
I Am Truly Not the Main Character

Niu Chang reincarnates into a new world. Naturally, a favorable path is laid out for him as a reincarnator. However, unfortunately for the world, he personifies the very definition of heartlessness. Family relations? Morality? They hold no importance to him. All that matters in the end is whether they will benefit him on his path to immortality. From the moment of his reincarnation, the world and its inhabitants are doomed to suffer many calamities.

Green_Dolphin · Ost
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119 Chs


Inside a dark, cornerless space, the unreachable horizon loomed. The atmosphere was eerie, with a small, barely visible crystal floating in the air. It possessed no extraordinary qualities, emitting no light or unique aura.

However, the tranquility was shattered when the dark space trembled, as if a giant was traversing through it. In response, the small crystal reacted, slowly unfurling its hard outer layer and expanding its core.

. . .

Expecting a power-up, Niu Chang witnessed unexpected changes. Ghostly qi began to manifest and move around Shen Sanhua's newly healed body.

Initially directionless, the ghostly qi soon surged towards her head, converging and dispersing in an enigmatic manner.

Noting these peculiar transformations, Niu Chang maintained his Verdant Will, but grew more intrigued by the behavior of the ghostly qi.

'Could this be the result of the special constitution that Huang Zhi mentioned?' he pondered.

In response, he activated his Closed Loop Protection and engaged the Automatic System Answerer, ensuring his safety.

Before long, Niu Chang sensed a faint trace of life emanating from the healed body. It had repaired its vital parts and could now be considered a living being.

Although the weak heartbeat gradually stabilized, it remained feeble, hindered by an unknown obstacle. Meanwhile, the ghostly qi underwent a dramatic change, dividing into two parts, one dominant and the other subdued.

Observing the active part attacking the dormant one, Niu Chang formed a hypothesis. 'The active portion appears to possess some level of sentience, while the dormant part acts solely on instinct.'

His eyes sparked with anticipation as he sensed the breath of life growing stronger.

Without any visual cues or overt signs, the so-called breath of life was merely a hunch, a result of his heightened intuition from the first level of the Impossible Idea.

After a momentary leap, the heartbeat finally settled, mimicking that of a normal living person.

Although her eyelids remained closed, the ghostly qi dissipated into her body. Finally, the long-awaited moment arrived.

The once lifeless body opened its eyes.

Her gaze locked onto Niu Chang, fixated like a possessed individual.

Maintaining his composure, Niu Chang entertained numerous thoughts swirling in his mind.

Shortly after, the resurrected body blinked, attempting to speak.

Her mouth movements were crude, reminiscent of a baby attempting to form coherent words.

After struggling with strange noises, she eventually succeeded.

"S... a... vi... or..."

Once again, her eyes fixated on Niu Chang, as if possessed.

Hearing the word "savior," Niu Chang couldn't help but feel a sense of ridiculousness.

'Can such a thing be possible?' he questioned himself, a glimmer of belief flickering within.

If anyone else had called him a savior, Niu Chang would dismiss it without a second thought. However, this body, originally belonging to his first victim-, his first follower, now echoed the same word.

He wanted to test her by calling her name but realized he didn't even know her name.

Feeling a sense of awkwardness, he stared back into her eyes, attempting to unravel the truth hidden within.

"Her wisdom and intelligence don't seem too high. The underlying emotion appears complex, likely due to her confusion, but at the core, there's an undeniable longing. Furthermore, she's learning at a rapid pace," Niu Chang thought.

Though an unusual method, looking into her eyes provided valuable insights. They were said to be the windows to the soul, offering glimpses of one's innermost self.

When the girl reached her limit, she blinked several times, manually adjusting her gaze. As Niu Chang predicted, her expression became more natural, as if she had learned to regulate her emotions.

With her newfound understanding, she also realized something else. Her eyes widened, brimming with excitement, as if she were seeing Niu Chang after a long separation.

"Savior!" she exclaimed with a voice filled with elation, unveiling her newfound emotions.

She reached out her arms towards Niu Chang, attempting to embrace him, only to be thwarted by a qi barrier surrounding his body.

Momentarily stunned, curiosity overcame her, compelling her to explore the barrier with wonder.

Choosing to lower his qi barrier, Niu Chang extended his hand towards hers.

Instinctively, she grasped his smaller palm, holding it tightly. Then, she pulled Niu Chang's hand towards her, embracing him.

Caught in her arms, Niu Chang frowned.

'No matter how long I wait, I sense no malice or negative emotions from her. Could it be that the girl was resurrected instead of Shen Sanhua?' he wondered.

Feeling the warmth radiating from her bare chest against his face, Niu Chang experienced the genuine comfort of human connection.

"There's no ulterior motive behind this. It's simply pure affection," he thought, contentedly rubbing his face against her chest.

As he tried to inhale her body's fragrance, he realized it wasn't as pleasant as he had expected.

'She should clean herself first,' he concluded.

The girl didn't do much else; she simply held Niu Chang tightly and closed her eyes.

Various fragmented memories flooded her mind, and she struggled to comprehend each one. Digesting these memories allowed her to become more human, granting her the ability to express her intentions.

While navigating through these fragments, she encountered an obstacle. Her mind housed two sets of memories, making it difficult for her to fully accept them.

In one life, she experienced luxury and opulence, born into a wealthy and prosperous family. In the other, she endured a life of poverty and suffering, a stark contrast to her previous existence.

Initially, she didn't perceive the second life as miserable. Only when she comprehended the meaning of a proper life did its hardships become apparent. It was in the presence of light that darkness stood out.

Instinctively, she yearned to revel in the memories of her privileged life, but she couldn't sever the transparent bond she shared with her second life—the life attached to a vital set of memories.

For her, in that dark and ignorant space, she acted solely based on her fixation.

Even when confronted with an adversary, her obsession enabled her to fight.

As she opened her eyes, she had already grasped crucial details related to her savior.

Sensing the girl's emotional shift, Niu Chang no longer found solace in her embrace.

'Well, that was a pleasant moment, and I have a few ideas to improve the proficiency of the Demonic Embrace of Lady in White and Red. This method works remarkably well. I should have various beauties hold me in their embrace,' he contemplated, savoring the lingering emotions and nuances.

While cherishing these fleeting feelings, Niu Chang gently pushed the girl away and spoke, "Give me some time."

He then settled down, delving into the new ideas that had surfaced within him.

The overflowing dim white transformation qi swiftly transformed into the affectionate red color of the Shrine Maiden Under the Sacred Tree.

Having overcome the initial and final hurdles of activating a new skill, Niu Chang no longer needed to recite anything. He simply had to find the mental lighthouse and ignite it.

The warmth and fragrance of spring permeated the air, as cherry blossom petals danced around him.

Once again, he returned to the desolate world, where only a small land housed the sacred tree and the shrine maiden.

Rather than approaching her, he remained where he stood, observing her from a distance.

"It's not that I don't want to meet you directly, but I simply can't..." Niu Chang expressed his apologies to the unaware shrine maiden. He had his own reasons for keeping his distance.

Using the ideas he had garnered earlier, he effortlessly overcame various obstacles, honing his proficiency in the Demonic Embrace of Lady in White and Red.

The girl, silent all this while, found herself captivated by the beautiful imagery surrounding Niu Chang's figure.

Since Niu Chang had no intention of fully using the Demonic Embrace of Lady in White and Red at that moment, neither the girl nor the demonic snake suffered any consequences.

As her savior had instructed her not to disturb him, she remained still.

Enchanted by the captivating scene before her, she sensed the subtle allure of the Demonic Embrace of Lady in White and Red—an allure that affected her delicate mind and heart.