
I became a Katana and a Monster

Currently on Haitus Do you like soul eater? Then this is not for you. Do you like Pokemon? Then this is not for you Why? Because I put the fucking two!!! This is a Soul Eater and Pokemon mixed together with a bit of gore, this is a story of a man who has to get stronger, yeah it's cliche, so I beg you not to read it! This is all about fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, a nonsense synopsis. Are you interested? Then go read it! Burn your eyes to the core then rate this one-star after, Gawdamit!! I don't accept any rating except one-star! If it's not one-star, then it's a troll! Show and Tell? I don't care about that, and for those who wanted to read an immersive plot, this story not for you!! ADVANCE SIXTEEN CHAPTERS: https://www.patreon.com/Puji_maki Warning: -I can't promise you high-quality content since I write two other stories, I can't put all my time here. - You may found some errors here in there but I'm confident that this novel will be readable. -If I don't like the performance of this novel, I will drop this after hundred chaps. -I only accept a one-star rating. -I will update 5× a week. -I will put all of my shit here in this story. - Please leave a shitty review.

pujimaki · Fantasie
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97 Chs

Chapter 71

Capitulo 71

"So what do you think? Am I right about the most part?"

Jeanne probed, touching the utensils that she used to feed Keenan. Keenan glanced down but returned his eyes to her.

"Let's see… Your big brother wants you to return because he needs your strength?"

Keenan decided to change the topic. Jeanne smirked, she could see what Keenan was trying to do. Still, she nodded and decided to let him be. Keenan was hiding something and she did not want to pressure him anymore. 

"I and my brother are not close at all, I'm his 15th younger sister. We only met each other three times before I went to Academy, although it became frequent when I became Class-SSS and especially when I became DemiGod. It's obvious in his expression what he really wants, he wants to manipulate me. He didn't see me as a person but an object. So I decided to leave that Clan. Although I was happy when he killed our father, I commend him for that. "

Jeanne told her story as if it was not hers. She shrugged recalling it. In all honesty, Joseph, her brother was not a bad person. He was just too obsessed with the standing of their Clan. He wanted to maintain their status as one of the strongest. As for their relationship, Jeanne was the 15th sister so it was obvious that they would never be close. Joseph was already 266 years old when Jeanne was born. 

"I'm the only one who became God-Class except him. You know how hard it is to become a God-Class. I'm confident in my talent, I've reached this status within just a hundred years. Of course, another factor was my partner(Arma) but it didn't change the fact that I'm talented. Even my siblings and nieces are having a hard time becoming a DemiGod."

Keenan listened, since Jeanne was telling her story it was his obligation to listen seriously. Perhaps he would learn something, maybe he could use this information. 

"As a matter of fact, my Clan did not have strong support for me when I was young. Sure they gave me resources but they never focus on me at all. The true reason I reached this stage is because of my willpower and my partner…"

She had a grim expression while talking. Keenan wanted to ask where was her partner but it seemed like he did not have to. It was apparent just by Jeanne's expression, her partner died. She became a God who do not have a weapon. A weaponless Handler was not a Handler.

"If not because of him I will never be…"

She sighed. 

"I'm sorry, it seems like my emotions are jumbled."

"No, it's fine. You can take your time."


Jeanne looked down at the floor, sometimes glancing at the utensils, and continued talking. 

"I don't want to return because the Clan means nothing to me, it's not my home, it was never my home." She touched the fork. "I understand why they are desperate to have me, the four strongest Clans have two or more God-Class and the Cavalieri's position was not safe. Except for our innate ability to have Aura at a young age, our Clan has nothing. We are not like the Dragon Clan and Lighting Spear Clan. If we don't have a strong sword, we are nothing. That's why Joseph wanted to have me back."

The true strength solely relied on Bestia and Arma. The Handler was just a means to take half of the burden of transformation. Especially for the Bestia. 

"My Clan will solidify their position if I came back. Hehe, I'm not bragging but some Clans tried to talk to me but I turn all of them down. I'm already retired and I don't want to fight again, I'm tired. Even if they find an Arma with great resonance with me, I will never return. Besides, I'm already accustomed to my life. I have endless wealth to spend, look at this hotel, it's a secret but this hotel is mine."

"Yet you still have the guts to extort a student like me to treat you to dinner! Have mercy woman, have a face. Do you know that it was my last money- ugh!"

"Don't overexert yourself, your body is aching you need to rest."

Keenan was infuriated listening to her boasting but he felt a stinging pain that caused him to lay his head. 

"Not until you pay me. You owe me, I helped you and fought those leechers."

"Are you really that desperate for money?"

"Yes, I am."

Keenan said with a heavy voice. 

"Okay, okay. I will pay you but you have to rest first."

She shrugged and grabbed the empty bowl. However, she paused when she sensed that Keenan was staring at her with sharp eyes. 

"My secret, don't tell anyone about it."

"You talking about these Hands? So what will happen if I told somebody?"

"I will kill you."

She glanced at Keenan and she knew that he was serious. Jeanne wanted to believe that Keenan was joking but his golden eyes were gleaming dangerously. For a moment, Jeanne forgot that she was a God-Class. When she realized that an ounce of fear struck her, she grinned so wide as if she rekindled her first love. 

She could not believe that there was a person like Keenan who could threaten her despite being weaker. 

"Fufu, I expect something for you."

She did not know but her intuition was telling her that Keenan could kill her if he was fully devoted to. 

"Not now, but you will."

She said and closed the door. Keenan was too tired and he fell asleep again. Killing Jeanne was hard but since she did not have an Arma, she was much easier to kill than Yora and Shana. 

'I guess I have never erased my natural habit, I'm always thinking of how to kill someone.'

When he first met Yora and Shana, he was trying to find a way to kill them. However, he threw that idea because it was the worst option. He would only die, he could not hijack the ship because 40+ mercenaries would block his plan. 

However, Jeanne was different. She was much easier to kill. In fact Keenan's Hands were wriggling all around the room and waiting to kill her if she made a mistake. 

"Of course she knew that too. As expected of God-Class, even the slightest killing intent is not a problem for them. I wonder who will win if she tried to stab me with that fork."

The whole time that they were talking, both Jeanne and Keenan were trying to kill each other. 

Keenan started dozing off, he confirmed that Jeanne won't kill him.