
I Became A Demon Lord

I was teleported to a new world after I was crashed by a huge meteor, and i find out that I was inside the body of a Demon Lord name Alaric. What a mess up situation I am in, but anyways it's not like I can change my situation, so I decided to enjoy this new life of mine. (Bruhhhh, new author here, HEHEHE, I mean im a newbie, feel free to point grammatical errors guys, Thanks in Advance)

Lucimidas · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Dungeon 2nd floor .3

"Consume!" a pair of dark hands quickly come out from the abyss and, drag the beast inside.

"ahhhh! noooo!" the beast shouted with fear.

The abyss successfully drag the beast and disappear from the site.


[.....Thick Snow beast Successfully Consumed....]

[.....Gain ice resistance....]

[...5000 Dark Energy....]

[....100 Compressed Blood....]

The coldness in my body suddenly disappeared making me to praised the effectiveness of the ice resistance (Great)

(now that I clear the threat on this village, it's time to talk to the villagers)

The young girl is still holding her mother, while looking at me with fear.

(okay let me try to ask them)

I walk towards the mother and daughter, while wearing my brightness smile.

"s-sir please don't kill us" the young girl said while hugging her mother"

(Crapt, I forgot that my appearance is a demon)

I give her a smile while saying "don't worry, this sir of yours don't like human flesh"

The mother look at me with a disbelief in her eyes, while the little girl quickly smile at me, while asking"sir, are you a demon?"

(bruhh, just like what I expected, adults always have a complicated minds, while young children have simple yet curious minds)

"Yes I am" I said with a calm tone.

The young girl quickly run at my back while curiously touching, my feather- like-dark-angelic-wings.

"sir does all demons look like you?" the young girl asked with a cute voice.

The mother quickly look at me with scared face, eyes widen like tear fallen.

"sir demon please don't eat my daughter, she's only a child"

(like for real? does I look like that freaking one eyed beast, that eats human)


[...Answer Found...]


(F*ck, no one asked you system)

I crack a weird smile, while saying "hehehe,no need to worry, I don't like human flesh"

(now that I saved this village, it's time for me to fly and explore this floor)

" I'll be going now" I said with a heroic tone.

But before I can fly, I suddenly a felt a dagger stab at my back, I look at the young girl while saying "why?"

The young girl's eyes suddenly turns black while saying "I want demon flesh sir"

The mother quickly runs at my back, and rips my wing causing me to scream "ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

(fuuuuuuck! what's happening, why are they attacking me? im the one who saved there village, wait maybe that one eyed beast is there livestock, wait fuuck im lost, my brain is to slow to understand what's happening, fuuuuuvk!]

The villagers that hide from the fight, quickly come out while holding different weapon.

"HAHAGHAHA, I can't believe that we fooled a demon" said the man whose holding an ancient-golden-spear.

"HAHAHA, right, it's all thanks to Ruby" the man said.

"wil gonna have, a tasty feast tonight"

My consciousness is slowly losing while I heard the system, metallic voice.




(sh*t I can feel my body losing it's consciousness, think!think!)

At this moment I'm using my very beast to think on how to escape, while using all my strength to stay awake.

"sir demon, you don't have to be so worried, were just gonna cut you to pieces, then roast your flesh" The young girl said to me sweetly.

I released a black-flames while saying "fuck off!"

The black-flames surrounds me causing me to feel safe for a moment.

"sir demon, you don't have to resist, we promise, we will leave your bone to make our house beautiful"

(Fvvvvck! I'm an idiot, how come I didn't think that those horns like figure In the top of there houses are the same horn, that the one eyed beast have)

"it's indeed great that you fooled me, but I'm pretty sure that this village will be erased"

"Meteor Flame!"

"Meteor Flame!" I said weakly as my body went unconscious.

Two huge meteor flame suddenly came out from the sky.

The people in the village open their mouth as they saw two-huge-meteor falling, some of them try to transform into a huge-wolves as they tried to escape, but even though they transformed it was too late for the meteor already touched the ground, making the nearby building to be blown and people to be killed "aaaaaaaaahhhhh!" only screams can be heard.

{Five days later....}

A snowy place with broken building can be seen, the place looks like being burned for the snow have some black colored on it.

Five one eye beast with horn at the shoulders slowly walk towards the place.

"Big bro, the news that we got was indeed true, this werewolves village was indeed hit by a meteor" said the one eye beast while, looking towards the huge other beast.

The huge one eyed beast scan the area with disbelief in his eyes (who could have done such thing)

"scan the area" said the leader like one eyed beast.

The one eyed beast quickly scan the area, the weak looking one eyed beast suddenly saw something making him to call his brother "big broo! big broo!"

His brother walk annoyingly towards him (this brother of mine only knows to call, big bro) "what?"

"Big bro, look there's a demon!"

The big brother quickly give a curious expression (what's a demon doing here? better to call the other's)

He grab his horn on his shoulder, while blowing slowly. A loud sound can be heard making the other three to find there location.

The leader, one eyed beast ask "why did you call us?"

"Sir we found a demon who seems to be unconscious" the big brother said

"yes, yes sir" the small brother said while nodding its head, and pointing towards the direction of Alaric.

The one eye leader look towards where his subordinates finger points, and saw a body facing downward to the snowy-ground, the body have long black hair,and a dark angelic wings looks like broken, for it forms into a weird shape. The one eyed beasts walk towards the body and they notice a blood on its back but there's no cut can be seen.

{Alaric before being fully unconscious}


[....You've killed 112 human werewolves...]

[....Gained 672,000 Dark Energy...]

[...System Fighting poison, while healing body.....]




I suddenly heard a metallic voice in my consciousness.


[....Fully healed...]

Good day, thanks much for reading, and stay safe ;)

Lucimidascreators' thoughts