
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 20-Let's finish this

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.





Please give me good reviews so I know how many stars my story will get, if not, then why do I continue it?


*Previous chapter*

Satoru did not waste time and appeared in front of him, he grabbed his head and smashed it against the wall several times, then he threw him in the air and shot him with red, the person hit the ceiling and fell to the floor, he was barely moving because of his wounds, he tried to take a book from his back, but he did not feel it, he moved his head a little to where Satoru was and saw his grimoire in his left hand while his right hand was pointing at him but this time there was a purple light-"Goodbye cheap copy" and he shot, Satoru looked at the grimoire and saw how it started to disintegrate, then he saw the body of the person, which was on the floor and only the legs, part of the left arm and a hole in the upper part of the waist, Satoru only put the blindfold on his eyes while walking and reached a pillar, to give him a strong blow full of anger, to then walk towards the door that was at the end of the room to leave this place.


After eliminating the cheap copy of Toji, Satoru continued his way out of the room where he almost died again, and continued walking, he ran into several new paths and rooms, he went through each room encountering enemies, plants that wanted to kill him, traps everywhere, Satoru did not give much importance and continued walking besides killing anyone who hurt him, it took quite some time to reach the end of the dungeon, but finally he reached the last room, this had great concentration of energy, Satoru opens the door and enters as if nothing had happened.

Upon entering the room, he sees some old and broken shelves, in addition to several battered books, you could see several boxes of broken wood, but what is most striking is a table at the back of the room but there is a person standing in front of the table as if he was watching something, Satoru tilted his head a little curious about what was on the table, then turns his head to see the whole room, then returns to see the person in front of him and lowers his blindfold.

"Satoru Gojo, special grade sorcerer, magic knight, vice-captain of the black bulls, strongest sorcerer, heir of the unlimited technique, son of the Gojo Clan" the strange guy spoke while turning his back to Satoru and making some movements with his hands.

"Yes I know I'm great, thank you for saying all my titles, but who are you and how do you know all these titles, especially the special grade, my technique and about the clan" Satoru looks at the person while furrowing his eyebrows a bit and also looking at him with some anger and intrigue about how he knows these things-"You better tell me everything because I'm still angry and I want to vent a little".

"So strong since he was little, the one who broke the balance in the world, tilting the balance towards humanity, he won, lost, lost again and won again, now he is in this world and the balance is unbalanced, the future changed and he is angry, but he is fixing this mistake" the strange person ignored Satoru while looking at the wall and spread his hands out

Satoru was fed up so he walked towards the strange guy-"If you don't answer me I'll kill you at once" he continued walking until he was a few meters away from him.

"Several attempts have been made and nothing changes, you always interrupt at critical moments and he has to restart, the six eyes that which sees everything, a nuisance for the plans, but now everything is fine here you stay and you will die for the sake of the future, hahaha". Satoru looked at this person with a strange face because of how he was delirious and laughing like crazy, then he turns around and sees Satoru.

When the person turned around he could see a black robe, with several broken parts, black boots and gray pants, but his face was full of scars and was quite burned, you could not recognize it, but also had a gray face and some strands of brown hair-"Que asco amigo te ves bien feo sin ofender" Satoru saw his face with disgust, he was really ugly.

The strange guy was looking at the ceiling with a satisfied smile, then he looked at Satoru with the same smile he had, while Satoru was looking at him with disgust, his hands began to glow in a purple tone, Satoru was still looking at him with disgust, Satoru turned around and saw several lightning bolts stopped around him-"You really don't understand this, do you?" Satoru was tired and angry, he stirs his hair a little while he looks at the ceiling, sighs and looks at the stranger again, Satoru decides to end this once and for all.

The stranger takes out his grimoire, it starts to glow and several stones, boxes, books and shelves that were in the room begin to float and shoot towards Satoru, each thing when it reached him either stopped in the air or collided with an invisible wall, Satoru stared seriously at the strange guy, but this person started to smile a lot and he started to throw himself towards him while forming a sword in his hand, he started to give several slashes with the sword, but Satoru just started to dodge them, he can stop the attacks but he wants to see what this person can do.

After dodging several cuts of the sword, Satoru grabs his right hand and gives him a strong blow in his stomach with his right hand, then with his right hand he grabs the neck of his robe and with his left hand he gives him a blow in his face and then he jumps, turns in the air and gives him a kick with his left leg sending him flying to his right, the guy hits the ground and rolls a little, he gets up and with the sword in his hand he points at Satoru and several rays come out.

