
I Became A Battle God In Another World

September 25th 2024..... A meteorite bigger than any seen before hurtled towards Russia. BOOM! ... 3 years after [You have been invited to Caldera] [Do you accept [Yes/No?]] ------------------------------------------------ Discord - https://discord.gg/2n2Vp9KtP9

RayVer · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Assembly Hall (1)

[Hall Of Memories trial complete]

[Reward being distributed]

[User, Ryuen Kakeru gained a new skill accel forward]

Ignoring the message of the reward, Ryuen's body stayed as still as a statue. Clearly, he was in a state of shock.

'What was that? The battlefield, the war, those two people it all felt so real'

Trying to find an answer he applied his brain at maximum capacity, but nothing showed up.

Why did he receive these memories? Who were the people in it? Why were they fighting in a war? So many questions streamed through Ryuen's mind.

"Arghh, this is going to be so confusing!"

Rubbing his head, to ease the headache that he had obtained, Ryuen decided to simply let go of the matter for now.

Deciding that he wasn't going to get any useful information, or his questions answered he pushed the memories that he had seen into the backburner of his mind.

There was something else that had breached his trend of thought, as well.

It was that skill that he had received as the reward, 'accel forward'.

'I wonder what it does'

Ryuen tried many things to get a description or at least understand what the skill entailed. He tried everything from calling out accel forward in his head, to imagining a status bar and many other things. However, they all weilded the same result, which was absolutely nothing.

Frustrated Ryuen decided to punch the wall of the white room.

Right now, he was stuck in a white room, he had seen memories that weren't even his and he had received a skill which he not only didn't know how to use but also didn't receive any information about by any means.

'This is the worst'

Taking a deep breath, he proceeded in trying to calm himself down.

Just as he was beginning to relax a new holographic message appeared before him.

[Sender: The Guide]


[1: Arrive at Freedom City High School's Assembly hall before time runs out]

[2: Remaining Time 00:09:35]

[Reward: N/A]

[Penalty: Death]

After quickly briefing through the message, Ryuen noticed one alarming feature. The penalty this time wasn't as kind as last time. This time the penalty for not arriving on time was death.

Just saying the icy cold word, emitted a sense of dread for the young boy.

This guide, person was definitely not playing around. Ryuen felt some sincerity in this message, they were definitely not joking. He had the feeling that if he did not take this seriously and arrive within the time limit, then he would truly die.

This was truly not the time to be messing around or dawdling. But how was he even supposed to get to the high school in the first place. Right now, he was stuck within a completely white room. Enclosed and entrapped with no route of escape.

As if a higher power had heard his desperate plea of distress, his body started glowing once again emitting a peculiar white light.

[Transferring user, Ryuen Kakeru to starting location.]

At the finishing of those words, Ryuen was yet again transferred to another location.



The streets were empty and lifeless, that was the simplest of ways for Ryuen to describe them. A ghost town, not a living soul breathing or moving.

It looked just like Tokyo from earth, except the buildings were dilapidated and worn out, after fighting a clear battle with nature, and they had lost. Green shrubs wrapped themselves around the rusty metal of the building, coating them from head to toe.

Old broken-down cars, scattered the roadside, left there simply to collect dust and rot in the sullen landscape.

When he looked up what Ryuen saw was a dreary and bleak cityscape without a single thing in sight. Even the sky above was a shade of dull grey. The dullest of greys, a melancholy grey.

'What a lovely mood for a city'

Chuckling a bit, Ryuen patted himself down, removing a layer of building dust that had found itself swarming to his out of place body.

The dust flew through the air, releasing its tight grip from his body as it disappeared into the dull sky.

[Location map being sent.]

Hearing this, Ryuen turned his eyes towards what was in front of him. Surely enough, a holographic map appeared before him.

On the relatively small map Ryuen could see a red dot. Presumably, this was him, and across his direction to the left he could see a pinpoint. This was most probably the school that he had to get to.

Before getting ready to move he noticed one more thing. It was a timer at the bottom of the page. It was so small that it would be easy to forget that it was there.

'How long left?'

Looking at the map he could see the time 00:07:21. It seemed like he had wasted 3 precious minutes, it was about time that he began moving, after all Ryuen didn't want the looming threat of death hanging around him.

The sooner he left, the more time that he would have.

Soon the boy left in a sprint.

Finding his way around wasn't difficult at all. He simply followed the direction indicated on the map and needed roughly around 5 minutes to arrive at the destination.

'Good thing I didn't waste too much time, if I got caught up in the environment for too long that could have been the end of me'

The rich sweat that had accumulated on Ryuen's face dropped down leisurely onto the floor.

There before his eyes an out of place plaque screaming out ' Freedom City High' hung next to the wide-open front gates of the school.

The name really didn't fit the location of the area. Freedom City, more like destroyed city. Furthermore, the bright clean jovial sign, as well as the clean school contrasted heavily to the abandoned rusty surroundings.

It was clear that the school was being well maintained, how peculiar.

'Quite a humorous name.'

"That name sucks."

An unexpected voice surprised Ryuen, and he quickly looked to his side. He didn't even know when she had arrived, but a girl with a black hoodie, stanned with a panda bear in the middle was standing there.