
I am the great magician

My name is Shane, I am from another world, and I am a mage. I seek arcane truths, I seek the secrets of immortality, and finally answer the call of the world. "My lord, you hold your throne high to the sky. You are the star of dawn, the brightest star before dawn."

DaoistoA61iT · Fantasie
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60 Chs

 55、gift ring

   The Elemental Essence at the input of the Element Collector was flowing tickingly. Although all the great magicians present had no shortage of essentia to use, the speed of this generation still made them feel inexplicably happy.

  "Gavin, you go to the academy's storage room to get three high-grade magic crystals, give them to Frandy to implant the magic seeds of the spiritual stimulation technique, and then build three large meditation rooms. This must be done in secret and cannot be made public."

  Since the source of order is no longer a shackle, the enhanced version of the spiritual stimulation technique will also have a place to use, which is definitely a first-class event for the great magicians.

  "Frandy, give me the blueprint of the magic circle, and I will keep it."

  "Okay, good teacher, I'll go get it now."

  "Now I'm going to meet Your Majesty. The element collector is of great significance, and it must be arranged in secret."

  After speaking, he glanced at Frandy. Hehe smiled and said, "This time, His Majesty Haman will have a headache again how to reward this little guy."

  Frandi doesn't care whether to reward or not, but as the emperor of the Oskea Empire, His Majesty Haman must give a reward that matches his contribution. Otherwise, if the merit is not rewarded and the deed is not punished, it will damage his prestige.

  Everyone laughed. This time, Frandy's two credits are too big. The last time he only rewarded a magic tower for his magic power activation was a bit shabby. I don't know what reward he will give him this time.

  Teacher Algernon arranged their respective tasks, took the blueprint of the magic circle that Frandy gave him, and went directly to the palace. This time, Frandy didn't follow. So as not to embarrass His Majesty Haman.

  The four great magicians helped Vice-President Gavin to choose a site for the construction of a new meditation room, which also involved them, and had to be seriously considered.

  In addition to the servants in the magic tower, there is also Frandy himself. Both the Elemental Harvester and the Enhanced Inspiration have been successful. For a while I didn't know what to do.

  Remembering that he had promised to give Grant a gift, Frandy became interested again.

  What should I give? Since Glenn gave his sister Annie a necklace made of magic cores, why don't you give him a jewelry made of magic cores too!

  But since it was given, the little friends couldn't leave it behind, so each of them made a piece of jewelry for them.

  Do it when you think of it! Frandy took a level 8 magic core from the storage room on the ninth floor and returned to the laboratory.

  This 8th-level magic core is the highest level among the magic cores that the second uncle gave to Frandy. It is the size of his head. If it is made into accessories, many pieces can be made. There are several such magic cores in the storage room. So Frandy didn't feel bad at all.

  The more advanced the magic core, the harder it is. For example, the necklace that Grant gave to Annie was only a sixth-level magic core, which was enough for an ordinary person's master carver to ponder for a year. As for the engraving of the eighth-level magic core, no master engraver took on this kind of work, because it was too hard.

  But that's for ordinary people.

  Not so much trouble for Frandy. There are several kinds of equipment for processing materials in the laboratory of the magic tower, and the carving of the eighth-level magic core is just a little troublesome in the eyes of the alchemist. And these troubles are just some alchemists without artistic cells who don't know what style to carve.

  The number of styles of jewelry in the past life is too numerous to count, and it is much more developed than the jewelry industry in the mainland of Oskaya. So all these troubles were nothing to Frandy.

  Necklaces, earrings and other accessories are too troublesome and require many small parts to be strung together. Frandy is not prepared to make such troublesome things. He wants to make a ring for each person, and the ring is made from the whole body of the magic core. It's easy to deconstruct the workbench.

  The deconstruction workbench can release a kind of order magic - deconstruction. This kind of magic is not to destructively create materials by violence, but to make the materials themselves form the desired pattern.

  It took a few hours to make nine rings. Each ring has a different style, but it is also very delicate. After the general shape is completed by the deconstruction workbench, it needs to be polished.

  When making a convex lens out of Enchanted Crystal, it took Frandy a long time to polish it out of the hide. Now there is a magic engine to replace labor, which can save a lot of time.

