
Chapter 6

After arriving at the Exiled Guild, Zegion officially registers Luke as a new guild member.

"Now, Welcome to the Exiled Guild, is a pleasure to have you here."

"Thanks, I have to say that I very grateful to Zegion-san, you have to help me a lot, I don't know what I have done if I didn't meet you."

"Well, I hope that you would work hard to repaid my kindness," Zegion said with a cold smile on his face.

'Ho…I just hope that he would not make me do anything unreasonable.'

"Well now that you have joined the guild, let me guide you to the place that you are going to be living in."


The Exiled Guild is a structure of six floors in total. On the first floor of the building were the reception, the cafeterias, and other common areas for the guild members. The second and third floor had offices, the fourth and fifth floor had some residential rooms for some guild members and finally, on the sixth floor of the building, it was the penthouse that Zegion used as one of his houses.

Luke followed Zegion to the elevator, thinking that it would stop on the fourth or fifth level, but unexpectedly, Zegion took out a card from his space and the elevator went up until the six-level.

"Hmm, Mr.Lockster isn't this your house?"

"Please free to call me Zegion, no need for formalities. And yes, please come in."

As soon as the doors of the elevator opened, you can see a huge loft that can be compared with a small parking lot. The house had birch wood tiles, some Marfil walls, also the furniture looked very expensive. To said it looks more like a picture of a magazine that a place that some is living in, everything was in order not a single thing misplaced, it was truly a house of some rich guy.

"Well, what do you think?" Zegion asked with a mischievous smile.

"Is a beautiful house, I am almost afraid of touch something and ruin the scenery."

Zegion let out a little laugh and said "Well I'm happy that you like it, you will be staying here from now on."


"W-what did you said?" Luke tried to control his trembling voice as he glares at Zegion that looked fresh as a salad.

"This is your home from now on."


Luke finally let out his voice full of disbelief. Why in the world a important guy would let him live here? He was out of his mind?

"But isn't this your house Mr.Lockster?"


"Isn't this your house Z-Zegion-san?"

"Yeah, this is only the residence that I used while I have to stay overnight in the guild, but normally is empty, but rest assured there's more than enough space for the two of us here."

'That's not the problem!'

"But this is too much! It would e more than enough if you give me a little room on the four of fifth floors, and it won't be uncomfortable for you?"

"Don't worry about those little things, this department is just too big for one person we could perfectly live with four people here, so stay with me I don't want to be lonely."

'If you don't want to be lonely then get a girlfriend!'

Actually, there wasn't a big deal to share the house with Zegion, in a sense was a very good deal to live in such a luxurious place for free. The problem was that Luke was gay. One of the things that were crystal clear on his cloudy mind was the fact that he liked men, if he stays in the same house with an incredible and handsome man like Zegion, Luke wasn't so sure if he could take it.

"Anyways, I already prepare everything for you here. So just let it go, okay?"

"Ha…okay. I will be in your care."

"Yes, leave it to me."

It was late at night, and Luke was on the balcony looking at the dark sky. Luke doesn't remember a lot of things before awaking in the dungeon. Even if he tried to remember everything inside his mind is blurry and very difficult to recall.

'To think now I not even human..'

Luke thought that his situation was kinda awkward. At first, he was scared of the fact of being in a new world different from the one of his memories. Even though that the actual world has some similarities with his previous world, is still not the same. The world inside Lukes's mind was a world without all this magic and abilities.

The last thing that he can recall was he was going late to a test. He quickly leaves his house and runs toward the university. Then he arrived at the train station, Luke was waiting for the train that still hasn't arrived. After a couple of minutes, the sound of the train began to be heard. At that moment when the train was approaching, his body fell on the train tracks and then he wakes up in the cave of the dungeon.

'Did I fell or somebody pushed me?'

At the moment he didn't pay much attention to that matter, but now that he was training to remember, Luke was sure that he felt how something pushed him to the train tracks.

'Well, I guess it doesn't matter anymore.'

Putting aside the way of how he transfer to this new world, Luke was more concerned about his future.

