
I am the villain but fall in love with the heroine

(Reupploding) Meet Han, a young man and self-professed NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), who makes a living by streaming his gameplay online. One fateful day, he suddenly finds himself transported into the world of one of his favorite games. To his surprise, he discovers that he has been reborn as the villain of the story, despite his previous admiration for the game's main heroine. As he navigates this new reality, Han has been reborn as the main antagonist of the game—a bloodthirsty and malevolent individual despised by all, including his fiancée, who happens to be the main heroine of the game.

Universe_X · Fantasie
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Perfect Romance

As the words "I love you" flowed effortlessly from her lips, my heart raced with joy and anticipation. In response, I eagerly replied, "I love you too."


Suddenly, a loud "thump" echoed through the room, and Han tumbled off the bed, exclaiming, "Oh! Shit!" as he swiftly rose from the ground. He proceeded to share his triumph, announcing that he had finally completed a game he had been playing for over a month. A smile beamed across his face as he proudly stated, "It's not an action or RRG strategy game, but a romance game." Walking over to the CD player, Han picked up the CD and read the words inscribed upon it: "Perfect Romance."

The reason he was so drawn to completing this game was its villain - a character who was unbelievably overpowered, making the game extremely challenging. Most players found it too difficult to finish, but Han continued to play, driven by his desire to see the game's heroine emerge victorious. He had to admit that he had developed a bit of a crush on this fictional character, as embarrassing as that may be. As he placed the CD down and headed to his room to get some rest, he stumbled over a pile of garbage and fell once again. "This is the downside of living alone," he chuckled to himself. Then, realizing that he was speaking out loud to no one, he paused and exclaimed, "Wait a minute! Who am I even talking to? I live alone, after all!"

As Han lay in bed, his mind drifted away from the day's events. "Huh, whatever," he murmured to himself, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling over him. He stretched out, letting his muscles loosen as he prepared for a restful slumber. His thoughts began to slow, and he started to drift off, his breathing deepening and becoming more even. As his eyelids started to droop, he thought to himself, "Let's go to sleep," and sank deeper into the comfort of his bed, feeling the worries of the day slip away.

As Han enters a deep sleep, an unfamiliar screen appears in front of his face with something written on it.:

"Han, a 22-year-old male who enjoys streaming and living life to the fullest. Though he may not have a traditional job, his dedication to streaming has allowed him to earn a modest living. Han's journey hasn't been easy; he is an orphan who was forced to leave his home once he turned 18. However, with perseverance and hard work, he was able to secure an apartment and start his streaming career.

Despite some hardships, Han has embraced the NEET lifestyle and found happiness in his passion for streaming. He is an avid fan of the concept of "perfect love," and believes that everyone deserves to experience it. Despite being labeled as a "worthless virgin" in the past, Han takes pride in his identity as a male and doesn't let negative comments get to him.

Overall, Han's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of finding happiness in life, no matter the circumstances."

As the unknown voice spoke, a sudden hush descended upon the room.

"Biggest fan, he looks interesting," the unknown voice said, his tone filled with excitement. "Why don't we choose him and make him reborn in his game?"


The screen flickered to life, showing the words "Player Han is reborn as the villain in the game 'Perfect Romance'." The room erupted in protest, with the unknown voice shouting, "Wait, I don't mean to make him a villain!" The frustration in their voice was palpable.

But as the commotion died down, the voice again cut through the silence. "Ahem. I can't change this, but this lord gives you a gift." 

"Use it well, little one," the voice continued, its tone surprisingly gentle. The gift had been given, and now it was up to Han to use it wisely.

- To be continued