
I Became A Demon Lord

I was teleported to a new world after I was crashed by a huge meteor, and i find out that I was inside the body of a Demon Lord name Alaric. What a mess up situation I am in, but anyways it's not like I can change my situation, so I decided to enjoy this new life of mine. (Bruhhhh, new author here, HEHEHE, I mean im a newbie, feel free to point grammatical errors guys, Thanks in Advance)

Lucimidas · Fantasie
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23 Chs


Me and the dwarfs then talks about how long would be the kingdom to be fully made, well according to their estimation it will take 20 yrs with they're current speed.

(crap that's too long, I really need to make some other workers)

"How many workers would be needed to fasten our progress?" I asked.

"Depends on the capability of the race that's working" the dwarf said while holding his beard.

(hmm, I really need man power)

An idea come in my mind, the idea is enslaving some races to work for completion of the project, but the idea is kinda hard for destroying a village, and enslaving a village is two different things.

(hmm, how about I use my workers to help me conquer nearby village)

I smile while saying "can you guys fight?"

The dwarf stare at me with a huge smile "as long as there's wine"


"Tell the others to prepare themselves in five days"

Well I wouldn't attack a village without preparation, because I can't afford losing even one of my subordinates, well it's not about the emotion and care stuff, it's more like I can't afford losing them for they're expensive. (yeah they're expensive)

I really need to plan it precisely, I spend the day really cracking my head on how to conquer a village, no I wouldn't call it conquer, it's more like how to get my slaves.

The system gives me some idea that I can work on, like which village has a weak and smaller population, which village have a high possibility of being conquered with my subordinates, and a lot of stuff.

After sometime of thinking and stuff, a plan has finally made, my plan is to let the system find a weak-not-populated village, then try to observe their way of fighting with an enemy through scouting, and after we learn some information about them, we will try to cut their source of food to make them weak during our attack.


Me and subordinates were feasting on our grandiose dinner, thanks to my newly made demons, which specialize in hunting. My wing demons bring a lot of foods like fish, deer and many other tasty beast that's been cooked by my Ancient-color-race.

The food was lay on a huge table, while a green color leaf was acting a plate.

After we finish eating, I personally open the subject about the plan on how to conquer a village. Some dwarfs and Ancient-color race shares they're taught, while the wing demons just sit there listening with confusion.

Well the dwarf said that they are always ready as long as there's wine, and the Ancient-Color people said, that if that's work then, its their jobbed.

After we share are thoughts, I ask the system to mark the village which have the qualities to be our target, I look through my consciousness and see a red sword marking on the map.

(great, that must be the village)

"time for scouting"

I let my other subordinates to sleep, except for the wing demons, that doesn't feel tired, well I just let them be the guard of the camp for now.

I fly towards the target area of the map, and see a small-simple village. The village have a lot of houses that looks simple, you can really see how poor looking the race living here, they have human like body while wearing tattered clothes, there's also someone peoples guarding the village wooden-gate, the guard have muscular body while wearing some broken boon-armor piece.

I observed how they live as a community, I notice that even tho they're living in the poor place, they're still trying they're best to survive, well I can say that after I saw they're hunters try to fight a huge black bear, they're hunters have only ten people, they wear animal skin clothes, while holding some bone-weapon. They fight the bear weakly yet manage to kill it, but they also lost three people in the process. The hunters bring their spoil back and share it with their village.

(hmm, so they hunt to live, well I actually expect them to hunt to live, it's not like they can plant something on this freezing floor)

I continue observing the village for three days, of course I'm hiding far away, I'm only observing them using my eagle eye.

On my observation the village would seem to be lively at morning, children would be playing in snow, while their parents were working, they're fathered usually hunts for food, and the mother would be working in their house.

After I learned what's their lifestyle, I fly back towards our camp, and command my five wing demon to hunt the source of food of that village, of course I give them some map.

The five wing demon, quickly fly towards the place, after I command the wing demons, I walk towards the dwarfs.

"Master" the dwarfs said while sharpening his axe.

(great, they're seemed to be preparing) I nod while saying "will be attacking two days"

One of the dwarf stop to sharpen his axe, and started to swing it "I'll be ready even if we attack now, master"

"great, save it for later"

I went to the ancient-color race, the Ancient-Color race were practicing some martial arts, I can really feel the power when they punch the air, it feels like, the wind would shatter after meeting with their fist.

(great, they have strong physic)

I walk towards them and talk with their acting leader Red.

I look at Red wearing a thick-well-suited-clothe "Red, I want you to lead your team during the attack".

Red look at my eyes while saying "I shall master"

I nod my head and said "okay you can train now"

(okay, now that the plan is currently in work, it's my time to train too)

I train towards the forest, and fight with different beast, well the fight were too easy that I forbid myself using some skill to train my physic.

«Two days had passed»

(hmm, it's time)

hi guys, thanks for reading :)

Lucimidascreators' thoughts