

"Is there a problem Sammy...

"Hey Aaron, Dylan said.

Aaron was short of words as he did not expect to see Dylan's face ever after every thing Dylan did to him.

"What are you doing Dylan I thought I told you not to ever show your face to me ever again.

"Why are you getting so angry Aaron aren't you supposed to welcome your friend back to NY...

"Freiend did you just call your self my friend we are not friends Dylan, let's go Samantha

"Why aren't we friends because of the little misunderstanding between your sis and I, come on Aaron don't be so hot headed

"What did you just say Dylan, little misunderstanding huh

Before Dylan could do anything a blow was landed on his face by Aaron.

"You call it little huh

Aaron said while still giving Dylan who.was now on the floor countless blows

"That's enough Aaron, Samantha said let's go

Aaron was not ready to leave Dylan alone but Samantha tried all her best to try and take him off of Dylan.

And she finally did after Aaron's knuckles were now red due to him giving Dylan constant blows on his face.


"Aaron Why are you so.late mom has been asking about you and, oh my jeez Why are your knuckles so red did you get into a fight" Kayla said not waiting for his replies before asking another question

"I saw Dylan,Aaron said blatantly


"What do you mean ohh Kay did you see him too

"Yes I saw him when I was out with Alexis and Cathy

"Why did you not tell me I was going to but unfortunately you were with your 'girlfriend'

"But that did not stop you from telling me did it?

"Don't argue with me now or I will pick a fight with you okay, where is the first aid kit Kayla said as she got into Aaron's bathroom and brought out aid and helped Aaron in getting his hand bandaged.



It was a new day and a Sunday, so both I,Kayla and Cathy were going to study and get our assignments done

"Baby I would be going to work now,have fun we the girls okay

"OK bye mom

"Byeee spider"

"Really mummy what kind of pet name is spider

"Well its mine for you if you like it or not you are my spider, you are lucky I didn't give you scorpion.

"Really I said which made both mon and I giggle

"Love you spider

"Love you too mummy

"Hi Mrs hot mom, Kayla said as she immediately walked through the door

"OH hi Kayla my number one fan,at least someone thinks am hot.

Mom said while turning back to stare at me

Which got me rolling my eyes

"Really Kay" I said while giggling

"So Kayla where is your mom she actually still in the sitting room having coffee.

"Okay bye girls

My mom said before leaving us alone in the living room heading for work

"So Kayla where is Cathy

"Ohh she said she can't make it today, family reunion and stuff

"Okay let's start

An hour later

We were finally done with studying and now there was nothing to do

"Okay I have an idea, she has been giving weird ideas like the ground is lava

"What's that Kayla

"Let's go to my house

That wasn't such a bad idea so I thought why not

"Aunt Maria I'll be back in a while I said to our nanny and she yelled an okay so I left with Kayla to their house

We spent most of the time talking and having fun

Then someone walked through the front door Aaron and not only him but also with Kelvin and Samantha

Immediately they walked in Aaron stopped and started staring at me the way he did that day.

"Alexis you are here too, Kelvin whined like a baby

"Really Aaron did you have to bring your 'girlfriend' with you Kayla snapped

"Let's go Alexis am not ready for a fight today

"Wait you guys don't have to go Kelvin said

"Kayla can you just give Samantha a chance for once... please

"Uhhh fine but because you begged me and nothing more.