
I Became A Demon Lord

I was teleported to a new world after I was crashed by a huge meteor, and i find out that I was inside the body of a Demon Lord name Alaric. What a mess up situation I am in, but anyways it's not like I can change my situation, so I decided to enjoy this new life of mine. (Bruhhhh, new author here, HEHEHE, I mean im a newbie, feel free to point grammatical errors guys, Thanks in Advance)

Lucimidas · Fantasie
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23 Chs


"did i just gain another Race? like what the heck?"

(wait, I gain 50 normal skill? like what's the meaning of that?)

"System, information about 50 normal skill please"


[...Answer Found...]

[....You gained 50 normal skill after you consumed a lot of inhabitants in the forest...]

(I really did kill lot of life because of my ignorance, anyways it's not like I can bring them back right?)

(wait bring them back? maybe I can, If I remember correctly I read a lot of light novels in my past life and the MC always have a system that can bring dead beings to life, and make them it's underlings)

(i should ask System if he could do the same)

"System, can you make the consumed being return back to life, and make them my subordinates?"


[....Answer Found....]


(No? this System really have it's limit, how sad. Oh right I almost forgot about 50 normal skills)

"System, what should I do with 50 normal skills?"


[...Answer Found.....]

[....You can combine 10 normal skill to make 1 medium skill...

2 medium skill to make 1 high skill....

and 2 high skill to make 1 legendary skill....]

(ohhhh, so I can combine them, that's great)

"okay System, combine 40 normal skills and make 4 medium skills" I said with an excitement voice




(Here we go again, okay I'm just gonna look at my stats while waiting for the system)

"Show Stats"


[Name: Alaric Blaiz]

[Race: Vampire] <[Using]>

[ SP Race: Arch Demon ]

[Title: Demon Lord] <[Using]>

[ SP Title: Destroyer ]

[Additional Title: Vampire Count]

[Health: 10000/10000]

[STR: 2000/2000]

[Int: 3000/3000]


[Demon Lord Energy: 50000/50000]



[....consume everything and turns it into Demon Lord energy....]

[Void] [....Creates a void that can consume everything and learn all the skill of the consumed being....]

[...System Skill....] [.......Skill Devour....]

[....It consumes blood to upgrade system..]

[....Special Skills...] [.....Vampire....]

[...Blood Chain....]

[.....Can suck blood of people and make them your vampire slaves]

[..Blood Compressed...]

[...Compresses Blood and make them into circle like ball...]

[...Special Skills...] [....Arch Demon....]


[...Make a Special Contract with any being...]

[State: Good]

[...System Stat....]

[...Energy: 30,000/5000]

[Life Blood: 100,000/100]

(So I have two races now and my vampire race is currently in use)

{ In the Holy Capital }

A Huge and well crafted buildings can be seen in this prosperous city, The buildings were like in medieval era, and the most eye catching architecture of all is the Golden colored building in the center of the city.

The building have a huge golden cross on the top of its roof realising a holy aura, making the people who passes by to pray on the Golden Cross.

Outside the building, people will immediately notice the Golden colored knights guarding the entrance of this holy building with there golden spear and huge shield.

Inside the building one can see an old man holding a golden scepter while sitting comfortably on its Golden Chair.

"Our beloved Papa, I have a news for you" says the knight, with a golden armor while kneeling

The old man use his golden eyes and look towards the kneeling knight.

"speak" he said with a holy tone.

"The new Demon Lord Alaric, was confirmed alive, according to our Golden scouts, and a Demonic fire is consumed 1/4 of the Glasia Forest wildly" says the Golden knight with a respectful tone.

When the old man heard the news his calm face suddenly form a serious expression making his eyes to look sharp (hmm, The new ones were indeed wild and always bring trouble. Should I command the Seven Godly Saints to vanish that Alaric? I think No it would be a bad idea, the Seven Godly Saints were still injured and still recovering, Such a pain) he said to his mind.

" Tell Bishop John to prepare a quest to kill the new Demon Lord Alaric"

The Golden knight eyes widen when he heard the name John. ( what? the Pope is really serious this time for his willing to pass this problem towards the legendary Bishop)

"as you command Papa"

The Golden knight then walk outside.

