
I am the son of dragon

Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It can be seen as a predetermined future, a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed order of nature in the universe. Destiny can be seen as a specific sequence of events that are inevitable and immutable, or that individuals can choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their lives. life of an unemployed youth The first dragon reincarnation And getting someone into the game Same time, same place Is that ?

Gamal_3_3_ · Fantasie
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26 Chs

blood weapon

(The dungeon invasion is over and the rest of the skeletons are eliminated: Learn Swordsmanship Learn the entire Spirit Summoning Technique

Conditions: Kill the dungeon lord, have 50 summon souls.)


(Do you want to continue learning the secret of the land of dragons)

( Acceptance)

Suddenly, another gate appeared out of nowhere, and Isaac came out from the opposite side

What system is this?

(You can consider it as a training room to increase your level)

What really what are its specifications

( A parallel world

Specifications: It distorts space and time, a day inside the gate is considered an hour in the real world

You can complete daily tasks there too

Benefits: Increases training effectiveness (host only)

Anyway, I gotta get the job done

. . . .


The world building is very simple but also very interesting in Neverland.

It's a world where magic is common and everyone can use it if they undergo proper training But how advanced they are depends on their sensitivity to magic.

There are some exceptions for those who cannot use magic due to the state in which they were born.

There are those who have found a different way to use magic and at the same time those who develop their magic specialize in extending spells to a whole new level.

There is a basic magic that includes the four elements of fire, water, earth, and wind, and there is also summoning, space magic, and much more.

While magic is generally accepted, There is an equal or perhaps even more powerful force than magic and they are swordsmen.

In the current era, the mana concentration in the world from before had reached very low levels, thus it had become really difficult to ascend to higher levels.

A few thousand years ago when the world was inhabited by dragons, gods, and demons, humanity was just a weak race that didn't have any strength to fight until one of the gods passed on the ability to use mana to them.

But with no understanding of magic, race was soon forgotten until the age of myths came.

Through the failures, a number of heroes began to emerge who had mastered mana through their own understanding They began to fight demons and soon managed to create a kingdom of their own.

As time progressed, the concentration of mana began to decline and with it the existences that depended on mana began to become extinct.

Any normal human when he begins to learn magic will not have a magic circle.

The first thing he must do is feel the mana in his body and create a magic circle and thus become a magician from the first circle.

To progress further, a good understanding as well as a talent for feeling mana is required.

It is here where most people stop.

Reaching the Fifth Circle but after that it takes sincere effort and experience.

It is the circle in which they begin to develop their own method of magic.

But even then, the highest circle attained is still the eighth and no one in the current era has been able to cross it, Because after the eighth circle the magician ceases to be human and becomes transcendent.

There is a different power system for swordsmen, dragons, and elves.

The swordsman's ability is to use mana to create an aura that has a unique ability The strength of a dragon depends on how long it has lived, like a sea dragon

(You will understand what is the power of the dragon and what is the power of ascending in the future)

. . .

"The system looks like this dagger has been used up. Are there other good weapons? "

(The system recommends the use of a blood weapon)

[blood weapon]

Required Rank: Agent from the Dark World.

Required Level: Level 1 or higher.

Skill rank: D You can craft a weapon with your own blood or monsters' blood (the efficiency increases

The higher the monster's power)

You can craft a wide variety of weapons based on user stats.

Required to use 1000 experience points

( Buy )

"System, are there powerful monsters near here?"

. .

In this primeval forest, he was already one of the best predators. His thick and tall body carried a terrifying rolling power. Even lions or tigers entangled with it will be strangled to death on the spot. Thus, it did not have any natural enemies in this ecosystem.

Suddenly, the trees in the forest shook and the big serpent woke up. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound with evil eyes.

Even as a predator, he remained vigilant. In this primitive ecosystem where even the weak can prey on the strong, any creature that dampens their vigilance will end up becoming someone else's meal.

Under the serpent's vigilant gaze, the leaves in front of him swayed. A giant beast about 3 to 4 meters long that walks on dead leaves and twigs. She had golden scales that shone in the sun, Even the serpent, with its limited intelligence, did not know that it was provoking this beast. Every feature of this giant beast seemed enhanced and sharpened to kill; It looks like a normal killing machine.

