
I Am The Third Warlock Lady

TRIGGER WARNING : R19+ / Mature Content What they expected when Holy Azarese Elyzena was born was a daydream. She is the third lady descended in a patrilineal lineage; it is her fate to become the next Empress after her mother. However, when Empress Siofra never opened her eyes again after giving birth to her, that is when they know she is another nightmare. Holy Azarese was born with sinister curses; all bring death. No one could dare touch her, afraid to meet their end. Her father despised her for taking the love of his life from him. Her brothers avoided her. Her aunts and uncles cannot even look at her. She acted cutely; she tried being clumsy, she did everything to get an ounce of their affection, but they never gave her any, not even a drop. "Father, I did not ask to be born!" she sobbed pitifully in front of her father, who only glared at her with contempt. Since then, she became desperate until she became the person she never wanted to be. She never asked to be born, and she never asked to be born again. She only wanted to end her suffering. So why, when she opened her eyes, was she back to the time she was born? With the second chance given to her, will she avoid becoming the wicked Empress again, or will she drop her crown and choose which path to take?

Cherubibi · Fantasie
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81 Chs

11 - Parade

A/N: The chapter ahead is raw, which means not been proofread yet nor edited.


"Princess, it's time for the parade. But the problem is..."

Moon took her hand back from holding Skadi Eira's before turning to Celia's location. Worry is written all over Celia's face.

"What seems to be the problem?"

So, Celia honestly told the problem to her.

When they went to see it themselves, Moon almost fainted after seeing what happened to her chariot. It was broken into unrepairable pieces. On the other hand, the coach is begging for his life on his knees. The chariot is already in its broken state when he arrived to fetch Moon, because the other Princesses were not in the Diamond Palace but with their respective families. The Princesses will parade around the Heart City in their chariots to see their people.

"Moon! Where is Moon!?" They heard from the distance, and they bet it's one of the organizers of the parade.

Moon bitterly smiled, knowing that what happened is not new anymore. Clearly, the person who destroyed her chariot doesn't want her to join the other three. She will only be an eyesore if she were to parade with them.

King LIFE carefully assisted his daughter, Sun, to her sun-themed chariot. The chariot matches her ball gown, made from rare shining silk and studded with thousands of precious stone beads. Her hair is styled into a perfect braid, with her customized crown.

The Princess laughed at her father when she noticed his red eyes.

"Dad, are you crying? Did you cry?"

The King looked away and wiped his eyes.

"Me? No. You're seeing things, my love," he denied but the Princess didn't buy it.

"Our Princess is so beautiful. She looks just like me!" Mistress Seraphim sobbed.

Archduke Karrygyl, Empress Siofra's biological father, scoffed at her claim.

"She's literally the copy of my daughter. That's my wife's face. She got in from you, love," he said before looking down on his crying wife, Archduchess Ultrona.

"It's like---I'm seeing our Siofra's turning of age. I'm just so...so happy. Our Siofra, our Azarese."

The Archduke's heart melted and embraced his wife warmly. He look over to their grandchild who's smiling sweetly to everyone while waving her hands to them. Indeed, they are seeing their daughter on the Princess. Thanks to her, they are witnessing an event that never got to happen to their own.

Princess Eowyne came next, exuding a very charismatic grace and elegance in her daring cape dress. The shade of her dress matches the color of her straight midnight purple hair. Her eldest brother helped her get into her chariot.

Lord Paris III, also called as Thirdy, whistled loudly to tease his best friend, Prince Maxigaufeas.

"Someone is blushing! I'm not saying it's Maxigaufeas, but he has a crush on you, Princess Eowyne!" He shamelessly shouted, surprising the tomato-cheeks Prince he mentioned.

"Y-YOU! Shut up! I'll kill you later, I swear!" He shouted back before turning around to hide his red face.

Emperor Maxism teased him more.

Princess Eowyne look over him and clicked her tongue.

"Mere ant," she insulted, but her face were as red as his, too.

Came next is Princess Aeverie in her pink ball gown and twin pigtails. Cheerful that she is, she greeted and thanked everyone with the biggest and proudest smile she can ever pull.

The coaches lined by Heart Palace's entrance gates respectively. The people who are patiently waiting outside finally got the chance to scream their throats out the moment they see the beautiful Princesses. The Princesses waved their hands to them with their grateful smiles. Sun accepted the flower the little boy is offering to her and thanked him.