Satoru runs towards him and disappears, the guy saw how the rays approached him but a curtain of dust rose, he was sure that the rays either stopped or were destroyed, but then he felt a fist under his chin which sent him towards the ceiling, Satoru had teleported underneath him to give him the blow, the stranger did not see it coming and could not react in time, he was in the air, he lowered his head to see where Satoru was but he was in front of him, he grabbed the collar of his robe and sent him to the floor, he hit the ground and because of the strong blow he bounced a little, Satoru did not waste the situation and teleported to where he was to give him a strong blow in the stomach causing him to hit the floor again.

The strange person spit saliva and blood by the strong blows of Satoru, he was on the floor and saw how Satoru was going to attack him again, so he makes everything around him start flying towards him, Satoru saw all this and activated again the infinite destroying everything that was coming towards him but he also saw how he was making a wall of things, the strange person was trying to get some time, so he turns around ready to cast his spell to defeat Satoru, but he saw how he was in front of him, Satoru began to release several consecutive blows, hitting him in the chest and face, the stranger could not react and received all the blows, in each blow he received blood came out of his mouth, nose and eyes, each blow was reinforced with his magical power, making the blow stronger.

After several consecutive blows he gives him a strong kick sending him to crash into a wall, the stranger crashed into the wall and created a big crack behind him, he lifts his head a little and manages to move his body, Satoru rushed towards him to give him another blow, but the stranger manages to dodge barely and where he was before there is now a big hole and the wall was destroyed, Satoru gets up and looks at the stranger who was pretty hurt, you could see his clothes all torn and several stains of his blood, Satoru goes straight to kill him but he stops and takes a step back and sees the same chains of the cheap copy of Toji- "Tch those chains are annoying".

While Satoru was watching the chains, the strange guy took his chance and his grimoire began to glow brightly while he turned several pages until he stopped at one, he stood up with difficulty and with his left hand he closed his fist, while with his right hand he raised his index, middle and ring finger, while the thumb was on his closed hand and the little finger was down and then said a few words-[Magical creation: Magical territorial extension]-Speaking only these words, the room went dark, Satoru felt a change in the environment and raised his head to see how the room became dark, he knew what was happening, he lowers his head to see the strange subject which was standing and had some signs in his hands, when he saw that he realized what was happening-"Extension of domain" he said it in a low tone for himself.

Satoru saw the whole dark room, but he saw how the floor was divided in four parts, the first one started to come out a lot of water, the second one started to crack and to come out a lot of dust, the third one started to freeze and you could see several ice peaks, the last one started to come out a lot of fire that could burn everything, Satoru was in the middle and the strange guy was between the fire and ice.

"Behold the power he gave me, to balance the scales so you do not impede his plans" he said in a tone with a lot of emotion for this spell, but his body could not stand it, blood began to come out of his nose and eyes, he was crying blood, Satoru stood still and looked at everything next to him, the strange guy started to give his villain monologue, but Satoru only stayed looking at the domain because he was curious, after a few minutes Satoru came back to reality because some ice crystals, stone spikes, water bubbles and fire arrows were around him.

"You may stop everything but you can stop everything combined" The guy was laughing and excited but his face that was already ugly, now it is uglier because of the large amount on his face you could see how he was breathing heavily, the four zones of the domain began to move and could behind the madman, and then begin to gather into one, Then he raised his right hand and an arrow combined with fire, water, earth and ice was formed, it was quite large and had great concentration of mana-"Everything has a limit and this will be what makes you reach your limit, something to say Satoru Gojo" the strange guy was already crazier than anything, he did not care about his life, as long as he could complete his mission and kill Satoru.

"Since you give me the honor to say my last words, if I have some, I hope you have a pencil and paper at your hand to listen to them" Satoru let out a small laugh as he raises his right hand and crosses his middle finger with his index finger, when the strange person saw this, his eyes widened in surprise as he trembled a little-"I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU, I WILL FULFILL MY MISSION" he says it an annoyed and desperate tone, he prepares to launch the huge arrows of his, but before he could say anything, some words rang throughout the room

"Domain Extension: Infinite Void."

With just these words, everything turned black and several lines of red, purple, blue began to come out, plus you could see as if you were advancing at an extremely fast speed, the strange guy stayed in the position where he prepared to launch the arrow, he stood still, did not speak or blink, the feeling that you were advancing fast suddenly disappeared, and you could see a dark space with several stars, galaxies, but you could see an eye, rather a black hole, the strange guy did not move at all, he was just still looking into the void-'I see nothing, I feel nothing'-he had several thoughts but could not think clearly, but then he felt a hand on his head.

"You are inside the infinite, you are forced to perform the essential to live an infinity of times, when you are granted everything, you are not able to do anything, I have to thank you, because when you used your domain you helped me to see how to do mine correctly, of course it is not yet complete, but for the moment it serves, hehehe, who would say that my enemy would help me, but well goodbye" Satoru lets out a smile, while he squeezes his hand and begins to pull the head, little by little, he pulls the head of the strange guy and a stream of blood comes out of his body, his body falls to the floor, while he has his hand, then Satoru's domain begins to break and disappears, we return to the previous domain that the same thing happens, it begins to break and disappears, we return to the room where he was fighting, rather beating up.

