
Lina Desire & Wish

As Lina opened her eyes, she couldnsee red orbs staring into her crimson orb. Then, she remembered what happened the night before, along with all the soreness that will come with it.

 She blushed as hard as she could, trying to look away from the demon who just laugh like the jerk he is. He just pulled her towards him, causing her to pout cutely at him.

 "How adorable," he said before giving a kiss at the top of her head.

 "Hmmph," Lina pouted harder, slightly moaning though from the way one of his finger graze her nipples.

 "So, I manage to learn something about you," the Archdemon said, making Lina looked at him in surprise.

 "Something about me?" she parroted.

 "Yes, something you don't even know about yourself," he continued, purposely delaying saying anything. 

 "What it is? Don't leave me in the dark!" she yelled, before putting her hands on her mouth, shocked by how demanding she could be.