
I Became A Demon Lord

I was teleported to a new world after I was crashed by a huge meteor, and i find out that I was inside the body of a Demon Lord name Alaric. What a mess up situation I am in, but anyways it's not like I can change my situation, so I decided to enjoy this new life of mine. (Bruhhhh, new author here, HEHEHE, I mean im a newbie, feel free to point grammatical errors guys, Thanks in Advance)

Lucimidas · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Dungeon 2

My cute little body suddenly feel a suction from nowhere and my consciousness turn blank.

(Crapt, I feel dizzy)

When I open my cute little golden eyes, I saw a huge black dragon laying in front of a huge ancient looking door.

The dragon was so huge that it looks like a tall commercial building from earth.

The dragon's skin was covered by it's dark shiny scale from head to tail, making the dragon look indestructible.

(Crapt, that's a Dragoon! a real dragon!)

every time the dragon's exhale, it's nose would release a hot smoke like it was a volcano that is going to explode.

(System, what's a dragon doing here? and where's my dungeon?"


[.....Answer Found....]

[....That dragon is your dungeon guardian...]

(wait wait, that dragon is my dungeon guardian? Okay let me call it)

"Dragooooon!" I shouted with all my voice, in this infant body of mine.

(It didn't heard me at all, let me try again)

"Dragoooon!!! Dragoon!!!"

The huge dragon suddenly open it's huge scary eyes.

(wooah, this dragon's eyes is to scary it makes me wanna cry) sobs sobs.

The dragons long neck turns towards my direction and it looks at me with an killing intent.

(wooah, the dragon's neck is like a train, and its eyes were like two huge sun, and it's staring at me with an angry look)

The dragon suddenly open it's huge mouth revealing a long sharp teeth that can crush a million bones on a single bite.

(The heck, why is it opening its mouth)



(what danger?)

A meteor like flame suddenly came out from the dragon's mouth, shooting towards my direction.


(ahhhhh! crapt, this dragon wants to burn me alive)


[...Requesting to use Skill Void..]

(wait, is this real? the system is helping me? yiee how sweet,okay system I trust you)

I raised my cute little hands to look cool, and said with a cute voice "Void"

«Crkkk crkkk» a cracking sound can be heard all over the place, and the space and front of me shattered like a broken glass, revealing an abyss.

The meteor like flames shoot towards the abyss and, the dark colored abyss slowly consume the flame like it was nothing, after it consumed the flame the abyss disappeared leaving no trace behind.

The dragon stare at me with a confusion.

(my void skill can easily consume that huge meteor like flames, I'm so strong)


[....New Attribute...]

[....Fire Resistance...]

(wait, fire resistance? that means fire have no effects on me, wait wait should I trust the system? I think yes. Okay let's try it)

"Dragoon! I command you to shoot your flames towards me, come!!!" I shouted with my cute hoarse voice.

The dragons nose release a fire like smoke and it's stomach colored change into flame like red, slowly expanding like a balloon.

The dragon's sun like eyes look towards me with mockery and it's huge mouth release a five times bigger meteor like fire than the last time.

Sweat flows from my cute forehead and my eyes is full of worried making it a little bit teary.

(crapt, I trust you system! I trust you!)


The meteor like flame hit my body and I unintentionally closed my eyes.

(crapt, did the flame hit me already? I feel nothing)

I open my eyes and I see towering flames surrounds me, and the most cool part is, I dont feel being burned at all, it's more like an air touching my skin.

(fire resistance was indeed cool, System I want to change my race into vampire)


[...Race Changing...]

[....Vampire Race...] [...Activated...]

I suddenly feel the blood in my body being compressed, and slowly transform into an another heart, my skin became pale as paper, while my golden eyes change it's color into ruby red.

(it's kinda painful to change my race, anyways, System does my vampire race have a it's own wings?)


[...Answer Found...]


(okay, activate it)


[...Demonic Vampire Wing's Activate...]

I suddenly feel a bone growing from my back, and its expanding into a wide area.

(wait, I don't feel pain at all, maybe my vampire pain resistance is in use)

A black bat like wing then grow from my back making my infant body to looks weird.

(Time to fly)

I flap my vampiric wing's and it makes my body float in the air.

(it's soo cool, I can fly, now higher)


My body fly towards the sky making me to see how scary the fire really is. The red flames scattered in the ground wildly.

(hmm, well flames has no effects on me, and it's my time to see how strong your scales are)

I flap my vampiric wing's and fly towards where the black Dragon is standing.

The dragon open it's mouth and shoots another red flame towards me, but my little body just passed it like it was nothing.

I form a cute little fist and shouted "Taaaake thiiiis!"

My cute little hands collided with the dragon's face.

«Baaam!» and a loud sound was made because of the impact.

My little fist felt the hardness of its scales making my cute little fist to bleed.

(crapt! crapt! it's no effect)

The sun like eyes then look at me with anger "Rooooaar!!" the dragon's shouts.

(what should I do? what should I do? wait, the system said that this dragon is my dungeon's guardian, so that means if I use my Dungeon control skill it will obey me? okay let me try it, hope it works tho)

I look towards the dragon's huge eyes and said "obey me! Dungeon Control!"

The ground suddenly shakes while the ancient looking door slowly moves like it was opening up.

A huge black chains then come out from the door, flying towards the black Dragon.

(wooaah, the chain's were binding the huge dragon making it to lay down helplessly)

"Who are you vampire?" the dragon ask with a beast like sound.

(wooaah, tha dragon can speak? whaat?)

I slowly descended on the ground, while staring towards the dragon's huge eyes "I'm the owner of this dungeon" I said with my cute voice.

"Dream ant!!" the dragon said while struggling from the chain.

(what a pain, System how to control this dragon?)


[...Answer Found..]

[...Use Void skill and consume it...]

(Sh*t, this System is heartless, but it's not like I have greater idea right? so it's decided then, ill consume it)

"Dragon sorry but I need to do it, Void!"

«Crkkk» The space itself shattered and a dark abyss revealed itself.


A Huge dark hand come out from the abyss, and it drags the helpless black Dragon towards the abyss.

I look towards the dragon, and our eyes meet, I can still see its pride even in face of death.

(how admirable)

The abyss then successful drags the dragon inside and it disappeared in the thin air.


[...Dragon Successfully Consumed...]

[....New Special Skill...]

[....Meteor Flame...]

[...Summons a meteor like flame from the sky...]

[....Life Creation...]

[...Can make a life using your Dark energy...]

(wait, I'm starting to feel that my system is overpowered)