

Kayla pov

I was furious knowing that Samantha pushed Alexis and got away with it, how could she push my best friend and get away with it , I felt like a horrible friend right now knowing that she pushed my only best friend and got away with it.

I was at the verge of crying and also angry because if Samantha continued with her childish behaviour Alexis might get fed up and decide to stop being friends with me.

I laid on my bed as I cried my eyes out I did not want to lose Alexis she is the only true friend who wants me for me and not for my brother.

There is only one way to do that but I do not want my brother to be heart  broken as he was when his friendship was broken with his other best friend Dylan.

I really did not know the reason why they separated but Kelvin choice was that he would stick with my brother.

I did not want to lose my best friend the way he did so today I am going to give him a piece of my mind.

Alexis pov

When I got home I was really stressed out and all I wanted now was to go to my room and stain my bed with my tears,I was really trying my best not to break down at the cafeteria,so as not to show Samantha that I was weak but I really felt weak in my heart.

I got to my room and soon my sobs filled the room I would not have cried if my mom was at home at this time but knowing she was not at home I decided to pour it all out.

I really did not know what I did to Samantha but from now I am going to make everything possible to ensure I stay away from her.

Maybe the real cause of all this was me coming to NYC, I really loved my friendship with Kayla and I do not want it to be ruined by Samantha.

Kayla pov

Aaron finally came home and I really needed to give him a piece of my mind.

I barged into his room and told him we needed to talk, "Aaron we need to talk" "Not now Kayla I am not ready for any of your arguments right now"

"Hmm,really Aaron you are not ready for my argument but I guess your 'girlfriend' is ready for a fight!".

" Kayla why is all our arguments always about Samantha what has she done to you to receive such treatment,huh?

"Oh really did she tell you what she did today Aaron huh?

" Look Kayla if this argument is really about Samantha I don't want to hear it"

"Why would you not want to hear it huh,Aaron?,whenever I am.about to say something about Samantha you always defend her without knowing what she did!"

I was already crying at this point because it was so annoying to know that your own brother,does not want to hear a thing from you about his girlfriend.

"Look Kayla I am really sorry if I am hurting you but I just don't want to..."

"Want to what huh,you don't want to know what you girlfriend did, but anyways if you want to hear it or not I am still going to say it, your 'girlfriend' pushed my best friend at the cafeteria today and made fun of her, Alexis was so intimidated and still did not try to hurt her, but I was ready to tear Samantha into pieces and make sure to make fool out of her, so next time she ever does something like that I won't spare her!"

I gave Aaron a piece of my mind and to think of it the expression on his face was looking kinda shocked but he did not want me to see that.

Samantha was really getting on my nerves so I had to tell Aaron so he makes sure to tell to stay away from me and Alexis. I have never had a serious problem with Aaron before we argue a lot but for stupid reasons and still become friends later but Samantha is sure going to create a riff between us.

Alexis pov

Today is a Saturday and so no school for today I was   planning on spending the whole day in the library but my crazy friend Kayla wants us to spend .the day in the park and.with Catherine too.

Cathy recently because me and Kayla friend but the bond between me and Kayla is quite stronger.

I tried to get every that happened yesterday out of my chest so maybe going to the park with Kayla and Cathy would be a nice idea.

I got ready and soon Cathy and Samantha were right at my door step,I really love this guys they make me the happiest when I am the saddest.

We went in Kayla's car and soon we were at the park Kayla made me try out all of the ride and also the scary roller coaster named 'The Doom' and I see why it was called that because it was really scary.

We all had fun and we also went to the nearest restaurant to go get ice cream.

"Alexis you should have seen your face when you were in that roller coaster"

"Come on Kayla stop teasing me" I said which got Cathy and Kayla laughing non stop.

We took a lot of pictures ate our ice cream and also ordered for pizza, Kayla is really going to get me fat.

It was already getting late and we also had to go home and study before going to drop Cathy home.

We were done with eating and paid for our bills when a guy walked in and mistakenly bumped into Kayla,she was about to react when she looked into his eyes and had a shocked expression on her face.

"D...Dylan? "Kayla"? "What are you doing in NYC" Kayla said and I literally saw a hint of anger in her voice.