  He went to the ninth floor to get a relatively small magic power engine made before, and then made a round barrel with ordinary steel plates. The barrel was glued with animal skins, and many round lumps were made from the animal skins. It was thrown into the barrel with these nine rings, and the barrel began to roll when the switch was turned on. The hide and lump on the barrel wall rubbed the ring together, making it smoother and smoother.

  Just after finishing these things, Vice President Gavin came to the magic tower with three high-level magic crystals to find Frandy again.

  Arriving at the laboratory on the seventh floor, Vice President Gavin saw this strange polishing machine at a glance. He found that every time he came to Frandy's magic tower, he would find something surprising. Magic ladders, enhanced mental stimulation, and element collectors all opened his eyes.

  "Frandy, what is this?" Vice President Gavin asked curiously, pointing to the polishing machine.

  "Lord Gavin, this is the polishing machine I just made. I'm using it to polish some gadgets."

  "Oh?" Gavin looked curiously and found that it was just a rotating barrel, nothing unusual. Immediately lost interest. If it was Rowell, the head of the alchemy department, he might be interested, but Vice-President Gavin was not keen on these machines. What he cares most about is the growth of magic power.

  "Frendi, these are three high-grade magic crystals, I'll leave it to you." Gavin said sincerely.

  Spiritual stimulation is a second-level magic that requires 128 magic seeds. 384 Magic Seeds of Order are required to place the three Advanced Enchanted Crystals. This is already half of what Frandy has accumulated in the past few years of meditation, but he did not hesitate to put the magic seeds into the three high-level magic crystals.

  The rest did not need Frandy to make. He only needs to provide these magical seeds of order.

  Vice President Gavin expressed his gratitude to Frandy, and hurried away with three high-level magic crystals. He still has a lot of follow-up things to arrange. These three crystals will play an important role in enhancing the strength of the great magicians in Oskea.

  The more powerful the great magician, the more idle mental power they have when meditating every day, so the greater the help to them.

  Vice President Gavin was sent away, and it was getting dark by this time. The servants are preparing dinner. In a while, the friends will end their day's lessons and return to the Magic Tower to meet.

  Lab-polished rings take a long time to complete. Frandy was hanging out in the garden of his magic tower.

  Thinking of the advice given by the great earth magician Thackeray, Frandy felt that the jam was wide open, right. I chose fire magic because it has the strongest attack power, but because of this, I have been afraid to let go of my hands and feet to cast magic in recent years. If it is some defensive or auxiliary magic, Then his powerful magic seeds are really useful.

  The earth system has the most defensive magic. Whether it is the second-level stone shield technique or the third-level earth armor, it is a low-level defensive magic. Although it is a low-level magic, it also depends on who uses it. Different people cast the same magic Magical effects vary widely. With such a strong magic seed as Frandy, even if he only used the lowest-level stone shield technique, the defensive effect would not be easily broken by ordinary fifth- or sixth-level offensive magic.

  After having dinner with his friends, Frandy came to his meditation room. Starting today, he plans to shift the focus of guiding the magic seeds from the fire element to the earth element.

  Earth-type magic seeds rarely condense, and the magic vortex has not been tempered. Now, each condensed earth-type magic seed only needs less than 20,000 earth elements, with the help of the enhanced version of spiritual stimulation. That night, Frandy actually condensed as many as six at once.

  If it continues at this speed, it will take less than a month to cast the second-level magic stone shield technique of the earth system. This made Frandy look forward to it, not knowing what effect his defensive magic would have.

  After a night of polishing, when Frandy came to the laboratory again in the early morning, these nine rings had been polished to a very delicate and rounded shape. They were indeed the most sought-after accessories by the nobles. The colorful light alone made people feel Dazzling.

  It's just that although these nine rings are very elegant in shape, they are all transparent colors because the magic element in them has been taken away. It seems a little monotonous.

  "That's right. Just fill them with magical elements and give them to your friends." Frandy thought excitedly.

  He took the ring to the ninth floor and replaced the original magic cores on the element collector. Start putting magic elements into these rings.

  Lilia, Ted, and Annie, the three Psal Island partners are all practicing water attribute magic, Shirley is wind attribute, and Glenn is earth attribute. Ted and Gustav and Katrina are not magicians, so just send them transparent.

  Anyway, there is no shortage of source quality now, so I don't care if it takes a while to collect.
