
I became a Male Lead in a Romance Fantasy Novel

Lucia was a charming character. She was beautiful, elegant, seductive, and noble. In another word, she was perfect. Except for one thing, her role as a villainess. Infatuated with the male lead, she tried by every means to possess him. I never understand why she is so obsessed with him until I saw the glimpse of myself in the mirror as the male lead character. Well, since I'm in the novel now, shouldn't I meet my favourite character? Note: - This is a romance novel, slow burning yet at the same time fast paced. - Please understand any mistakes and hope you give your support. Thankyou :)

littleheaven · Fantasie
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26 Chs


'The guild member that Lucia attached to me doesn't seem to be around.'

Owen narrowed his eyes, as if following the figure chasing him with his ears. Although he couldn't see the person, but that person's presence was vividly felt. Having the body of a skilled sword master, Owen had a keen sense that couldn't be missed.

Owen know that Lucia had previously attached guild members to investigate him, but somehow this person had a different vibe.

"Hm, Your Grace? Is there something bothering you?"

As Owen abruptly stopped, the coachman spoke with a puzzled tone.

Hearing that, Owen shifted his gaze from the suspicious figure to the coachman.

"No, nothing."

Owen then casually lowered his head and calmly got off the carriage.

Although the identity of the presence was unknown, one thing was clear.

There was no sense of threat.

Not only was there no hostility in the air, but even a hint of enmity was absent.

Therefore, he proceeded.

'Hm.... A mercenary hired for investigation?'

That was the most realistic conclusion he could draw for now.

Whether from a noble family or the royal family,

A hired mercenary to dig up information about Owen or the Dukedom of Verdin was not something strange to him.

Although there were few instances of him being directly followed, there were quite a few cases of them secretly infiltrating the mansion for information gathering. Since undercover employment was common, butlers and maids were thorough in scrutinizing and filtering out such individuals.

Nevertheless, it wasn't entirely impossible to assume that he was being followed for information gathering.

'Probably not worth any useful information anyway.'

However, as he thought so, there was another point of concern.

If that person was hired by the royal family or a noble house solely for information gathering, then shouldn't it was more appropriate to dig up for valuable information such as weaknesses of the Duke Verdin or the worth of his current ventures and trades, rather than this trivial information about him strolling in the boutique.

Owen sighed while furrowing his brows.

'I'll find out later.'

The reservation time at the boutique was approaching. And even if he followed the presence later, it wouldn't be too late. Because if they wanted something from him, they would likely stay nearby.

"Welcome, Your Grace the Duke of Verdin."

As Owen entered Stella Boutique, the staff waiting inside bowed respectfully. To which Owen nodded lightly in response and immediately stated his purpose.

"I came to see the new items for this season."

"The new summer season items are over here. We have both women's and men's clothing, which one would Your Grace like to see?"

The staff member smoothly introduced women's clothing. It was easy for them to quickly figure out due to the last hunting competition.

"I came to see women's clothing. I heard there are limited edition items."

"Ah. You're looking for limited edition items."

As the word 'limited edition' came out of Owen's mouth, the staff member smiled kindly. The new season items were originally more expensive than regular items, but they were still less expensive than the limited edition items of the new season.

"This way, Your Grace."

The limited edition line of products released by Stella Boutique for this year's summer season all had a similar vibe.

Based on a sky-blue aquamarine with shades of light blues, they resembled a glittering beach under the sun.

Following the guidance of the staff, Owen walked around and checked out the limited edition products one by one.

"Lucia frequents this boutique."

As Owen carefully examined each product, he raised a sentence.

"Yes, Lady Edelt is a VIP customer at our boutique."

In response to Owen's sentence, the staff member nodded.

Upon hearing this, he continued, "If so, you must know her size well."

Owen's words were as clear as crystal, blatantly showing his intention. 

The staffs who understood his words immediately replied with a bright smile.

"We always remember the size of VIP guests. Shall we send every items as a gift to Lady Edelt?"

As expected, the boutique staff was quick on the uptake, just as rumored.

