
I Became The Main Villain In My Reincarnated World

Hando was an ordinary kid. He had both his parents and a comfortable living. He lived his life full of wealth and kindness. He always had manners for anyone and was taught to be thankful for everything he got. HE HATED IT! He hated being confined to standards from his parents and civilization itself, he wanted the freedom to do what he wanted, but in his world. He was ordinary, the only reason people would listen to him was due to his wealth. No one ordinary would be allowed to live freely without prosecutions. Luckily for him. He got his wish. When crossing the street to go to his ordinary job in the middle of New York City, he was hit and killed by a taxi driver not paying attention. He awoke in an unfamiliar place full of magic and unstoppable power, all guided by two kingdoms. Feeling this new power within him. He decided he would live freely and make the world he wanted.

BeLikeMunch · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 16-Preperation Are To Be Made

The surrounding troops all gasped in reaction to the words they just heard. Their king ordered it, meaning the previous king had been killed in combat. A man they thought was unbeatable...The decedent of the great Yuka Takatori.

" Screw you asshole!" 

The general spoke with a sharp tongue. His voice matched that of a seasoned commander and from the reaction of his troops. He was someone they trusted and cared about.

" My army was loyal to Ichi...You....You are simply a piece of trash who has confused himself with royalty."

" Oh," Tsuckos face turned sour. " Then how about this." With the flick of his finger, a thread of mana wire was sent at the general wrapping around his neck and squeezing just before the point of it cutting off his neck. Causing blood to begin running around the wire.

" I'm sure you still value your life."

The eyes surrounding them grew concerned. Some of the troops tightened their grip on their swords as if about to charge, but they knew it would only lead to a quicker death for all of them.

Tsucko was still standing around 9-10 feet away with Kalci at his side. His word was still in his hand dripping blood from the dozen soldiers lying on the ground. Tsucko needed to convince this man to help him. Not because he didn't want to kill him...It would simply make things much easier.

" Go ahead kill me...They don't need me to lead them. There are plenty of capable soldiers in the ranks who can take my place."

" Hm...I see, but you seem to be misunderstanding what I'm doing here." Tsucko took his free hand and generated a yellow ball the size of a basketball and pointed it at the troops. " You seem to care about your men...If you don't compile I'll blast them, and if there are any survivors I'll use this wire and carefully pick them apart making sure they feel every ounce of pain."

The surrounding area was filled with fearful inhales of air and fearful wide eyes as some of them dropped their swords in preparation to run.

" TCH! You Bastard!!"

All of the surrounding troops grew fearful and backed up a few steps with the basic attack magic still pointed at them. Being magic users Tsucko knew they could use defensive magic, so he pored enough mana in to easily overpower any of them.

Seeing the current state of his men and their dire situation in general. He de-summoned his great sword and dropped to both knees on the ground with blood still seeping from his wound.

" Why do you need me? Need us?"

Tsucko retracted his mana wire and closed the hand of the basic attack magic. he looked to Kalci and with his eyes told him to de-summon his blade as well. He complied. Kacli's cloak was covered in blood from the dozens of slain troops including the ones before he made it to the cathedral...Kalci though wasn't hit once showing off his superiority to the rest of them.

Tsucko and Kalci both took a couple steps closer to the General getting to around 5 feet away. Examining the surrounding soldiers he saw that some of them had already de-summoned their weapons...but some were a bit more stubborn.

[" I'll handle them another time.] I need you to lead these troops since they trust you...I don't exactly have those types of leadership skills and neither does my partner here."

" Uh?"

" I also need them to follow me. I don't want to spend an absurd amount of time forming a whole new army."

With his current planes, Tsucko couldn't take that much time. Plus since they had that battle with Hebi, one of the 8 Deadly Swordman, there was a chance they could attack once they got the news...A military also makes it easier to control rebellion.

[" I believe in absolute freedom, but I can't have rebellion slowing me down...The only punishments of this new kingdom will be decided by the ones who stop criminals, not by a court system or anything like that."]

Knowing the kingdom isn't that strong, Tsucko figures there won't be any massive obstacles in terms of rebellion meaning he can leave that to the military...but if one turns up he will handle it himself. As the only ones able to bring justice are the ones strong enough to do so.

" All of you," Tsucko raised his voice and looked at his brand new army. " You don't have to like me but do remember....I am currently the strongest in the entire kingdom. If you disobey my orders or try and assassinate me and I beat you or catch you...Know that I have many casts that would be much more painful than forcing yourself to follow me."


Behind Tsucko and Kalci the cathedral front wall collapsed spuing dust into the air. All of the men covered their eyes and mouths except for Tsucko and Kalic who stayed facing forward. the bright red eyes of Kalci seemed to shine through the darkness that swallowed them, and Tsucko's blue eyes were misleading them into thinking they would be fine.

" My first order to you all." His voice was louder and commanding, but not reassuring like a true king, but frightening like a tyrant. " Prepare for war."


The next day in the emerald kingdom.

A sliver-haired hair silver-eyed boy sat on a peir looking at a massive lake letting his long hair blow in the warm wind. His hair was in a bun with a strand caressing the side of his face down his chin.

"Hey, Zack!"

Turning his head he saw the identical silver hair and silver eyes, only this boy's hair was shorter and more spikey. They were both wearing casual outfits, short-sleeved black shirts with brown sweatpants.

" What, Brandon?"

" You enjoying the view?"

Brandon walked up next to Zack and rested his arms on the same railing Zack was. The water was calm and the sky was a clear blue that reflected in the water. Behind them stood the towering city of Armonguild. The capital city of the Emerald Kingdom.

" You seem to be enjoying it."

" Well were twins. We enjoy the same things don't we?"

" Not sure that's how it works." They looked at each other for a moment before breaking into a short laugh. " Anyway, what did you want?"

" I just wanted to see if you were down to train or not."

"Again...We've been at it contently since-"

" Hey! Guys!"

" Huh?"

They both turned their head to find a short red-haired girl jogging toward them with a concerned look on her face. She was in an all-red outfit with a red sleeveless shirt and red skirt.

" What is it, Reha?" She reached them and Brandon had to look down to speak due to the height difference. Her bright green eyes reflected Brandon's brown eyes as their eyes found each other.

" Did you see the Kingdom of Aces fall!"

" What!?" Zacks's eyes widened along with Brandon's.

" Some really powerful people stormed into the capital city, killing the king and taking the whole kingdom for their own."

" How many people are we talking?" Brandon figured it would have to be at least a small army.

" Only two..."

They all fell silent as the words left her lips...They all knew the Kingdom of Aces wasn't as strong as theirs, but to fall to only two people should have been impossible...Unless those two were on a whole different level than anyone else there.

" The generals are talking about war." Reha continued.

"That's why the wall was built by the border." Zack turned around seemingly thinking about something.

" So it's true then...They believe war is coming."

Brandon now two turned around and gazed into the water. A gust of warm wind blew against his face as he took a big breath of air.

" Brandon...Do you think we'll be okay."

" Ha!" He turned around with a wide smile on his face. " You know how you're talking two right."

Zack visibly sighed before also turning around to face her. The city was busy with hose carriages and civilians walking about...Armed guards could also be seen patrolling the streets, a fully functional society...That's what they are to protect.

"You are looking at the physical reincarnations of the legendary Takotori brothers!"