
I Am Uchiha With A Son System

He thought he could prevent madara from leaving the village, but even after he manage to save Izuna they still defect from Konoha. So Setsuna (MC) ran away from Konoha after his system was activated. Living with Uzumaki members. He then married wives and after a few years, he return back with his family. How could Sharingan red eyes colour turn into white? Hyuga Clan tried to seal birdcage on my son, they ultimately failed.  My red-haired son has awoken Rinnegan and Mangekyou Sharingan.  Other villages tried to destroy Uzumaki, but Uchiha Setsuna launched his GUNDAM SUSANOO.  Madara and Black Zetsu tried to find nine tails but didn't find them until they were actually sealed inside Uchiha Setsuna. This novel is not chinese fanfic, but inspired by their genre. 

ZoroTraineeWriter · Anime und Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 4: Senju Hashirama

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Word of Uchiha Setsuna's unparalleled Mangekyou Sharingan and the awe-inspiring strength of his Susanoo spread like wildfire through the Senju clan. Murmurs of disbelief and fear echoed within their ranks, sparking tension among those who saw Setsuna as a threat that needed to be eliminated.

However, amidst the whispers of conspiracy and clandestine plans, Hashirama Senju emerged as the voice of reason. The visionary leader of the Senju clan harbored a dream – a dream of peace, unity, and a world where Uchiha and Senju could coexist. Hashirama, with the wisdom that surpassed his years, recognized that the path to lasting peace lay not in the annihilation of the Uchiha but in the forging of bonds that transcended the enmity between the two clans.

As some Senju members entertained thoughts of a clandestine strike against Setsuna, Hashirama intervened, quelling the seeds of discord before they could sprout into a destructive force. The Senju leader's vision extended beyond the current conflicts, envisioning a future where the cycle of hatred could be broken.

In the secluded halls of the Senju compound, Hashirama addressed his clan members. "War only begets more war. If we strike now, the cycle of hatred will continue. But I propose a different path. Let us seek a resolution, a way to live side by side with the Uchiha. Together, we can build a village that stands as a beacon of hope for future generations."

His words, imbued with a sense of hope and determination, resonated among the Senju. Many members, initially swayed by thoughts of revenge, began to reconsider their stance. Hashirama, with his charismatic leadership and unwavering commitment to peace, persuaded them to embrace a different vision—one that transcended the boundaries of clan rivalry.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the Uchiha compound, Setsuna found himself in a meeting with the clan elders and patriarch. The air was thick with anticipation and uncertainty as they discussed the recent developments. The elders, driven by a history of conflict and a thirst for dominance, suggested a ruthless campaign against the Senju, advocating for the conquest of the Land of Fire.

Setsuna, however, stood as a voice of reason among the fervor of war. With a calm demeanor that belied the strength he possessed, he addressed the assembly. "We have the power to change the course of history, but that power should be used wisely. Annihilation will only breed more animosity. If we can't defeat the Senju even with our might, then perhaps it is time to consider an alternative."

The elders, taken aback by Setsuna's unexpected proposal, exchanged skeptical glances. Setsuna continued, "I suggest a summit—a meeting between our strongest warriors and the Senju's leaders. A chance to settle our differences without further bloodshed."

His proposition hung in the air, a moment of contemplation for the Uchiha council. Setsuna then offered a compromise that surprised even the staunchest traditionalists. "Madara and Izuna will face Hashirama, and I will take on Tobirama. If, by some chance, we are defeated, let us agree to Hashirama's vision—a village where Uchiha and Senju can coexist in peace."

The elders, initially resistant to the idea of compromise, found themselves swayed by Setsuna's reasoning. The young Uchiha, despite his prodigious strength, demonstrated a wisdom that transcended his years. The council, though reluctant, agreed to Setsuna's proposal, seeing it as a chance to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and perhaps usher in an era of cooperation.

As the summit loomed on the horizon, the fate of the Uchiha and Senju hung in the balance. Setsuna, with the weight of his clan's expectations on his shoulders, prepared for a confrontation that would not only shape his destiny but the destiny of an entire world teetering on the edge of conflict. The echoes of the impending summit reverberated through the lands, heralding a chapter that would either solidify peace or plunge the ninja world into the abyss of war once more.