Satoru sees the body now dead without head and looks as the grimoire begins to disappear indicating that if it is dead, he sees the head in his hand and throws it to the side without giving importance, he approaches the table to see what he has but he only sees a table where it has the shape of a book-"I fought to put a book, if you want me to put my grimoire, no thanks, there you go" Satoru turns around ready to leave, but as if the world didn't hear him if grimoire came out of his bag and flew to the table-"Really" Satoru turns around and sees his grimoire on the table, so he stops in front of the table to see what's happening.



1 second


15 seconds


2 minute


12 minute


38 minute



"AAAhhh I've been here for almost 50 minutes nothing has happened" Satoru was furious for making him wait for so long-"You know if you're not going to give me anything then I'm leaving" Satoru raises his hand to grab his grimoire, but when he was about to grab it it starts to glow-"This is the last straw, Waiting until the moment to grab my grimoire" he says while he covers his eyes because of the glow, it lasted a few seconds and the glow started to go down, Satoru opens his eyes little by little, then he turns to see his grimoire but he saw that it had several changes.

His grimoire was now pure white, it had yellow and light blue details, besides having the infinity symbol on the spine of the book, but what surprised him the most was not seeing the 4-leaf clover-"One minute this form has the 4-leaf clover, but also the heart, diamond and pike, but that ?????". Satoru was confused his brain stopped working, to see all the symbols of the other kingdom was something that never happened-"Oh is it that I am the chosen one in the world or the world can't handle my power" Satoru had many questions to answer, but it was not the exact moment to do it, the room where he was began to warm up and the ceiling began to fall down.

Satoru saw how the room began to be destroyed, but then he hears a sound to his right and sees the same portal where he entered, he saw it for a few moments and then returned the view to the room, as if he was thinking about something, then he looks back to the portal and jumps over it, crosses the door and falls into a cave, he looks all around and realizes that it was the cave where he entered, then he walks towards the exit, but when he goes out he is received by a ray of light directly to his eyes, causing him to cover it with his right hand, he turns around and puts his blindfold on his eyes, then he turns around and leaves the cave.

He comes out of the cave and sees all the beautiful scenery, then turns around to look at the cave and sees that there is no longer a cave but a stone wall, he looks at it for a moment, and then gives a strong blow and destroying it, leaving a big hole in the wall-"Apparently the dungeon is no longer there and that energy is not there either, tch now there are more questions, why did they call me, what was that voice and why the hell did they modify my grimoire without permission urghhh" Satoru only sighs and then looks at the sky and lower his gaze back to the big hole he made-"What else, I'll investigate later" and starts walking away.

He walked for a while while he had his hands in his pants pockets and looked around him, the trees, animals, the sound of the wind, he could teleport to get home but he wanted to relax a little, he walked for a while and came to a mountain where he could see his house in the distance, There he saw his mother hanging the clothes and his sister talking to his mother, then he sees how his father is leaving the house with some wooden things, Satoru smiles to see this family scene, then he turns around and takes a few small steps and then disappears.

Moment later Satoru appears at the top of a tree, but now he was at the base of the black bulls, he saw the building all strange and old, he also saw Henry lying on the bed, he saw Yami who was with the newspaper but he looked up to see him, but he only released a puff of air from his cigarette and continued reading his newspaper, but then he sees Vanessa who was under a tree and seeing the bracelet that he gave her before leaving, when he saw Vanessa looking at the bracelet and releasing a beautiful smile.

Satoru felt a great feeling to run out and hug her, but he restrained himself and just stared at her for a while, he let out a beautiful smile to Vanessa, then he looked at the sky and turned around to observe the landscape of the forest-"Ah, I think it will take me more time, besides solving several things" he says while looking at his grimoire in his left hand, then he turns around and sees Vanessa who was still with the bracelet-"I'll be back Vanessa, just wait a little bit and I'll be with you" he says in a sad tone, he looks at Vanessa and disappears from the place.

This Vanessa who was watching the bracelet that Satoru gave her, feels the sensation that someone is watching her, but not with bad intentions if not the opposite, this sensation was as if someone wanted to protect her, she looks up and sees a tree, this tree was the same where Satoru was a moment ago, she stares at him for a while and then returns with her bracelet and smiles, then she gets up and walks towards the base of the black bulls.


<Author: 2 finally I managed to finish the chapter, thought it would take me longer but my homework, well guys here is news until first volume, will some time exams : c, also write next chapters of volume and tell you, continue writing this story last arc manga, course when reach end may make a pause see or maybe invent myself, that's in future for moment be all, support soon bring you more :p>