
I Became A Demon Lord

I was teleported to a new world after I was crashed by a huge meteor, and i find out that I was inside the body of a Demon Lord name Alaric. What a mess up situation I am in, but anyways it's not like I can change my situation, so I decided to enjoy this new life of mine. (Bruhhhh, new author here, HEHEHE, I mean im a newbie, feel free to point grammatical errors guys, Thanks in Advance)

Lucimidas · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Blue Print

The demon that I've personally customised, specialized in hunting making me to give them some demonic wings, and named them, wing demon.

Five wing demon was successfully made in front of me as they bow in unison "master"

My demonic eyes scan the five low demon in front of me, the five low demon have a thin body like stick, and a round bald head with two short horns on it's forehead, the demon also have bat like demonic wing making them to look scary, especially their round red eyes.

(hmm, now this is what we call demon)

Of course I didn't made this demon for free, I spend around 300,000 dark energy, not to mention that i also spend 30,000 system energy to customize them, making my newly recharged energy to depleted.

(no need to feel hurt, I can always recharge them as long as I'm inside this dungeon)

I order the five wing demon to gather some food, the five wing demon quickly obliged making them to fly towards different area.

(great now that I've solved the food problem, it's time for the mine)

I ask the system where the mine located, and the system didn't disappoint me for I saw an underground like place.

The underground like place looks majestic, for it have a blue like crystal ceiling while there's some icy looking stick facing downwards.

I continue my venture towards the underground cave, and saw a blue-icy-scorpion. The scorpion have same height as a normal house while it's long poisonous tail were like a train on its back, not to mention its two pincers hands that can easily crumble a human bone.

(hmm, such a huge scorpion, yet it is still ant in my eyes)

The scorpion used its tail to attack me, yet I just catch it like it was nothing, the scorpion attack again with it's huge pincer hand, with an intent to crushed my precious bones.

I quickly dodge while dashing towards the scorpion with a blinding speed, causing the scorpion's defense to be broken, I quickly use my demonic flames to injure the scorpion, but it has no affect on its, thick cover shell, I quickly dash out trying to make a distance with the scorpion "hmm, thick defense" while murmuring to myself.

"tough shell eh, let me see how long it can last against my speed"

Well I just decided to use my speed towards this freaking-thick-shell- scorpion to have some advantage, as I only focus my attack on one part of its body (well I'm pretty sure that even the best defense can crumble, if you only focus on hitting same spot) I circle the scorpion with my blinding speed making it to give an illusion that im everywhere, of course I would not just circle the scorpion with out attacking.

«bam! bam! bam!» sound of impact in my attack can be heard making the underground place to slightly shake (crapt, need to end this quickly) I slowly gather my strength towards my fist as I attack the scorpion.

«baaaam!» my fist collided with the scorpion thick shell again, but this time I can feel my hands penetrate towards its shell, making the scorpion to make a loud noise (sh*t, die already) I quickly use my demonic flames to burned the inside of the scorpion.

I sigh while thinking (well even an ant knows how to bite)

"Compressed Blood" I said while looking towards the remain's of the scorpion.

The scorpion's blue-colored blood quickly came out from its body and compressed to form a ball like blood, I consume the blood with pleasure as the blood is equivalent to 50 normal compressed blood "tasty" I said.

I continue my venture inside the underground cave and see precious looking minerals.

The mineral have a crystal like look, that released some radiant blue light, I quickly command my system to scan the mineral as it give me information about it, the system said that the mineral was form because of the thick coldness-combined with the special elements.

The system also said that it is a great use to make some powerful ice weapon, wall, and any other thing that this mineral can craft (great) I continue my venture and find other precious materials like, ice metal, ice stones and many other that can help me to strengthen my force.

I went out, and fly towards where my subordinates is working. There I saw the dwarfs holding a piece of animal skin while instructing the color-haired people.( they seem to be working hard) I descended to the snowy ground.

"Master" a short guy holding a piece of animal skin called.

"Yes, five?"

"Master, were currently in a gathering process stage" the dwarf said.

"that's great" I cheer.

Well it's not like i expect them to magically build the kingdom, especially that were limited in man power, and not to mention the freezing weather, yea not because I have cold resistance doesn't mean that my subordinates also have it.

The dwarf hands over the piece of animal skin while saying "master thats the blue print of the kingdom"

My demonic eye scan towards the blue print, and see how well made the blue print it. The kingdom was divided in four area, first area is the market area were the guess from afar can buy goods, second area is the residential area were my citizens can live, the third area is called wine area, wait wine area? I look towards the dwarf, while asking why there's a wine area, the dwarf just look at me with a bright smile saying

"its for the soldiers, master"

I just pretend to nod as a sign of my agreement, I look at the animal piece l again and look at the last area, the last area is named palace, well according to the blue print, this is the area where the castle will be build.

(great, this prove that choosing a dwarf was indeed a great choice)

Me and the dwarfs then talks about how long would be the kingdom to be fully made, well according to they're estimation it will take 20 yrs with they're current speed.

Hiii guys, i didn't expect that i can write a chapter today for im kinda busy, hehehehe, anyways i still did, please correct my grammatical errors guys if u see some, so that my writing skill can improve, thanks :)

Lucimidascreators' thoughts