{ In the sky Castle }

A man wearing rainbow colored robe, can be seen in a Huge flying castle. The man's rainbow colored eyes looks towards the direction of Glasia Forest, while saying "New ones are always interesting" he said while forming a small smile.

{In the Dark Kingdom}

"Luna, why didn't you consume that new Demon Lord?" The white haired old man asked.

Luna stares towards his father's silver eyes, while saying with a playful tone "Father, isn't it interesting to play with your food before you consume it?"

"hmmm, it's your food you can play with it all you want, but don't forget to consume it" the old man said with a tired expression.

"Yes father" Lunsa replied

(I'm sorry father but his not my food) Luna said in his mind.

{ In a cave }

A man wearing rug clothes with a long curly hair can be seen. The man stretches its thin arms towards the sky while saying

"ahhhhh, it's been a thousand years"

(I wonder if that idiot is still alive)

The man put his lips together and whistled. A huge green magic circle suddenly forms in front of the man, and releases a loud whistling sound that can be heard towards all places of aikido content.

After the man whistled, a huge black dragon suddenly came out in the wide sky.

The black dragon was so huge that it covered the sun making the surrounding turn dark.

The man then looks towards the sky while saying "its been a long time old friend"

The Black Dragon Scan the surrounding while thinking ( that whistle is so familiar)

After seconds of searching the black Dragon see the long haired man waving it's hand.

(indeed it was that idiot) The Huge Black Dragon then transform into a handsome man while landing smoothly towards the long haired man.

"it's been a while, Draco" the long haired man said, while forming a warm smile.

The dragon that transform into a handsome man quickly kneel while saying "Welcome Back Master"

{Unknown Place}

A red eyes and a sharp teeth smiling can be seen in this dark place. No one knows who is behind that red eyes. "interesting" is the only word that this monster said.

{ Back to Alaric }

(After four hours of waiting the system finally make sound)


[....Combining Skills Complete...]

[...four medium skill.....]

[.....want to combine it to make two High level skills?.....]


(I think Yes!)



[...Combining four medium level skills...]


(okay, that's slow, I think it's the time for me to travel on this forest)

I walk towards the burned trees for an hour.

(ahhhhh, so tiring. Do i have a skill of flight, or teleportation, I think no.

Wait, now that I think about it, I do learned three legendary skills, maybe one of those is teleportation skills, hehehe)

"System, view three legendary skill"


[....three legendary skills....]




[....Want to cancel combining skills and gather information about the three unknown legendary skills instead?...]


(Sh*t!! this system really is playing with me)

"Noooo! dang it"

I continue my walk until I suddenly see a pack of wolves. The wolves fur were thick black and there eyes were so scary that I almost piss in my pants.

(oh, crapt what a scary thing, I must turn around before I became there dinner)

One of the wolves suddenly looks towards my direction, and slowly raised its head towards the white moon, and it howl "wooooooo!"

(Shit im dead!)

The other wolves then look towards my direction making my heart to beat fast.

The black fur wolves quickly towards my direction using there muscular leg, and slowly surrounds my surrounding with there great number.

(crapt, what should I do? what should I do?)

One of the wolves used its blinding speed to run wildly towards me, while opening it's huge mouth causing it to reveal its knife sharp teeth.

"oh sh*t this wolf is so fast" I suddenly murmur

The wolf's teeth pierced to my arms while I open my mouth to shout as loud as I can.

"ahhhhhh! Heeelp!"

(wait, why does I don't feel pain?)


[....Vampire special attribute activated...]

[.....Pain Resistance.....]

(the heck, why do I always forgot that I have superhuman abilities in this world)

I form a fist and strike the wolf with all my force, and a showering sound can be heard, the wolf flesh scattered on the ground and it's blood showers like rain.

(Sh*t, I'm so strong)

The other wolves started to step back until they decide to run for there lives.

(should I kill those wolves? I think yes)

I started running towards where the wolves run, and to my surprise my speed was so freaking fast that when I tried to run I leave blurry image of myself.


[.....Vampire Special Attribute Actived...]

[...Shadow Speed...]

(oh right, I forgot that vampire usually have superhuman speed)

"prepare yourselves wolves cause I'm coming"

(Thanks for reading guys have a great day :)