
Plans For The Base

"Well… good job, I guess," Dante stated wryly.

Aisha shrugged. "If you have a way to get rid of the bodies, that would be for the best. What would you have me do now?"

Dante waved a hand and materialized the four androids, as well as various pieces of equipment required for his base, including his armory. When Aisha saw such high-tech items appear seemingly out of thin air, her eyes bulged, and she took many steps back out of shock.

Meanwhile, Dante activated the four android beauties and was pleased to see that they were undamaged. He ordered Alita and Roll to dispose of the corpses, while 2B was tasked with organizing the armory and other items.

As for Number 18, Dante tasked her with executing… *cough*, terraforming the island. Before that, he naturally had her retrieve the mini quantum computer along with its miniature nuclear reactor that powered it.