
I befriended an arrogant rich guy.

The story revolves around a high school girl who befriends an arrogant guy in her school. Read to find out what challenges she had to encounter after meeting him.

Phina_7777 · Teenager
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12 Chs


"Please introduce yourself to the class" said the teacher. "Hello,I am Kim Min Young" the transfer student introduced with a straight looking cold face with his hands in his pocket. He looked arrogant type of guy to me. He was tall,almost 185cm.He had a brownish hair and his eyes was hazel brown eyes but it looks dangerous. For some reason, he seemed quite familiar, maybe I have seen him somewhere or he might have looked like someone I know.

"Go and sit behind Sana" said the teacher pointing his index finger towards her desk. He obediently went and sat there. The class went on normally and it was math period, the teacher hurriedly came in, took attendance and started to teach the class. He was asking questions to some of us, and I was also one of them. I answered correctly and our teacher was quite satisfied. Since our math teacher was strict and to get a compliment from him was like getting a gold medal.

"Hey, you"

Kim Min Young, responded o the teacher but he was quiet busy in his phone. Why did he even came to class if he didn't came to learn.

"Come and solve this"

He simply replied "I don't know"

"Meet me in the staff room right after this class, anyone here who can solve this" his expression looked as if he was so done with Kim Min Young.

I was out of my mind because I raised my hand. It's not like I wanted to show off my math skills, but maybe it was out of habit. I just went and solved that equation since it was easy for me. The teacher looked satisfied again and said.

"Class, you should all learn from her"

The classroom was filled with whistle and cheers,I kept blushing throughout the whole time.

"Kim Min Young, come with me" said the math teacher and went with him. He got scolded for being disrespectful. I mean, anybody who talks to him,would feel his blood boiling up because it's either he replies with a cold arrogant face or no response from him, there was no way in between for him. Also, he may look handsome but he had this vibe that he was the leader of a delinquent group.

Finally,after a long tiring class, we got a free period. Boys were playing mobile games, shouting and screaming. Meanwhile, girls were gossiping, some were sleeping and the rest I also I don't know where they went to. Sana suggested that she would treat me to a meal in nearby restaurant after the class. For a poor girl like me,I didn't want to spend much on foods, it only seemed like a waste of money to me and I could have refused it too but i only agreed because she didn't want to eat alone, moreover it was her treat.

Sana noticed that there was only one guy who didn't seemed busy and she moved towards him."Kim Min Young, right?Let's be friends" said Sana handing her hand out to him. She did the same gesture she did when she met me for the first time. The only difference was that she was rejected because he didn't responded her. It was like talking to a wall.

"Oh, so you're the cold type of guy" she simply said without any sight of anger or embarrassment.

I thought she would be mad, for ignoring her.

Anyways, after the class, we headed out to the restaurant like we planned. There,we saw him.

"Kim Min young, wow you must like to eat alone" Sana teased him and as usual he didn't even give a damn about her. We thought he came here to eat, but he was just sitting there using his phone. His table was just in front of ours, and I could see what he was doing. I mean, I didn't mean to stare at him or whatsoever, but I just did out of curiosity because he had an appearance or this feeling that I have seen him somewhere.

"Where are you looking sweetie" asked Sana with a teased face.She already knew where I was looking. "Nothing" I blurted. She gave me teased look again and said,"ah,you're just staring at your prince charming"I just gave her a blank expression. Thirty minutes later, we bid goodbyes to each other and headed our own way. I took a bus and she was picked up by her chauffeur. It must be cool to have your own chauffeur.

I always reach my home before seven but today I had to reach a bit late. It takes me ten minutes walk from the bus station from my home and I admit, I was a bit scared as it was already seven-thirty. For some reason, I felt like somebody was watching or following me, I looked back and saw there was no one. I walked faster and thank to God,I reached my home safely. But I opened the door, went inside and then I turned on the light.I was shocked.

"What the hell happened?!"