
I became Immortal, After being reborn in Another World, to end Slavery

WarriorFalls · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Proloug - The nameless slave

Slavery, the concept of buying, selling, trading and owning another individual while the person being owned is stripped of all their rights.

R@pe, torture and murder being just 3 of the crimes that go unpunished when directed against slaves.

Having no consequences when directing crimes against slaves makes owning slaves the easiest way to fulfill even the darkest desires of the animal we call human.

Most slaves did not choose to be slaves, including the protagonist of this story.


A boy dressed in the dirtiest clothes you could imagine with wounds visible all over his body, wounds that look like they come from the impact of punches, kicks and various heavy objects.

The boy was not older than the age of sixteen.

The boy, that seems to be holding an object, is walking trough a long dark corridor. A corridor that was only leading to one big door. A big double door made out of the same wood as the walls.

He peeked through the keyhole before trying to open the big door because he wanted to make sure that it wasn't locked and that nobody was standing on the other side.

The boy let out a sigh, "H-here we go..." he said before giving the door a push.

He needed to use a lot of strength to open the door. The door wasn't heavy but the strength left in that starving unhealthy body was not enough to push it open easily.

Behind the door was a room with a big double bed. On the bed were multiple people, 1 man and 3 girls, the man looked above 40 while only 1 of the 3 girls looked like she would be above the age of 16. The three girls and the man were all naked, with only the blanket covering them, but that didn't surprise the boy, who could hear the girls from the room that he calls his bedroom.

When you closely look at their bodies it becomes quite obvious that the girls are slaves as well. They had big red eyes due to tears that were shed while they got roughly r@ped, they were also quite pale and slender due to the unhygienic living conditions of the slaves.

The man who was sexually engaging with the girls was their master, he often calls for these girls due to the fact that he has no wife who would please him at night.

After quietly checking that the man and the girls are asleep he grabbed the object he was carrying with both of his thin hands.

The boy had only one thing to do now.

He stepped closer to the bed and lifts his hands quietly above the body of his master, the man he despised from the deptht of his soul, the man who willingly took the live of his family, the man who tortured him every day only for his own sick pleasure.

The boy's hands shot down and the sharp metallic object slowly entered the throat of his master.

His body twitched but it instantly stopped as his candle of life was violently blown out by his own possession, his slave.

The boy used all of his strength to stick the knife into his master and got very sleepy after that. He felt like he couldn't move his body anymore, he felt like he would fall asleep for a very long time.

"I can die happily now..." was the last thing the boy said.

His eyes slowly closed and darkness enveloped his vision, he felt like he can finally sleep peacefully.


"You did it boy, congrats." that was the last thing the boy heard before his mind slipped away into the infinite abyss.

The next thing he saw was a painly bright light, a light so white he couldn't open his eyes.

"W-Where am I? Did I land in prison?"

"No my child. You are in heaven."


The boy started laughing

"Haha hahaha. H-heaven doesn't exist. Don't bullshit me please, I-i can't stop laughing."

"Open your eyes if you do not believe me."

"No, there's no need to. If heaven would exist I wouldn't be a slave because if something like the one and only God exists he wouldn't let someone have a life that painfully. Besides its to bright I can't open my eyes."

"Hmm okay then, if you don't want to belive me then I have no choice. Open your eyes please."

The boy did as he was told only to see a boy a grave in front of him.

"Wh-What's that?"

"A grave obviously."

"From whom is this grave?"

"It's the grave of your master, the person you killed."

"When did I get here? I don't remember walking here."

"I teleported us here."

"You what?"

"Teleported us, but that doesn't matter now. I have something important to tell you."

"No. What do you mean telep-"

"It doesn't matter, now listen to me. I need you to help me out"

"Help you out but how? Aren't you God or something why would you need help from me?"

"It's because I am god that I need your help.

I tried it with several other persons now, but never with someone from a different world."

"Different world? What do you mean?"

"I said it doesn't matter, just listen to me!

I need you to end slavery in the other world I will send you to."

"No, that's impossible. It would take longer than my entire life."

"That's why I will grant you the curse of being immortal, now go. I will explain more later"