"Where's that thing? We're about to start!" King LIFE asked the organizers who are panicking as he get on his armored horse.

"Ah, she's going to ruin the moment. Bet her chariot is broken," grown Prince Zephyrus said while giggling with his brother Fiery.

"I should check on her," Lord Watts worried. When he stepped back, his mother stopped him.

"No. Stay here. Let the servants handle her," she said while exchanging signals with Duchess Denise.

"Gotta go. We need to get on our posts," she added before leaving. They are tasked with keeping the Princesses' safety. Thus, disguised knights are scattered throughout the place and city to assure nothing will threaten the Princesses.

"C'mon, where the hell is that thing!? She's not something important to hold us here! If she's not coming, then don't!"

King Liorei shook his head from the hurtful words he's hearing from his brother.

"Mommy, mommy, wat dat? Up! Up!" Little Princess Diavon, Prince Davorin's youngest daughter, pointed her fingers to the sky when her curious eyes found winged horses coming to their way.

Princess Diamanda, her mother who's carrying her, smiled before looking above and was flabbergasted.

She quickly tapped her husband's shoulder to get his attention. "H-Honey! Look, look! Are they unicorns!?"

"Co-Corn!?" Princess Diavon happily repeated while clapping her hands. Because of their fuss, the others can't help but look at where they are looking and couldn't believe the sight.

The mythical unicorns landed on the ground and flapped their wings. Everyone covered their eyes from the breeze it causes.

"H-Holy shit! Is that real!? Is that a unicorn!?" Emperor Maxism can't help but voice his thoughts. The unicorns neighed and stood on their hind legs before kicking the other two in the air.

"Oh my god, it's real," they babbled in amazement as their unbelieving eyes gaze at the mythical creatures.

The truth is, what they're seeing is not just unicorns but Ice Unicorns. They are creations of none other but Skadi Eira, and she summoned them from their deep slumber in the deepest depths of Frostbite Mountain. Their bodies and wings are glowing, as if there's a strong luminous blue light within them. The pointed horns in the middle of their heads are sharp with twinkling dusts floating around them.

They were ethereal.

Skadi Eira whistled, calling her creations. Two horses left and ran on the path to the Diamond Palace, leaving the other two who are rubbing their heads on each other.

"Co-Corn! Co-Corn!" Princess Diavon called in a high pitch before jumping off her mother's cradle then ran to the unicorns.

"Oh, no! Dia!" Princess Diamanda gasped before running after her daughter.

"Hewo, Co-Corn!" The little Princess happily greeted with her open arms in front of the creatures.

The curious unicorns lowered their heads to smell her. The Princess chuckled.

"Tickles! Silly, Co-Corns!"

Princess Diamanda locked her daughter in her arms followed by Prince Davorin who distanced themselves away from the mythical creatures who they not know if harmless or not.

"Careful, my love. We still don't know their purpose here yet. Brother!"

Prince Izaac wiped the sides of his gaping mouth and faked a cough.

"E-Eherm! These are unicorns! Wow! I mean, why are they for?"

"Sent by the Deities, maybe? Oh my, one unicorn for each of the Princesses! The unicorns are their gifts for them!" Archduchess Ultrona exclaimed, sharing her thoughts.

The Princesses' eyes widened with gratefulness.

But their hopes were shattered when the two horses who left earlier came back with ladies riding on their backs. One is recognized to be Moon, while the other is alien to them.

A golden ring attached to her head, clothing similar to a Chinese hanfu, a straight and long silky, sky blue hair, and eyes shaped into a snowflake.

She's as odd as the mythical creatures who just arrived, when they knew all their lives that unicorns does not exists. Anymore or never.

"Why would I give presents to your lame, fake Princesses of Heart?" Skadi Eira mumbled now that she made her unforgettable entrance.

The unicorn she's riding stopped in the middle where the other two are, giving her the right to look down on people around her with a spiteful expression on her face, until it landed on King Liorei.

"Daro!" she strongly called, and they bet she's even angry.

King Liorei pointed himself in shock. Moon went between them.

"M-My Lady, t-that's not Sir Daro. He's Sir Daro's son, King Liorei," Moon introduced while afraid.

King Liorei collected himself and asked, "You know my father? Mind telling me who you might be?"

While Skadi Eira is still scanning who said to be Daro's son is, Archduke Karrygyl found himself walking around to see her face. Indescribable expressions played on his face, but there is one thing which he is certain.