The snake had never seen such a beast in its hunting life. I wondered why the scales of the other side were shining. In the wild, this kind of bright appearance would only attract undue attention. Although he did not have any wisdom, the serpent followed its instincts and flipped its tail, thinking that this was an unprovokable beast.

Suddenly, a beast that glowed with a golden radiance seemed to notice this. His overturned pupils were like a serpent staring at the serpent with a unique majesty that could not be compared to the serpent.

The beast's gaze alone was frightening in the serpent's heart. It was as if he had just encountered the most terrifying predator in his entire life.

The snake wanted to escape but noticed that it could not move. She wanted to intimidate her in the same way she terrorized her prey, But she noticed that other than shivering, she couldn't do anything else.

When the prey detects its predator, the correct answer is to scream and run. But when a predator is ridiculously strong, these choices are taken from it.

The snake's life ended when it saw the terrifying golden beast waving its claws.

The snake's skin was very thick, but Lowe noticed that his claws could tear the snake like paper. He used his sharp claws to pull the snake and expose its bright red internal organs.

After becoming a dragon, Louie had ideas for playing. At first, he was very cautious, but after he discovered that no other creature suited him, his actions gradually became more daring.

Even the little dragon was still a dragon. How could these ordinary creatures that did not have magical power triumph against him?

(This is not a real dragon, but a Komodo lizard, which is also called a dragon, whatever)

Isaac intervened at this moment, it was a heated match between the two

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a Komodo dragon core.]

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a predatory serpent core]

" Can I merge the two nuclei together?

(You can integrate 500 experience points)

This is a robbery

Now the weapon is ready

[blood weapon]

Required Rank: Agent from the Dark World.

Required Level: Level 1 or higher.

Skill rank: D You can craft a weapon with your own blood or monsters' blood (the efficiency increases as the monster gets stronger)

You can craft a wide variety of weapons based on user stats.


. .

(Learn the secret of the land of the dragon)

Right Left Up The Tree Under The Bridge Jump On Fire

"System, is this map correct?"

The map is one hundred percent correct, you must do everything that is written in it

"system but now he tells me solo dance Is this part of the map How can I find a cave by doing some western moves This reminds me of a cartoon I saw when I was young in my previous world

He wanted to search for some treasure, but his story took a completely different turn. Anyway, I'll follow the map without doing this stupid thing. I think it was the system's doing anyway.!

Now we have reached the cave that looks like a normal cave from the inside

"Is this the right place?"

Yes, this is the right place


(Learn the secret of the land of dragons 2% achievement bonus: ?? Unknown)

After this notice, I am sure now what should I do? Well I'll explore the place, looks like someone lives here. There's heat coming from that burning wood, it seems someone just turned it off.

old clothes bed about to perish,

rattle* thud

Oh what is this? Who is this man ? Why is this holding my neck? wow.. what the fuck is this

Then he said, "Tell me who you are and who sent you."

Oh my neck if I can talk at first you're holding on to my violence you motherfucker

"Who is this person's system?"

(Information: Name Unknown? - Rank Unknown?? Strength Unknown?? - Skill Unknown?? - Movement Unknown?? Skill Unknown?? Flexibility Unknown?? Hazard Ratio Fatal)

What? Dangerous offspring is fatal? What the hell is this, why does a character like that live in a forest and in an isolated cave that no one knows about and now he wants

Could I die again?

. . . ..

Then he said again, "Tell me quickly who sent you and what he wants, or I will kill you." Then he started to smell me, I don't know what to do, is it a hunting dog or something? Then he said to me, "Tell me your name now .. The only answer is, is this question going to get you out of this situation?

How ? I will tell you my name and you will let me go? Otherwise, why did they invent prison? Anyway, on his news, I'll add five minutes to live.

I didn't think that my second life would end so quickly. I want to send a message to everyone who wants to live another life and move to another world. Don't. Then I told him, "Well, my name is Martinez Jamal, but they call me Isaac." They told me that Isaac is my grandfather's name and also my family name, I think. They didn't tell me much at the time."

