
I am the God of Light

After discovering that they have crossed over and become the God of Light, they embark on a journey to develop their divine kingdom, ruling over and doing as they please.

Etherna_02 · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: Developing the Holy Maiden

Wu Hui's consciousness attached itself to the silver cross, and he immediately sensed Catherine's thoughts, feeling satisfied. She was indeed a clever girl. With her help, he could bestow blessings without worrying about his divine power being wasted.

In truth, he could easily use his divine power to take out the imperial soldiers himself, even with only 0.9 points of power remaining. However, that approach would be too crude and cost-ineffective.

What he needed now was a spokesperson who could stabilize his message and spread his faith, not just a couple more followers. He had finally found someone suitable for the role, and he would prioritize using his divine power to develop her into a capable spokesperson.

Although Catherine's potential was not enough to become a holy maiden yet, and her strength was still far from sufficient, it didn't matter. With divine power, he could increase her strength level.

Divine power can do anything, including enhancing a person's potential. However, a person's potential is related to the strength of their soul, which is closely related to the essence of their life. Enhancing it requires a considerable amount of divine power, which is not something that can be easily done.

Of course, given his current lack of divine power, he can only cautiously try to enhance her strength step by step.

He divided the remaining 0.9 points of his divine power into nine parts and only outputted one part at a time, gradually inputting it into Catherine's body to try to enhance her strength.

One part...

At the moment the first surge of divine power entered Catherine's body, she trembled all over, as if an invisible shackle had been instantly broken.

In an instant, a pure and flawless white light suddenly descended from the sky, enveloping Catherine.

Powerful energy washed over her body, bones, and even her soul. Her already beautiful face was instantly covered with a layer of holy light, and her eyes gradually became deep, even her entire aura became incredibly sacred in this moment.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

All the changes seemed to have happened in the blink of an eye. In this moment, according to the information displayed by the god's status, Catherine's level jumped from "level 0" to "level 1".

Wu Hui felt delighted, as the mere 0.1 points of divine power had significantly improved Katherine's cultivation level. This demonstrated the incredible power of divine power, even with just one point, it was a tremendous wealth.

Without hesitation, he immediately gave the second command, "Godhead, continue to increase Katherine's strength level."

As divine power poured into Katherine's body in increments of 0.1 points, this time it took a total of 0.2 points of divine power to achieve the desired effect.

Suddenly, a surge of white light emanated from Katherine's body, and her divine power transformed into a tangible force that caused every cell in her body to undergo an instant metamorphosis.

In an instant, a more powerful aura emanated from her body.

The information displayed by the godhead revealed that Katherine's profession level had also increased to level 2 at the same time.

Level 2!

In just a moment, Katherine had reached level 2.

However, a level 2 strength would only be able to barely cope with the current situation.

Not enough yet.

Without hesitation, Wu Hui summoned his courage and output divine power again, this time consuming 0.4 points of divine power.

In an instant, Katherine's aura soared once again, and her strength quickly rose to level 3.

Each level requires more divine power, and the jump from level 2 to 3 cost 0.4 points of divine power, causing Wu Hui a great deal of pain.

The remaining divine power was not enough to raise Katherine to level 4, but a level 3 nun was already a very powerful entity, capable of handling tasks on her own.

Wu Hui breathed a sigh of relief and decided to save the remaining 0.2 divine power for emergencies.

Suddenly, Wu Hui noticed a significant change in Katherine's information.

Name: Katherine

Gender: Female

Age: 16 (budding)

Potential: Top-notch (one in a million chance of becoming a Great Nun)

Belief: God of Light (fanatic)

Occupation: Nun (God of Light)

Level: 3 (powerful, a core member of the Church)

Mastery of Divine Arts: 1. Light Healing Level 3 (can heal severe injuries, illnesses, and poisons) 2. Light Blessing Level 3 (can significantly enhance the combat effectiveness of allies)


Wu Hui had been focusing on Katherine's level of strength, but he suddenly noticed that her belief had changed without him realizing it, skipping from a devout believer to a fanatic.

A fanatic...

A fanatic can produce one point of faith power in a day, and their faith channel is very strong. The enemy can destroy the body or even the soul of a fanatic, but it is almost impossible to destroy their faith. Just one fanatic is worth more than a thousand shallow believers!

Wu Hui couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It's worth it! The investment of these divine powers is simply worth it~

Even if Wu Hui doesn't think about it, he knows that under normal circumstances, it is impossible to cultivate a fanatic with only 0.7 points of divine power. Such special opportunities are purely a matter of chance.

Time flies.

The process of infusing divine power into Catherine seemed lengthy, but it only took a few breaths of time.

Under the holy white light, Catherine's appearance and temperament underwent a dramatic change in just a short moment. All the dirt on her body disappeared, and she was surrounded by a layer of white holy light. Her powerful aura was exhibited without reservation.

The pure white holy light spread from her, dispelling the darkness in the forest and making her appear bright and holy, like an angel descending to earth.

In her azure eyes, there was an unparalleled fanaticism, as if a flame was hidden inside her, and nothing and no one could shake her faith.

Wu Hui had no doubt that if he gave her an order, she would not hesitate to even commit suicide.

"This...how is this possible?!"

The bearded man and several soldiers were stunned by the scene before them. In just a few breaths, the weak Catherine's aura had repeatedly risen.

Now she was still kneeling in the mud, but she exuded an awe-inspiring aura that made them fearful.

Could it be that, within that bright light, a divine being had really descended? Yes, perhaps only a real god could possess such an ability to turn the tide.

An overwhelming feeling of fear enveloped them. A god, that was definitely a real god!

In their entire lives, they had never seen a divine being descend. What made them desperate was that they had just blasphemed against this divine being. Would they be judged for it?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

hello everybody, The story will continue to get more interesting and exciting from here..

Please don't forget to comment yout concerns if you have one and add to library 💞

I will try to translate as many chapters as I can and update as soon as I am done translating. or maybe atleast once a day...☺️