
I Became A Demon Lord

I was teleported to a new world after I was crashed by a huge meteor, and i find out that I was inside the body of a Demon Lord name Alaric. What a mess up situation I am in, but anyways it's not like I can change my situation, so I decided to enjoy this new life of mine. (Bruhhhh, new author here, HEHEHE, I mean im a newbie, feel free to point grammatical errors guys, Thanks in Advance)

Lucimidas · Fantasie
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23 Chs



I suddenly heard a metallic voice in my consciousness.


[....Fully healed...]

I slowly open my eyes and to my surprised I was being piggy back by a one-eyed beast (sh*t I just wake up and, I'm at the back of a one eyed beast, talking about bad luck)

"I hope that this demon is alive, so we can gather information about the village incident" the leader like beast said while walking.

"yes, I'm hoping it too, it's my first time to see a legendary race, and I want to learn about them" the one eyed beast that carrying me.

(what? legendary race? I never thought that demon race is a legendary race)

"brother look, the demon is awake"

(Crapt, Should I kill them?)

The leader beast quickly said "we mean no harm demon"

The one eyed beast that carrying me slowly put me to the ground, while giving me a curious look.

"Demon, there's no need to give us such look, were not the same to those wolf"

I look at them while thinking (crapt, should I trust them? Well they are the one who help me, and if they really want to kill me, they should have done it when I was unconscious)

"so you guys are?" I ask them curiously.

The leader like beast stare at me with its one eye, while saying "we are from Thick Snow beast clan"

(hmm, same race to the one I consume, should I pretend like I didn't know anything, I think yes)

"Thick Snow beast?" I ask curiously.

"Thick Snow beast, is one of the weakest race in this area, and usually being hunted by, werewolves, White bear, and Snow eagle" the one eyed beast said near me.

(crapt, there are more other unknown races)

I just keep quiet, while pretending to know something.

"Demon if you are thinking why we are carrying you, its because we found you while scouting" The weak looking one eyed beast said.

"scouting" i slowly ask.

The leader look at me while saying "we are a scout team from our village, and we were task to scout those blood thirsty werewolves, but upon arrival we noticed that the village was already already gone, and found you instead"

The other one eyed beasts look at me while nodding it's round like head.

"well, now that your awake, were hoping that you can give us information about the one that destroyed the village" The huge one eyed beast said.

"wait big bro, that's too straightforward" the weak one eyed said.

I give them a smile while saying

"no no, it's fine at all, I tell you guys what happened"

The leaders eyes brighten, like a kid given a candy.

"okay, can you describe what happened?" the leader said with calm tone.

I fabricated a story that there's an unknown being, who summoned a meteor causing the village to be destroyed, of course some part of it were true like, how those werewolves-human tricked me, and a meteor crashed the village.

The five one eyed beast nods, while hearing my fabricated story.

"oh, that's why the village was destroyed" the leader said while thinking (hmm, I wonder if this demon were lying or not, I'm also curious how did he survived the meteor crashed?)

The leader look at me while asking "friend, can I know how you survived the meteor crashed?"

I pretend to remember something, while saying "by luck"

The leader beast almost vomited blood when he heard my answer (this demon is indeed tricky)

Of course I would not tell them that I destroyed the village, and I will not going to trust this one eyed beasts quickly, I learned from my experience that monsters on this floor were crafty, and I don't want to history to repeat itself.

The weak looking one eyed beast quickly change the topic "friend now that we got some information, we will return to our village, you can come if you want"

The other four one-eyed beast were looking towards the weak looking eyed beast with worried expression.

I smile "thanks for your kindness, but I still have more things to do" I said calmly

The four eyed beast quickly calm down, like a sword were being pulled by their chest.

"I shall go now, thanks again" I flaps my angelic wings and fly towards the icy looking sky.

(I should make my own force on this floor, I said to myself)

"System, search for a great area were I can make my force"


[....Scanning Area....]


(I'll make my force in this floor and conquer this floor)


[...Scan Complete...]

A lot of x mark suddenly appeared in the map, inside my consciousness making me to think that I have a lot of choices.

(okay let me choose)

I search the map and observe where's the best area, of course I have a perfect area in mind, my area must be near running water, must have a source of mine and wood.

I searched for almost hour already, but I still dont find my dream area.

(bruuhhh, this must be how it feel when buying a land, to exhausting, there's a lot of choices yet I can't even choose)

"System, can you search a good area that have running water, mine, and forest"


[...Scanning Area....]


[.....Scanning Complete...]

"that was quick"

I look at the map and see a red-x-mark on it.

(I think that's the place, it's time to fly)

Upon sometime of flying, I notice the thick-snowy-forest under me, I also notice a crystal like river flowing near the area.

(so this must be the place)

I descended on the snowy ground, while observing the place "eagle eye" my eyes see lot of unknown beast roaming in the forest, some were even drinking from the crystal river.

(it's time to start my plan)

"Life Creation"


[....Pick Race....]




[...Arch Demon...]

(bruhhhh, I want to make some dwarf)

"System, can I make a dwarf?"


[....Answer Found....]

At this moment I prayed that the system can make a dwarf "please work, pleeaaase"


Heeeeey guys, i really appreciate u reading this story, i will now try to think more about the story development, and try to improve my writing ability, thankyou for reading ;)

Lucimidascreators' thoughts