Owen lightly nodded, taking the pen offered by the staff. He then signed the documents carefully.

"If we start preparing now, the items would arrive at the Edelt's Manor by next week. However, in doing so, Lady Edelt might receive the items on the same day as other customers who purchase this item today..."

The staff trailed off, murmuring unnecessary information. This was clearly a ploy to extract more money from the guest.

Owen was well aware of this. At the same time, he also had no choice but to fall for this trick.

"However, if Your Grace pay an additional fee, you can receive it the fastest. We'll have it ready within three days."

The boutique staff was truly more astute than rumored. In social circles, it was only now that they barely believed rumors, but the staff before him seemed to see through Owen's intentions, as if she knew.

She seemed to know that Lucia was more important to Owen than anything else. That he would do anything for her.

"...All right."


After leaving the boutique, Owen instructed his coachman to halt the carriage.

He sensed the familiar presence that followed him earlier. Since he had been on alert, retracing the steps where he felt the presence was not difficult.

He got off his carriage and stood still for a while. After confirming that someone was following him roughly twenty steps behind, he then turned and headed in that direction.

Whether it was because Owen started to pursue him or not, the person following Owen began to run away, looking startled.

Naturally, he was apprehended shortly thereafter.

Owen was a sword master, and there was no knight superior to him in the whole Empire. Moreover, by using the layout of the streets, Owen deliberately led his pursuer into a dead-end alley, so it was inevitable that the person following him surreptitiously would be exposed.

"What is your purpose?"

The person who emerged in the dead-end alley was indeed a stranger, as expected. It seemed like someone had hired a mercenary to chase him, but the reason was still unclear.

Although it was a common method used to gather information from the royal family or noble houses, but it seemed that the opponent's skills were not particularly outstanding.

At best, he seemed to be a B-grade mercenary. Not of the caliber to be hired by reputable noble families or the royal family.

The mercenary Lucia had hired previously was a member of the S-grade guild, and even the occasional mercenaries from other families who followed him were mostly A-grade.

"I... I can't tell you."

The mercenary, when questioned by Owen, trembled his lips and spoke in a shaky voice. It seemed like he was scared of being exposed.

Seeing his opponent firmly stand on his ground, seemed like he was determined to keep his mouth shut. Owen tilted his head and spoke coldly.

"Are sure that you can't tell me?"

Most silence could be broken with money.

That's why persuading the other party was quite an easy task.

Either by offering more money to reveal the truth, or...

"Even if you know the consequences?"

By threatening.

Among these, Owen chose the latter approach.

He wasn't kind enough to be courteous to those who sought to threaten or manipulate him. Honestly, he didn't understand why he should be so kind to people who were not helpful or cherished by him. There's no need to show kindness in a non-benefitable relationship.

"W-what? Do you think I'd open my mouth just because of a mere threat?"

Despite the threat of punishment, the mercenary somehow maintained his composure.

"Oh? Then I guess you need to pay a higher price than what you called as a mere threat."

A higher price.

Its meaning was clear.


The mercenary gulped nervously, and as if paralyzed by fear, his body began to tremble.

But Owen just gazed down at the frightened mercenary with indifferent eyes. His cold pupils held no particular emotion, as if it didn't matter if he killed him right now.

The mercenary, who had been contemplating, finally spoke.

"At the church."

Perhaps he knew well that even without a sword in hand, Owen could easily kill him. As a Duke of Verdin, he could effortlessly make a commoner's life disappear without a trace.

In truth, in noble or powerful circles, such incidents were not uncommon.

Though illegal by imperial law, even the royal family had secretly engaged in such activities, so it was entirely possible.

"At the church?"

Owen narrowed his eyes at the unexpected response.

The church was an unexpected one.

Was there a reason they were tailing him?

They weren't in a hostile relationship, and any information about Owen shouldn't be of much use to them.

"Yes, yes! Someone who seemed to come from the church approached the mercenary guild for a favor."

In a voice tinged with suspicion, Owen questioned the mercenary's innocence. Though the mercenary's earnest tone and actions hinted at truthfulness, it wasn't an easily believable story.

