
Air Bike Race [1]

"Today will be held the exam to enter the elite of the Bike-Race team of the Royal Eden Academy," Professor Jeremiah said in a loud tone.

BikeRace was another club I had joined with Skyball and Familiar Clubs. It had been nearly six months since I started and I could say that I could handle a futuristic bike really well.

Anyway, after parting ways with Simon and the others, I ate with Milleia, Jayden and Lyra like usual. After that, classes ended but I, Milleia and Jayden had BikeRace training so we left for that.

Since we had reached the conclusion of the first semester, or half of the first year, it was time to evaluate the BikeRace club's first-year members. The elite squad was largely made up of third years and a few rare brilliant second years, therefore first years in the top teams were almost never heard of, but the evaluation exam was still there to uncover prospective talents among newly enrolled students regardless of their year.