
I became the Devil's bodyguard

Maya Donovan finds herself in a compromising position. She doesn't remember who she is and where she came from. The doctors resurrected her , she was dead for exactly five minutes. It is a miracle that she survived. She had come from the Death's door, but she returned with someone. An entity which could make disasters appearing from left and right. The dark entity wants to go back to where it belongs and Maya couldn't agree more. There's only one problem. She had to find the Devil of this world . The Devil will help her only for a cost. She has to become his bodyguard. All she could think is "What kind of nonsense is this?"

Shinyee · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was a nose.

A big fat nose right in front my face.

Even though I got scared I couldn't scream nor punch that annoying nose out of my face.

My body had no strength. What the hell was going on?

" Oh I see you are awake.. welcome back .."

The nose finally got out of my face and a man came into my view. He was at least fifty years old, looking at the state of his white hairs maybe more his age was more than that. The white coat he wore on gave the impression he's either a doctor or some crazy scientist experimenting on me. I hoped it was the former one.

" You're my miracle" the doctor said.

Well there's a high chance he's the latter one.

A few days after that encounter with the doctor, my health improved day by day. All thanks to the crazy doctor. After listening to him for one hour that day, I understood certain things.

One I was in the hospital and was dead.

Two the crazy doctor resurrected me after being dead for exactly two hours.. which was indeed a miracle. I should've been dead.

And the third was that.... I couldn't remember who was I !

Looking at the face in front of the mirror, it somehow felt foreign.

Did I look like that?

Straight raven coloured hair , sharp nose, big round brown eyes ... I looked normal.

My skin looked sick. Pasty white coloured that could be easily bruised. I resembled more of a vampire than a human.

Wait ... Were I a vampire?

I searched every corner of my mouth looking for the sharp incisors, but I was indeed a normal human being.

Alas.. I didn't even remember my name but was wishing for being a vampire.

" You're batshit crazy Jane Doe "


The voice startled me. I looked around to see who it was.



I couldn't help myself counter back. But exactly who was speaking and why couldn't I see them.


The crazy voice spoke again and I glanced at the mirror. There was a person staring at me. She was me indeed. But a different me. She has fiery red hair, cold black eyes and don't start with the heavy makeup she was wearing. It was disgustingly weird to see my face in that avatar. But nonetheless she looked more normal, more human than I was..

" Who are you and where you came from ? Are you a ghost?"

" Don't confuse yourself with me girl.. I am no ghost"

She had some ' look I am high up on the horse' attitude.

" Who cares? Well goodbye !"

Really I didn't have time to waste for something out of my imagination. I would have to know about my real identity or else I was doomed.


She sure had a strong voice but I paid no heed and made a beeline to the exit.

But the door closed suddenly. How strong my imagination could be?

" I told you to wait.. I'm neither a ghost nor your imagination.. I am the Zeda"

" ... "

" You know the ZEDA!..."

" Doesn't ring any bell.."

" You humans don't know Zeda?"

" Look the other me on the mirror I don't know any Zeda nor I want to.. leave me alone."

The so called Zeda was somehow devastated. Her eyes welled up with unshed tears and if she cry the smudgy heavy eye makeup would certainly make her a look like a raccoon.

" Then why did you take me?"

" I didn't take you. What bullshit are you spewing?"

" You died .. you remember?"

" No I don't remember but I've heard"

" You don't remember? You don't remember??"

" ... "

" You died and went to Hell. The place where I live. You took me from there. You made me come with you"

" I did? "

" Yes.. you dragged me here with you and now I'm stuck with you."

Whatever she was saying was totally utter nonsense. How could I make a hellish entity come to me.

" I don't believe you.. "

The next thing which happened I wished never had taken place. She flung her right hand to side and..

'BOOM' an explosion...

The poor window on the right side was tattered into pieces but what shocked me the most was that my very own right hand was directed towards the broken window. It was me who did that.

The bloody reflection on the mirror had the audacity to laugh on my misfortune and informed me with a smirk on her face..

" Yea I'm stuck inside you."