"Are you certain the person was from the church?"

"Absolutely. They were wearing a white robe, a style unique to the church."

According to the mercenary, an individual from the church had requested an investigation into him. This only deepened Owen's puzzlement.

He didn't know anyone at the temple. Nor did he think anyone there would be interested in him enough to conduct surveillance or harbor ill will.

'In the original, is there someone from church who is particularly interested in me...'

Lost in thought, Owen suddenly paused.

'...except for Bella.'

That's right.

Bella was also a member of the church.

As a saintess, she was probably receiving an education at the main church in the capital by now. So, it wouldn't be difficult for her to ask for mercenary guild.


'Bella is not that kind of person though.'

Different with Lucia, Bella was not the type to use investigative methods when she liked someone or wanted to know more about them.

She was kind, virtuous, and had a strong sense of justice.

Her way of getting to know someone was through conversations and spending time together. Not through secretive investigations.

'Besides, it's not even the right time for Bella to take an interest in 'Owen'.'

Even considering the disruption and acceleration of the original story, it would be much later before Bella became interested in Owen. It was through Owen and Kyle approaching her, talking to her, spending more time together that she gradually became interested. It wasn't a one-sided, sudden development.

As long as Bella hadn't completely changed as a character, that was how it was.

"...I see."

Owen wanted to ask the mercenary more about the client, but it seemed like the mercenary didn't know much either.

Based on the mercenary's explanation, the client must have made an effort to conceal her/his identity by wearing the robe. The hood was pulled down deeply, making it impossible to see the face and appearance. At most, one could only discern the figure, but that information was too vague.

In the church, there were various priests and knights, regardless of gender. Hence, it didn't seem like one could guess their identity just based on gender or physique.

"What did the client want to know?"

It seemed there was nothing more to find out about the identity of the client so Owen decided to inquire about other information instead. As the mercenary hesitated to answer his question, Owen pressed on.

"I wouldn't repeat my question for the second time."

"He... H-he just wanted to know everything about you."


"Yes. Hobbies, preferences, schedules, possessions, places visited, things done there. He said the more detailed, the better."

Owen pondered over the details spilled by the mercenary and found it increasingly difficult to understand who this client was.

The purpose became more obscure.

Even the client's identity.

Just looking at the listed items felt like...


Upon reconsideration, Owen furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Do you not know why do your client want this kind of information?"

"There are things he need to know, and things he want to know... That's what he said."

Things he need to know and things he want to know.

It was all rather vague.

His mind grew more tangled.

Owen sighed, nodding his head.

"I understand for now. You handle the reporting, and I hope you won't be following me around from now on. If you disregard my words and act on your own, I can't guarantee your safety in the future."


Taking in Owen's warning, the mercenary nodded, swallowing hard.

Having heard his response, Owen turned away without hesitation and swiftly left through the alley. And as if nothing had happened, he calmly returned to the carriage and climbed in with a nonchalant expression.

Perhaps due to Owen's unaffected demeanor, the coachman started the carriage without a word.

Sitting quietly on the carriage heading back to the mansion, Owen gazed out the window lost in thought.


Hobbies and preferences.

With those two, the motives of the other party could be narrowed down to: People who aiming for the still vacant position of the Duchess or maybe those kinds of obsessive fans.

Thinking that far, Owen soon shook his head.

"That can't be."

The members at the church didn't seem like they would engage in stalking or having a fan-like behavior. Unless they were other noble families like Lucia who had targeted 'Owen'.

Moreover, since Lucia had started coveting 'Owen' three years ago, all those who had done such audacious things had disappeared. Though there were occasional individuals who tried to approach him, they soon vanished once Lucia intervened.

"What if something happened at the church..."

After much contemplation, Owen concluded that it was the most realistic direction to take. Perhaps there were really a reason for the church to try to uncover his information.

Of course, there were still lingering doubts, but for now, it was the best conclusion.

"I have to find out more."

Thinking that he would have to mobilize the Verdin's special agents, he urged the coachman to rush back to the mansion.