


After I saw that new girl who came to the neighborhood,I was surprised to find out later that she was my sister's new best friend I did not believe Kayla at first when she said that,she was her best friend because I know that Kayla was never the type to be friend someone easily.

But to my surprise yesterday she came to our house the next morning,then she and Kayla left for school,I was not shocked again that she was.going to beaver high,because I know that Kayla who do anything to make her go to our school.

So I decided to try and go with the plan we(by we Kelvin and i)always do every year when a newbie comes to our school,but when I tried going to her I felt something that I could not fathom,I did not feel right by going to her and going about with the plan so I asked Kelvin to go instead of me.

And to my surprise when Kelvin went there to go about with our pan she did not fall for the plan,I was astonished because every year every newbie always falls for this plan.

Kayla came and started ranting about how Kelvin was about to kiss her friend and stuff,and as soon as I saw her up close,I saw that she had a really shy and timid face,she was really pretty.

So as to keep my cool,I then told Kayla that she knows if I was the one to do that  prank to her best friend,she would have fallen this made Kayla really furious and with that she held her new best friends hand and left,but before she would go Kelvin had to speak up saying "Bye newbie", and I was really amazed that she actually turned her back and waved to Kelvin seems like she is really not only pretty but nice too.I had to keep my cool and reminding my self that I already had a girlfriend.


During the night I could not stop myself from thinking about her so I decided to ask my 'lovely' twin.

And I found out from my 'twin' sister that her name,is Alexis,so I would call her Lexi for short.

Then as if we were meant to be  Kayla's  car had a slight problem so she had to come with me and Lexi too,Lexi hesitated at first but Kayla convinced her and she decided died to come along.

While we were going to school after,I had picked up Samantha I noticed that she avoided making eye contact  with either Samantha or i,she tried stopping Kayla and Samantha from quarreling but she could I felt something Lexi but I don't know,what but I had to stop because I already have a girlfriend