
I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Come with me as I start my adventure in the Spider-Man world. I'm Jonathan Anderson from California, and I'm half Filipino and half American. When I died, I didn't end up where I thought I would. Now, I'm in the Spider-Man universe. But I'm not alone. I'm going to be a Spider-Man with Peter Parker, teaching him along the way. And remember, with great power comes with great responsibility.

THE_V1S1ON · Anime und Comics
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324 Chs

Chapter 124– Goblin Arc (5)

Time: 8 pm


As I sat in the living room with Mary Rose, my mind drifted back to the evening's events, each memory fresh and vivid. Bid farewell to our friends—Mark, Mary, Emily, Chris, and Loe—brought a sense of fulfillment. It felt reassuring to know that we were there for each other, no matter what. With Mark and Emily staying with us for the time being, our home took on a new energy, one filled with laughter and companionship. Mark's decision to stay until he married Emily kept us all connected, and I couldn't have been happier about it.


Lost in thought, I barely noticed Mary Rose's gentle voice pulling me back to the present. "Babe, what's on your mind?" she asked, her eyes reflecting genuine curiosity and concern.


I shook my head slightly, trying to dispel the weight of my thoughts. "Nothing, it's just... you know how time flies by," I replied softly, reflecting on the passage of time.


Her warm gaze softened as she leaned in to kiss me tenderly. "Yeah, but even as time flies, I'm still with you every step of the way," she reassured me.


Returning her kiss, I felt a surge of gratitude for her unwavering support. "Thanks, babe. Thanks for always by my side," I murmured sincerely.

Before she could respond, the familiar voice of J. Jonah Jameson echoed from the TV, instantly capturing my attention.


Jonah Jameson's voice blared from the TV, his usual gruff tone laced with disdain as he launched into another tirade. "Spider-Man Red is out there fighting the Goblin, but take a look at the citizens! They're hurt, some of them badly injured. And where's Spider-Man? All I see is Spider-Man Red. Does he honestly think Spider-Man Red can fill his shoes? He's only been a superhero for three months! This is irresponsible, plain and simple. And where did Spider-Man Red even come from? Is he Spider-Man's son or something? But regardless, what I'm saying is Spider-Man is irresponsible!"


My heart raced as I processed the news. Green Goblin's reappearance sent a jolt of fear through me. Memories of Peter's battles with the villain in the comics flooded my mind, each one more intense and even fucked up things. I couldn't shake the worry gnawing at my insides. Was Peter safe? Was he able to handle the Green Goblin on his own?


Even though Peter had faced the Green Goblin before, both in movies and comics, this time felt different. This is not comics or movies, these is reality. I couldn't help but fear for his safety, knowing the lengths to which the Green Goblin would go to achieve his sinister goals.


"Is Peter okay?" Mary Rose's concerned voice cut through my thoughts, echoing the same worry I felt.


"I don't know," I admitted, my voice tinged with apprehension. "But knowing Peter, he'll give it everything he's got. So we just have to trust that he can handle himself."



But deep down, the uncertainty gnawed at me. I could only hope and pray that Peter would emerge from this latest confrontation unscathed, just as he had done so many times before. "I will check on him tonight," I said in my thoughts, determined to ease my worries by ensuring Peter's safety firsthand.


Then Mary Rose's voice broke through my troubled thoughts, her confusion evident. "And Why does this man always seem to hate you, babe? Even though you've done nothing but save the citizens," she questioned, her brow furrowed with puzzlement.



Michael chuckled softly, reaching out to playfully pinch her cheek. "That's just human nature, babe. People tend to hate what they can't understand," he explained, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.


Welp, I understand J. Jonah Jameson's on why he hates Spider-Man; Because Spidey is everything Jameson wishes he could be: selfless, noble, and devoted to the greater good. But Jameson? He's more of a practical guy, willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead, even if it's not exactly moral. It's like he's mad at Spider-Man for being so good and it makes Jameson's inability to measure up to the heroic ideal embodied by Spider-Man and even though he acts like he hates him. Deep down, Jameson respects Spider-Man for always standing up for what's right, even if he won't admit it. Well, I only know this all from the comics, he explained there on why he hates Spider-Man.


Suddenly Mary's interruption pulled me out of my thoughts, her voice breaking through the swirling worries in my mind. "Is that so?" she asked, her expression curious.


I nodded, offering her a smile to reassure her. "Yep," I replied, though my mind was still partially preoccupied with concern for Peter.


