
I am.....General Hux

A lone guy and his journey to fixing the Canon timeline whilst preserving it's main story to the best of his abilities

56Neutralists · sci-fi
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18 Chs

Chapter 1: New life

I liked Hux, well at least the Hux in my head not the fake Disney version of him but then again I thank Disney for giving me the Idea called The first order from their Fanfics and I shall make great use of them.

Which was exactly what I did but no matter how much I wrote the version Disney gave just kept spoiling it in my head and so I wished that I would be having the chance to see that corrected.

It was late at night, I believe around 10:00pm and so I went to bed, earlier than my previous days and slept in my comfy bed under the chilling cold breeze coming out of the A/C in my room with a quilt over my body. I slept rather quickly and as I did....I wondered what would have happened if I was ever birthed in the star wars Universe.

[ Time Unknown, place Unknown.]

I woke up feeling rather different, in fact my surroundings smelt and felt different and I soon found out why.

I got up from my bed and opened my eyes revealing a room, but not mine as it was bigger and was arranged much differently than I remember, I sat up simply looking around. The bed sheet was white which I would never like to use as it is easy to stain, the pillow was different and just opposite me was a Uniform.

An unfamiliar Uniform, I stood up and walked towards it. It didn't feel right nor like my style of dressing, then I turned to my....right yes right, can't believe am still not sure about that. I saw a mirror not too far from where I stood and walked towards it, in front of the Mirror stood a Man, way older than me with...Light Red colored hair or maybe brown.

F*ck, Dammit of all the Colors I had to be reborn with it was one I had nothing to do with. At least I should have kept my Blackish-Brown hair...I said to myself. Again habits of speaking to myself like I am writing a story or something. I touched my face and skin, theb looked at it before touching it once more. I have white colored Skin.... White Colored Skin.....why.

If there was thing I like about myself was my looks, nothing too shabby or too showy l, my Brown skin and Blackish-Brown hair was all I needed. I wasn't cool neither was I handsome but I wasn't ugly however I did have a cool looking face if I must add and I was totally okay with it, I mean I had even though about being reborn as dark Black and pure white person but...I didn't really see myself looking like that and so got to love my looks.

Again bad habit of talking to Myself but can't blame me for complaining...am human..I think. Wait am I...BOOM!!!!

An explosion happened in my head, a very painful headache which caught me off guard and would have cause me to scream if not for the reason that I was used to dealing a pounding headache not like I really like the fealty so I simply crouched, grabbed my head and squeezed in a fugue attempt to stop the pain and puddings in my head, I even began to taste blood though not really the first time however this time I felt a warm, bit hot liquid flowing down my nose and proceeded to reach for said liquid.

I rubbed it off just a bit, and brought to my face only to realize that I was really bleeding, I frowned deeply and then noticed that even my frowning doesn't not feel the same, tch. I clicked my tongue before focusing back at my blood and then proceeded to...Lick it. Tasted a bit salty and different but still sweet and warm. Totally different from my own blood in my own opinion.

Then I continued to lick my blood using my tongue which really tried to lock off the blood leaking from my nose as I now noticed the pain had stopped but not the constant, F*cking pounding sounds in my head. Hey at least now I've got information on where I am strangely but now I can say for sure I was really Isekied into the star wars Universe....no not Isekied but rather Transmigratted into this Universe since technically I didn't die or did I. Also what would happen to me family. I wondered with slight amusement. what would happen to my original world or even my body.

Soon several far fetched theories began popping into my head, most of which I personally did not like but still popped up. Moving those to the side at least now I know what to do and so I did. First I got up and reached for the Pockets of my Uniform, still don't like it though I do like it's color. I saw what I was looking for which was a handkerchief...ah yes my best thing though I didn't clean the blood and sweat of my head immediately but proceeded to lick my blood a bit more as I believed that it shouldn't go to waste then I cleaned it all off and my head too along with my hands.

Now to begin my day, I said looking towards the Black Ugly designed Uniform and smiled with excitement....I mean who wouldn't be ah I can't wait to see how it would feel, though I should watch out for plot armour which means no crushing the Resistance as first sight sadly hey but at least they kill Snoke later on which us a very good point.