
Chapter 11

The giant meteor comes crashing down towards earth. Enzo looks up at the giant meteor and smirks. The aura sword that was in his hand disappeared. And in place, a giant crimson scythe appears. The scythe is as large as the entire mountain. It's color matches that of his aura. The dragon looks down in shock

"Impossible, how did a brat like you acquire such power!?"

Enzo leaps to the sky and meets the meteors head on, slashing them in half with his scythe. In the process of cutting the meteor in half, he reaches the dragon and cuts him in half. The meteor now in half explodes, and bits of rubble falls back to the planet. The dragon now split in two also falls to earth. Enzo lands back on earth and makes his way to the dragon.

"Boy, It seems I've underestimated you. Since you've defeated me, I shall grant you the Intelligence Of The Dragons. Drink some of my blood and you shall acquire the wisdom and foresight of the dragons."

Enzo reaches down towards the dragon and begins to drink some of it's blood. The pain and burning sensation rushes around his body. His eyes turn a light red and he lets out a yell that echoes all around the forest. The pain subsides and the dragon is now dead. He searches the area for his master. He finds him and immediately runs towards his lifeless body. He carries his lifeless body back home and begins to bury it. He grabs his masters pipe and lays it on the altar. He sits next to the altar and begins to sob.

"Dammit master why'd you have to die on me!? How dare you leave your only pupil. What am I supposed to do now!? You left me nothing!? Dammit master! I promise you, I will make this world know the name Enzo. I promise that I'll become the strongest in the world."

He sits back against the altar and continues to cry.