"I know you..."

Skadi Eira grimaced at him.

Archduke Karrygyl was brought to his knees when he his realization confirmed his assumptions.

"What are you doing! Down to your knees! She's... She is... She is the Matriarch's acquaintance!" He shouted shakily, shocking all who heard him.

"Grandpa, what are you saying? What do you mean? Where did you know such thing?" Prince Izaac is so confused. They don't know what to do. They are torn apart about doing what Archduke Karrygyl told them to do or not, assuming he's unsure about it.

Archduke Karrygyl saw how a bead of his sweat fall to the ground and turn into ice.

"I read the records. I saw the records before they were burned..." He lift his head to look into the coldest eyes he's ever seen. There, he compared the images he's seen in the records from his mind to the being in front of him now.

They are the same. He can't be wrong.

"She is said to be the unnamed Deity who lived among Ancients. The only one Her Great Imperial Majesty, the Matriarch, bent her knee to. The Matriarch's companion and ally; created first before the creation of time and world. The first...strongest Ice Magic wielder..."

His tears fell one after another as his cheeks stretched a smile on his lips.

"Your Divine Almighty! I am nothing but a mere being, I am unworthy to be near your presence---" But his praises for her was cut off by her.

"This 'Matriarch', do you mean Orithyia? Where...is that kid?" Although she already had an idea about what happened to the lady in her incomplete memories, she still asked. She want to hear it with her own ears and not just the thoughts in her head.

The silence couldn't be colder than her ice. They can't bear to tell her. They know the feeling; they've been in the same situation. Asking what happened to a cherished friend and hearing the worst that may happen to them. Though they doubt if the being in front of them would know the word 'pain'.

"She's long gone after fulfilling her duty as a God. Millions of years have passed since then," King Liorei answered courageously in Archduke Karrygyl's stead.

Skadi Eira did not blink, but her eyes lowered.

A memory flashed in her mind. It was warm but the lady she's with is blurry. The only thing she saw clear is her smile and the words she said that she cannot completely recalled.

"Y-Your Divine Almighty... May I ask a question?" Archduke Karrygyl forced an awkward smile.

She nodded at him.

"May I know what brought you here after all these years? And where have you been? Are you here to bless the Princesses? My grandchild, at least? She's the Matriarch's direct descendant. Her mother is my daughter, who is currently the Empress."

He went back to his feet and called Sun who was admiring Skadi Eira's appearance.

"This is her. My dear, introduce yourself to her. She's the Matriarch's companion!" The Archduke urged, but Sun was speechless. The silence is loudly occupying her mind.

She curtsy to Skadi Eira.

"G-Greetings, Your Divine Almighty. I am Holy Azarese Elyzena Warlock-Dragunovv, daughter of Empress Siofra Warlock and King Lucrese Izaac Flyme Elyxir Dragunovv---"

Skadi Eira didn't listened to her complete introduce the moment she heard the lie that came straight from her mouth.

Her eyes even rolled, surprising those who are observing her. "Ah, really? If you're truly Azarese, prove it."

Sun froze.

Archduke Karrygyl chuckled awkwardly, "Your Divine Almighty, what do you mean? This is my granddaughter. Does it confuse you because Moon look just like her?"

"We've met before. She should know that. If, she really is Azarese who she claim her to be,"

Judging eyes were darted through Sun who couldn't utter a word.

"Your Divine Almighty, you must be mistaken. We have never met before. I may look like the Matriarch, but---"

Skadi Eira pointed Moon who's enjoying to her heart's content with the unicorns silently.

"Then, is she the real one? She remembered how we met. Are you a fake?"

Gasps were heard, and Sun doesn't know which mask to wear.

Until Skadi Eira flicked her fingers, "Ah, I'm probably just mistaken. You do look like Orithyia. Then, what's this thing? Are you sisters?"

Suddenly, a relieved breath escaped from Sun's mouth. Moon looked up to her, pained about how her supposedly friend called her.

"It's a long story, but we wouldn't mind sharing our stories to you, Your Divine Almighty! We would love to hear your adventures with the Matriarch, too!" Sun joyfully said before approaching nearer.

Moon lowered her head. The unicorns licked her face, making her smile.

"Who's your trusted person here?" Skadi Eira asked while looking on Sun who's trying to break the barrier between them, trying to get comfortable with her.

