
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 3-My childhood 2(Fixed)

Here with another modification of the story, I hope you like it.


Life goes on and everything keeps moving forward. Satoru, a 3-year-old boy with the mentality of an adult, is now in a child's body. But that's not all; he also has the six eyes belonging to the Gojo clan. These eyes can see everything at an atomic level, control any type of energy to the point of having zero level fatigue, and provide a great enhancement to the bearer, allowing them to be stronger than anyone else.

Now that Satoru has the six eyes, but being only 3 years old, his body gets tired a little faster for the moment because he hasn't yet accustomed himself to the power these eyes hold. However, as someone once said, "with time, you get used to it," and they're absolutely right. Satoru has already gotten used to using the six eyes and knows how to utilize their abilities.

After contemplating this new power, Satoru decided to continue with his normal life for the time being, as he couldn't do much due to his body's limitations. However, he engages in light exercise and controls his magical power a bit, which he discovered instantly. Yet, he also discovered an energy that is very dark and violent - cursed energy.

Satoru classified cursed energy as negative, dark, and violent, while mana is positive energy, albeit more tranquil and bright. These are two types of energies that clash with each other. For now, he decided to leave these two energies alone because he doesn't want to manipulate them or even touch them, as it could lead to consequences for his body. So, he'll wait until he's a bit older before experimenting with these energies.

He continued his normal life filled with joy, fun, and peace. Time flies, and now he has reached the age of 6. He's now a slightly taller-than-average child of his age, a bit stronger due to his daily exercise routine, although it's light for a child. But with daily practice, the results of this exercise show.

Moreover, he now understands a bit of the power he possesses, but he hasn't delved into that area yet. For now, he continues to train his body to withstand this power. So, he decides to go train in the yard of his house. However, before he could leave the house, he feels something pulling his shirt. Satoru already knows who it is, thanks to his six eyes, and also because there's only one person who would pull his shirt like that.

Satoru turns to his left and sees a very cute and small girl holding a lovely teddy bear. She is Satoru's sister, named Celena. Satoru squats down and gives her a warm smile before picking up his sister and heading out to the yard to play a bit before continuing his training.

"Well, Celena, how about we play for a bit and then I'll go train?"


Celena is more than happy to play with her brother. She knows that her brother is a bit stronger and smarter than other kids his age, as well as being trustworthy and handsome. But what she loves the most are his beautiful eyes, like miniature skies. Although sometimes she feels sad because she doesn't get to see those beautiful eyes when her brother wears very dark glasses he had made because he says his eyes get tired.

Satoru and Celena are in the yard spending quality sibling time together. Satoru is overjoyed to have his family back, even though his old brother isn't there anymore, he now has a beautiful little sister to take care of. Satoru promises to protect his sister no matter what happens. He still remembers the day his sister was born.

Days went by like any other day. Satoru spent time with his family, played, went out for walks, and also practiced using both energies simultaneously, as well as focusing on using one at a time for the time being.

But one day, while Satoru was playing with mana, he felt a tiny amount of mana, almost as small as an ant. This kind of mana came from his mother. At first, he found it curious, but then he didn't pay much attention to it.

Days, weeks, and months passed, but that tiny amount of mana, like an ant, began to grow little by little. At first, Satoru was worried because his mother might be in danger, but then he realized it wasn't anything bad; rather, it was good news. It meant his mother was pregnant.

Satoru wanted to ask his mother if he would have a brother or a sister, but he decided to wait until his parents went to the doctor. After their visit with the doctor, they found out they would have a new member in the family. Everyone was happy, and Satoru was excited to have a brother or sister.

The wait seemed eternal, and it took 7 months to reach the special day when the new family member would be born. At the hospital, the father and Satoru were outside the operating room, waiting for his wife/mother to give birth. Both were anxious and nervous at the same time, and the wait felt endless.

Although Satoru could somewhat know how the surgery was going, he decided not to peek and to wait, making it more exciting. Hours passed, and soon they heard a cry. A nurse came out and gave Satoru and his father the good news that they could come in.

They both entered at the same time and saw his wife/mother in bed, sweating and looking tired, but the most important thing was that she had a baby in her arms. They approached her, and they could see it was a girl, but not just any girl, a very beautiful one.

The father smiled with joy and kissed his wife's forehead for giving birth to a beautiful daughter, while Satoru was looking at his sister with his beautiful eyes. The baby felt someone watching her and opened her eyes slightly to see who it was, but when she met Satoru's eyes, she opened them fully and smiled a little before falling asleep.

Satoru saw how his sister reacted when she saw him and smiled at that, but what he was actually seeing was the magical power she had. Although it was little and somewhat sealed, he could see that his sister had their mother's power, which was water magic.

Previously, Satoru decided to ask his parents what kind of magic is usually inherited in the family. His mother told him that in her family, it's mostly water or ice magic, while his father said it's earth and fire power, although most males have earth power. But he also told him an ancient story from their family.

It's said that a child was born different from all others; he had beautiful eyes and a somewhat strong magical power. Many asked him what he was, but he simply said, "Although infinity is present everywhere, my magical power brings it to reality." Many thought he was crazy, but soon they realized he had spatial magical power, although he called it something else.

Satoru was surprised when he heard the story because if he's not mistaken, that person would have had the six eyes and infinity, which means it could be space magic, albeit with some modifications. But Satoru wonders if it's because he was born in this world that there were changes in the story or if they're just things added to this world to balance things out.

He pondered on that for a good while but then decided to let it go because he couldn't find anything new. Returning to his sister's birth, Satoru decided to protect his dear sister as best he could. Although he knows that bad things might happen in the future, he decides to help her grow stronger. But he has to understand how to use Satoru's techniques and his magical power.

"It's a good thing I was an engineer in my past life, and math was my thing. I think I can figure out a bit of how to use infinity."

With Celena's birth, the family became happier. Everyone continued with their lives, but Satoru began to practice to become stronger because his body can now better withstand the power he possesses, and thus begins his training.


(Author: Corrections will come slowly, just like the chapters.)




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