He replied, "Did you say that your name is Ishaq Humm, in fact I don't know him.. I'm joking, but if what comes to my mind is true, then you definitely have a bright future ahead of you."

Sigh, from this moment on, he called me Black

(Name Information Black - Rank Unknown? Strength Unknown?? Skill Unknown ?_ Movement Unknown? Skill Unknown? Flexibility Unknown? Hazard Ratio Fatal)

Beep (Congratulations, Black's Affinity Ratio increased by 20 points)

. . .

There was an ancestor of dragons

A man of many talents and titles such as "the supreme villain of the bloody throne", "the lunatic lunatic", "the old perverted the fool" And many more that he did not have time to remember.

His realm was one among many in the universe just like all the other cultivation realms out there,

Eat the weak strong and the young masters who will expel you because you looked at them for a split second, and other miscellaneous things. This ancestor believed in himself that the more a person trains, the more stupid he becomes. Fortunately for him, he eliminated this problem by merging with all of his previous reincarnations, he was a man without scruples when it came to victory with his wits and skills. He has commanded the throne of dragons, The greatest sect known to man in his world. He had drained the blood of countless enemies in blood drawing activities, for him life was going so well that he thought it was nothing. It could make him unable to achieve eternal life. But as always with the plans of man the heavens are different, the universe will not allow men to become equal with it, This ancestor tried everything he could just to achieve eternal life. He extended his life using multiple methods until he became just a fossil, and tried all the cultivation techniques he gained through Set complete reincarnations and do everything in his power, eliciting elixirs, stealing techniques from lucky people.

Whether they had just been born or had already reached the peak, but all they did was extend his life, He believed that after so many failed reincarnations where he either fell before he reached his full strength or just died as now by this time he was unable to reach eternal life! Unfortunately for him, the universe he is currently in will never allow him to fulfill his dream no matter how many times he reincarnates, despite reaching peak cultivation,

Except that it wasn't really at the end of the road if put in percentages it would be in the top 20%. There were still people who were stronger than him, however, these people weren't restricted to the universe they were in, Constrained by his being the original, this ancestor was just an unlucky man in the end.

Now as an old man who outlived all his grandchildren, wives, and concubines, he stood alone in his great palace, He dies on his bed made of the softest silk known to man, beast or hybrid. His breathing was rough as his skin was pretty much flaking off his bones, and he was too old to be recognized at all, He would think that it was a piece of skin instead of a human, his diseased white bones could be seen peeling off his rotten skin, suddenly the most powerful figure and the man known to be the strongest in his world started coughing and blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Aging along with all of his attempts to gain eternal life had corrupted his body to the point that he was no longer a practical "human" anymore, these were numbered days, that was for sure. over his head, The sands of time were eroding into a piece of water made of silver, this was the time left for this dead ship before it was returned to the soul ship and reincarnated again for the hundred thousandth time.

As a man with much experience in reincarnation, he was not sad that he was dying, but was disappointed and muttered to himself with the last remnants of his strength: "Again? Maybe next time I'll reach the peak? " That's what he said to himself every time he reached the end of the streak, again, would he reach the peak then? But he failed and failed and failed so many times that he did not know. Both his wits and wisdom were just a drop in the ocean compared to his inexperience. He never thought that the universe itself was limiting him, he always thought that a better breed would help him, a better training technique, And a better physique. In the end, everything failed. This ancestor coughed one last time before his soul left his body and entered the reincarnation cycle for another time.

. ..

[Name: Martinez Jamal (Isaac)]

[Age: 15]

[Level: 4]

[SP: 5]

[Coins: 100]

[HP 100/100]

[Strength: 30]

[Agility: 38]


[Vital: 23]

[Quests: Learn the secret of the 3% Dragon Land]

[a store]

[Lottery: unlocked at level 5]

[Martial Arts: Taekwondo, Iron Style, Karate, Muay Thai, Boxing]

[Martial Arts Techniques: Super Saiyan 2]

[Learn Super Saiyan 2 is 80% off]