"Oh, I trust everyone here! But if you'll ask me who, then I'll say my mother, the Empress!"

"Ah, that's nice. But I'm asking this horned thing," and she pointed Moon who was surprised.

"U-Uhhm... I'd say King Liorei and Lord Watts..." she answered, still unaware that the presence of the last person she uttered is around her.

Humiliation and embarrassment froze Sun from her sneaky steps to get close to Skadi Eira, who is now smirking down on her.

"Then, I'd get a word with them later. If you trust them, I'll trust them. Keeping your circle small is safe."

She whistled, calling the attention of the two unicorns.

"Lift the barrier. We're going on a walk."

What she said is probably what frightened them most. They look up and see the barrier unfold right before their eyes. Skadi Eira passed them by while riding on her creation. Moon followed until she's side-by-side with her. The unicorns left glowing footprints and trails on the ground every step they take.

The smug expression on Skadi Eira's face vanished when her eyes dropped to King LIFE who's glaring at her with murderous intent before running to his humiliated daughter.

"Co-Corn! Mommy, co-corn bye-bye? My co-corn!" The little Princess cried, throwing tantrums to her parents.

"Let's talk about this later. For now, proceed with the parade. It's good our people seem innocent about what took place moments ago. If a word about this comes out, I will handle the one who spread it myself," Prince Izaac said, taking things under his control.

"Izylidas, protect your Mom. Davorin, send the hawk and a letter to Daro. Ascel, Eddrien, if you're lurking around, find anything with that lady in it. Rumors, records, fictions---I don't care as long as she's mentioned. If she won't tell who she is herself, then let's dig. I'm greatly bothered why she's beside Moon. She humiliated my sister on purpose. I wouldn't forgive her for that,"

"Honey," Princess Aurora soothe the moment she felt his foul mood.

"But she's very pretty. The Matriarch is friends with someone like that? Damn! Ancients are the best!" Emperor Maxism commented while watching Skadi Eira's back.

Empress Clastigaufeas created a copy of a gun with a silencer on her hand and shot her husband straight in the head. Nobody paid attention to the bloody Emperor but the healer, Princess Aurora.

"That's why I-I love my w-wife..." The Emperor raised his thumb with a smug grin.

"I will help. There may be some archaic files kept in our archives. I will look into it some time," Empress Clastigaufeas suggested, and the eldest Warlock Prince thanked her.

"Aww, somebody's career is ending soon," King Liorei sighed in disappointment.

"What the fuck are you saying!?" King LIFE roared.

King Liorei feigned ignorance, "What? I just said somebody's career is ending soon, why so mad?"

King LIFE drew his sword and advances to him with wide steps, "You son of a---"

His words triggered the mischievous King---no, perhaps the Phantom Prince.

"At least my mother's dead. Yours is still right there. Say the word and you'll lose her. Go on. Say the word."

King Liorei's eyes went completely pitch black like Moon's. His brother stops on his own with gritting teeth.

"You fucker. You and your threats. You will never change."

King Liorei reverted his eyes to normal and nodded, "Yep. Still effective, though. Hard to forget my villainous roots. Maybe I should go to rehab again. Ciao, my brother. I'll go meet a very handsome boy,"

King Liorei flounced away with his irritating laughter just to annoy King LIFE. Where he went, nobody knows but him.

The parade may be one of the best things that's ever happened to Moon. Even beside the strange being named Skadi Eira, people did not forget nor ignored her existence and still called her name out. They even offered simple gifts to her, such as flowers, letters, and drawings. A child even gave her pebbles that seems to be in her color: gray. She thanked each of them gratefully with her welling tears.

"Where are the others? I am only seeing Moon. Over." Grand Duchess Xerene, or Aloisia when in duty, said to the communication device on her hand while hiding behind the chimney.

"And she's even with a strange lady. She looks divine. Who is she?---The other three are here. Secure the perimeters. Over." Duchess Denise, or Freya when in duty, wondered after she witnessed Moon's parade.

Aloisia immediately pinned her back against the chimney when Skadi Eira shifted her blank stares to her location. It is impossible to detect an expert and professional assassin such as herself, so how come the lady knew where she is? She, along the others, are even wearing invisibility suits. She can't be wrong about it because their eyes met.

"Who are those ants watching from afar?" Skadi Eira asked casually while observing the changes around her. Everything is new to her. Somehow, she enjoys what she's seeing. On the other hand, she misses how things used to be.

