkwardly play with one of my golden curls. "It was really no trouble at all and I would be delighted to have you stay with me until your car is repaired" Asahi looks at me curiously before I reply....