Just then, the familiar ringtone of my mcall device pierced the air, interrupting our conversation. "Someone's calling me," I said to Mary, my attention immediately diverted to the incoming call.


Seeing that it was Peter calling, a surge of relief washed over me. "Thank goodness," I muttered under my breath, before answering the call.


As I saw Peter's name flash on my mcall device. Hastily, I answered the call, my heart still racing with worry.


"Peter, are you okay, I know about the fight?" I blurted out, unable to contain my concern.


"Yeah, I'm okay," Peter replied, his voice sounding slightly strained but reassuring nonetheless. "It was a tough fight, but I managed to handle it."


A wave of relief washed over me, and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Thank goodness," I said, a smile breaking across my face. "We were worried sick over here."


Peter chuckled softly. "Sorry for making you worry. But I'm fine, really."


I glanced at Mary Rose, who was watching me with a mixture of relief and concern. "Peter says he's okay," I told her, conveying the news with a grateful smile.


Mary Rose let out a sigh of relief, her expression softening with reassurance. "Thank goodness," she murmured, her worry easing.


Then Peter's voice crackled through the mcall device. "So, you know, about my fight with the Green Goblin," he began, his tone heavy with the weight of recent events.


"Yeah, it was really a mess, huh," I replied sympathetically, recalling the news.


"Yep... and I'm just gonna say that I'm planning to visit you tonight to discuss what happened," Peter announced, his voice sounding determined yet weary.


"Alright, Pete," I responded, understanding the need for him to debrief after such an intense confrontation.


"Greet, then. Where do we meet?" Peter inquired, seeking confirmation.


"How about the same spot?" I suggested, knowing it was a secluded area where we could talk freely.


"Sounds good. Same spot it is," Peter agreed, the resolve in his voice palpable.


"Alright, see you then," I said, ending the call as Peter bid farewell.


After Peter hung up, Mary turned to me, her expression filled with curiosity. "So, Pete is okay?" she asked, her concern evident.


"Yeah, and Peter wants to meet me tonight," I confirmed, sensing her worry.


She furrowed her brow slightly. "Are you sure? You seem tired after spending time with our friends," Mary expressed her concern, her eyes soft with care.


"Don't worry about me. I've even dealt with crime countless times; it's nothing new," I reassured her, though her concern touched me deeply.


"Alright, just promise me you'll be safe," Mary's voice softened, her affection evident in her gaze as she looked at me.


I nodded, leaning in to give her a tender kiss. "I'll be back before you even miss me," I promised, feeling a surge of gratitude for her unwavering support.


With a reassuring smile, Mary returned the kiss, her warmth enveloping me like a comforting embrace. "Just always always return as much as possible okay?" she urged softly, her concern evident in her eyes.


"I will," I assured her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before reluctantly letting go. As I turned to leave, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for leaving her behind, but I knew I had a responsibility to help Peter and protect the city.


After that with determination in my eyes, I made my way to the designated location where Peter awaited.


After arriving at the designated location, Peter told me everything about his fight with the Green Goblin. I paid close attention, taking in every bit of what he said.

[I wore a sharp black suit, with bright blue eyes shining in the darkness. Peter's suit, on the other hand, was a bold red with blue pants.]

"So, you went up against the Green Goblin and managed to nab this mask?" I asked, my grip tightening around the mask as I held it up for emphasis.


"Yep," Peter affirmed, his expression serious as he recounted the intense battle.


"And the Green Goblin turned out to be Norman Osborn," I pretended to be surprise, though I had already pieced together the connection from my knowledge of the comics.


"Yeah, and it was crazy because he was under control of this mask, so watch yourself around it," Peter warned, his concern evident in his tone.


I nodded solemnly, acknowledging the importance of his warning. "Got it, Pete. I'll keep my guard up," I assured him, committed to heeding his advice.


Looking at him, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. "And you've really grown up, huh? To think you managed to beat this guy without me," I remarked, a hint of admiration in my voice.


Peter chuckled modestly. "Well, I've had the best mentor," he replied, gratitude shining in his eyes as he looked to me.


I couldn't help but smile, a warmth filling my chest. "And I've had the best student, which makes me the best teacher," I teased lightly, a sense of camaraderie between us

"Showtime?" I continued, then I extended my fist, a gesture of camaraderie and solidarity between us.


Peter returned the fistbump with a determined smile. "Showtime," he said, his voice filled with resolve.

With a nod, we swung across the city, ready to face whatever challenges came our way together.


To be continued

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