Thank heavens that he meet Zegion, otherwise he didn't what he would do in that situation. Thanks to him now Luke had an idea of how this world works, but he still was uncertain. When he heard about the travelers for the first time, he was relieved thinking that he was not the only one in this type of situation but after hearing the explanation of Zegion, he understood that no traveler had ever transformed to another race.

According to Zegion, all travelers came from the same dimension where only humans exist, until that point was the same with Luke, but they said that the world of the travelers had the gates and the abilities. And as far as Luke can remember his world was very peaceful and all this stuff was nothing more than fantasy material.

'Now I am here all by myself.'

Along with his transmigration to this world, Luke lost his family. He had a father, mother, and big brother behind on Earth.

Right now Luke thought that he was shameful, he should be grieving that he lost his family, maybe he will never seeing them again, but still not tear was left.

Back at home, Luke didn't have a good relationship with his family, of course, this was not always been the case, when he was a kid he had a very happy childhood. But when he entered high school he realized that he was gay. For Luke that was a secret that he could never tell. His family was very traditional and his parents were completely against homosexuality.

So Luke tried to hide the fact that he liked men the best way he could.

His parents didn't like the way that Luke act, they always told him that he should act more manly, but Luke didn't like to pretend that he was somebody else, but his parents always make him made his voice deeper because according to them his voice sounds like he was singing and was childish or that men weren't that affable toward other men.

Thanks to that Luke was very insecure about himself, adding that their parents always told him that he should be more like his brother, he develops an inferiority complex. Luke spend his days quite being afraid that their parents would scold him about his voice and he didn't have friends. Luke felt that he was alone.

In his second year of high school Luke fall in love with the best friend of his brother, Simon. Of course, he didn't try to do anything too irrational, but he always was very attentive and affectionate with him. Luke thought that the best friend of his brother was the only one that treats him well. He always was kinda to his gloomy personality, making believe that Simon was the only light in his life.

Since then Simon always came to his house accompanying Lukes's big brother. And the three of them started to get along, making his relationship with his big brother improve.

Unfortunately, those happy days didn't last long.

It was his older brother and Simons's senior graduation from high school. Luke congratulates. After his brother said that he wanted to say goodbye to some other friends, Luke and Simon were left alone. Then Luke asked Simon if they could talk in a more private place since he wanted to tell him something. Naturally, Simon agreed so they went to the back of the school where there wasn't anybody around.

Under the sunlight of the day, Luke took all the courage inside his body and finally confess to Simon. After he did it, he closed his eyes and was retired to the place with fear of how Simon would react. Surprisingly, Simon didn't get disgusted or angry, he calmly rejected Luke saying that he appreciates his feeling but he didn't like men so he couldn't date Luke. Then he gave him a little hug and told Luke that surely someday it would be somebody that would correspond to his feelings.

After that Luke got home, and he went right to his room. He cried all night. But after his eyes had no more tears he feels calm. He was grateful to Simon since he didn't feel disgusted when he told him about his feeling making Luke believe that he could let got this impossible love and move on.

But, Luke didn't have a good time after that. Apparently, somebody heard his confession and started rumors about him being gay. Thanks to that it was not long after his parents heard those rumors and they rapidly interrogate him. Luke didn't want to lie anymore, he thought that maybe his parents would understand and accept him. But once again things dint go according to his expectations. After he confesses to his parents, they were very angry at him. Since then they started to treat Luke more coldly, and at school, people started to bully him because of his sexuality, in all of that his older brother was still the only one that would be kind to him. But he went to study abroad, leaving Luke alone.

'Ha…Why I even remember this?'

Luke returned to his room after he started to feel cold. And then he stares at the mirror in his bathroom. Luke could remember how he looks like before, but he had to admit that his current looks were very outstanding. With a skin white as snow, green eyes, brown honey hair, and some long ears that exposed that he had elf blood.

'Not bad.'

He then made a vow. He didn't know how he gets here, or what he will do in the future. But Luke had one objective in this new life. He will found a perfect husband and live happily ever after.

After making his resolve, Luke went to sleep on the soft bed in the room.

Little did he know that not only one, but several men would fight for the husband's position, but that's a story for another time.