"Hmm? Who?" Moon cradled the gifts she received from the people carefully in her arms, not losing the smile on her face.

"YOU'RE AN EYESORE, MOON! DO NOT PRAISE A VEIL! SHE'S A MONSTER! LEAVE, MONSTER! WE DON'T WANT A MONSTER PRINCESS! BOO!" A group of Sun's supporters chanted as Moon pass in front of them. Although it hurt and upset her, she swallowed the pain and kindly smiled on her haters.

She thought they would only hurt her with words and didn't expect the stone they threw at her in surprise. Moon protected the gifts she received with her life instead of prioritizing her safety. The masked man who's secretly watching over her almost jumped in to protect her, had King Liorei not stop him.

Skadi Eira slowly dropped her eyes on Moon's haters and right there, she froze them for eternity. The unicorns went on while showing off their beautiful wings to gather the people's attention and forget the cold fate that befell on Moon's haters.

King Liorei smirked while staring at Skadi Eira's back, watching her hair bounce gracefully.

"See? She got herself a powerful ally,"

The masked man breathes in to calm himself.

Once they made a full turn, Moon wished the ground would just open up and eat her, so she could get away from the malicious stares she's receiving from the royals and nobilities when they returned. Skadi Eira is walking ahead of her, not giving her expensive attention for free to the people around her.

After the parade, the Princesses are to change their gowns into a new one before the party officially starts. But Moon doesn't have much luxury. She is the poorest among the Heart Princesses, whose budget is only a gold a month, while others receive six-digits budget and higher.

"Open the doors," Skadi Eira ordered the knights who are firmly refusing her. The doors will only open once the Empress is seated in her throne inside. Apparently, the Empress is still preparing. The organizers are putting the final touches to the magical venue, which is one of their most awaited part.

"My Lady, please, they can't open the doors yet. Would you like to take a walk in the greenhouse? I bet the flowers are in full bloom now!"

Moon, although afraid, harmlessly held Skadi Eira's hand. She squeezed it softly, getting her attention where she smiled to her warmly.

"Eherm, if you don't mind, I will accompany the Lady there. Celia, take the Princess to her chambers and get her changed," King Liorei butt in who suddenly popped beside them.

"O-Oh, Your Majesty. I greet His Majesty," Moon curtsy before him while panicking. The King laughed and pet her head.

"Thank you. Go, go. You can leave her to me."

Moon looks at Skadi Eira who's glaring at King Liorei. She smiled weakly to him before letting Celia pull her back to the Diamond Palace, leaving the man and woman alone.

"She's such a sweet girl. Don't you think so, My Lady?" King Liorei said while watching the Princess take careful steps away from them.

"Where is Daro?" Is what he got from her instead in return.

The King chucked mischievously and offered his hand to her with a bow.

"Please, honor me with a brief walk, and we will talk about that."

Skadi Eira raised her brow and checked him from head to toe. It's obvious that she intend to not accept his hand.

Emperor Maxism with Duke Paris, standing just a few meters away from the two, shake their head in amazement.

"Look at that fuckboy go. That is why I hate him. Very much. He gets to have the pretty girls first," Duke Paris hissed with a taint of animosity.

"Right? If not an Earthling, then a Deity? I hate him very much!" Emperor Maxism agreed.

Grand Duke Voltage stood behind them.

"Why would I accept your stinking hand? I see crimson all over it. You're a dangerous man," Skadi Eira rejected him with subtlety.

The King smiled sweetly, but there's something more in his smile.

A psycho.

"I am. But believe me, I meant no harm to you. Also, the crimson you're seeing are something I can't wash off, no matter how hard I try. I'm not very clean and won't act like one," the King assure with all honesty and Skadi Eira can tell whether one is lying to her or not. He's not.

"Cover it."

King Liorei didn't waste the chance and wore the leather gloves in his pocket. He asked for her hand once again with a bow. This time, Skadi Eira accepted it.

"Damn, Liorei! He got her!" Emperor Maxism punched the air and watch the two leave, with King Liorei smirking triumphantly to them when he passed them by.

"He found a new victim," Grand Duke Voltage nonchalantly uttered, startling his two friends.

"What the hell, man!? How long have you been there!?"

The Grand Duke only gave them a blank stare for a second before walking away.

"The fuck is wrong with him?" The two can't help but ask.