
I am the Paradox

When you wake up you are in a strange place. Become an omnipotent being but simply want to live in peace that life doesn't allow.

Hysteria_Hope · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Commission from the church

Lize returned to her normal life, after waking up she found herself lying in the bushes near the portal, how she got there she didn't think much. Perhaps after losing consciousness Treachery or Sloth used her body, so she didn't think much of it. The wound on her body also disappeared.

But there is still an important matter to be solved, that is, the lizard, or rather the dragon from yesterday, is nowhere to be found.

When she returned to her apprenticeship, Lize took off all her clothes to look behind her in the mirror. Indeed the dragon tattoo is still there, proving that the dragon is still alive, yesterday it threatened to kill her, but she was faster when sending it into that space. But where is the dragon?


"Lize, good morning!"- Orien

The young lady opened the door and accidentally saw Lize naked, before she could say anything, a pillow was thrown at her face.

"I'm sorry"- Orien

"How old are you when it comes to politeness like knocking on the door?" - Lize

"I'm really sorry"- Orien

Lize just sighed and put on her clothes, she immediately remembered that Orien was a reincarnated person so she probably knew something from the novel.

"Do you remember what's important to watch out for in the novel? Like some terrible event that's going to happen or something that hasn't been done?" - Lize

"Hmm, if I remember correctly, the academy will give the students a job registration certificate, the heroine in the novel chooses the profession of saintness because it is a profession that helps a lot of people in need" - Orien

"Sounds like honey attracts bees" - Lize

"You could say so, but there's no denying that the novel's influence in my world is very popular, including acting like the ubiquitous weak girls that have become a global phenomenon." - Orien

"It was unexpected"- Lize

Orien stared at Lize, then raised both hands to touch the other girl's body.

"What are you doing?" - Lize

"Woah, I didn't expect the body to be so balanced, three rounds is like an hourglass. The skin is soft and white like this, hiding behind clothes, if I was a man, I would probably eat it. you are"- Orien

"Stop it, you crazy pervert!!!" - Lize


A loud slap appeared on Orien's face, Lize blushed indifferently because the lady deserved it.

When she finished dressing, Orien grabbed her hand and led her to the staff room. Sure enough, just as Orien said, the teachers were handing out registration papers to the students. Those who wanted to register for any profession went to the teacher's desk with a name tag on it, Orien ran to the queue of the airborne mage, following in the family's business. Lize should also find her career teacher, but admittedly it was very crowded so it was difficult to go.

Because of that, she accidentally bumped into the person in front, reacting quickly, she immediately wrapped her arms around that person with one hand and then grabbed the table with the other hand.

"Are you okay?" - Lize

The person she accidentally bumped into was a young girl with shiny blonde hair, blue eyes like the sea, didn't see what the other said, could it be that she accidentally injured that lady?

But no, the other girl looked at her with sparkling blue eyes like a savior, the other girl grabbed Lize's hand.

"You're the heroine? But why are you so different?"

Lize immediately realized, the girl just called her "the heroine", and acted as if she had known each other for a long time. You need to verify first.

At the same time, Orien was happily preparing for her turn when suddenly a hand grabbed her hand, it was Lize. Holding the blond girl's hand with the other hand, Liize moved closer to her.

"Follow me, now!"- Lize

"What?" - Orien

Before she could say anything, Lize forcefully pulled the two girls out of the teacher's office to everyone's surprise.

The three of them went to the backyard of the academy, Lize explained to Orien and she asked the girl a few questions that Lize didn't understand. Suddenly the girl was surprised and hugged Orien, both girls cried happily while Lize still needed an answer.

"Sorry, we're so excited. Didn't expect to see each other again so soon, this is my friend from the old world, she has a new name now" - Orien

"My name is Bianka, just call me Bibi" - Bianka

"I guess I don't need to introduce myself, because you already know who I am" - Lize

"Of course I know, everyone in the group knows. But maybe she is completely different from the heroine in the novel" - Bianka

"Disappointed?" - Lize

"No, you're more amazing than that. Although the heroine in the novel is a dreamy and life-loving girl, I prefer the strong and tomboy type of girl. Lize's actions caught me, made me feel good. Let this little girl's heart beat so hard" - Bianka

Bianka kept praising Lize as a true fangirl, until they forgot that the academy had run out of professional papers for them. Lize asked for the reason, but heard that the other side had entered the wrong information so they need to wait at least a few more days to get the documents. At the same time, there was a new mandate for them, the church that had recruited them to help.

Now that they had to go there to examine the situation, a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort enveloped the three girls.

"This is definitely the beginning of the next volume of the novel, where the heroine will step in to meet the male protagonist for the first time" - Bianka

"Yeah, act like I care"- Lize

"Hurry up and try it" - Orien

The three of them pushed the large iron gate inside and saw many monks tending to the trees around the church, they looked friendly. But there seems to be something strange about it, Lize glanced at the monks who had just passed by, her face showed an unnatural forced smile, her face looked very pale as if she was sick, there was one more thing What drew her even more attention was the slightly limp gait of a few monks.

It seems that this entrustment needs to be more careful, When near the entrance, a man came out with a holy face so dazzling that they blinded their eyes.

"Hello, are you from the academy? All three beautiful ladies appear to be. I am the vicar of this church, my name is Arlan. In the name of the highest gods, you ladies. Truly our savior."

While the priest Arlan kept saying noble things about thanking the gods, Lize was just so depressed that she didn't notice that a pair of lustful eyes were watching her from afar.

Suddenly the priest grabbed Lize's hands, startling her. He shed tears non-stop.

"Oh my god, I can feel a divine power flowing in you. Is this the child of light?" - Arlan