
How It Started

I come from a world brimming with technology and science. Science advanced so much that humans gained the ability to communicate with all creatures. Unknown to the minds of humans, but it was this very incident that propelled earth into the Ganthera belt. All planets have the ability to become intelligent once the majority of its habitants gain a certain understanding about their Origen. A planet will gain the ability to enter the Ganthera belt once a certain set of requirements are met. The Ganthera belt is a force older than the universe. The Ganthera belt is a mysterious force that has worked as a power source for all planets to rotate around in a lock.

It did not take long for Homosapien to realize the extra moon on their plant as well as spotting shooting stars that never seemed to run out of gas. Every country's leader we're for once unified as a rush of ambition and curiosity started to creep into everyone's mind.

The race to become the first to colonize and expand from a planet that was deemed too small for its population began.

The government started by giving incentives for people willing to venture out to the new moon. This worked almost too well as so many people signed up that earth started facing its own crisis. "De-popular." Yes, this actually happened. Because no one was willing to stay on earth, nuclear power plants around the world all went off at once. Earth was identified as a dwarf planet no longer accepted by the Ganthera belt and forgotten through time. 2000 years later, some being started to spot oceans forming on the dwarf earth. The two moons that earth attached itself to were called giya and fashi, both being 5x bigger than earth.

I hope y'all enjoyed the rushed build-up because I'm now starting the story. 😂

Give me a comment and let me know how to improve. thank you.

Darkcolorcreators' thoughts