
I Am The Game's Villain

Reincarnation in a game as the Main Antagonist. It could be a novel itself, but that was what I dragged myself into. In the famous and successful game [Princess And Dragon] As if my life wasn't shitty enough, a bastard brought me in that hardcore violent Dating Sim Game and in the body of the worst villain and [Major Antagonist Edward Falkrona] If I want to survive, I have to become strong. If I want to be strong, I have to join the Academy and by joining the Academy, I will meet these guys... Yeah, I'm obviously speaking about the Protagonist, the Main Heroines, the Villainess and all the villains. Am I destined to watch that protagonist build his harem in front of me?! =========== For the illustrations and questions: Discord: https://discord.gg/hJ3XPj2x *English is not my native language so please understand some of my mistakes. Don't hesitate to correct me, if you want!

NihilRuler · Fantasie
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366 Chs

[Event] [Enigma Red Dungeon] [12] Family

"Ah…I'm dead…" I slumped on the ground, ignoring the fact that my surroundings were changing. It was scary to see the space warping after all.

"How are you?" I asked sweetly and my eyes curled up.

[I'm fine.]

My expression twitched at Jarvis' reply. "I'm not speaking to you, Jarvis." 

I raised my white sword. "I really like this sword." I smiled contentedly scanning the sword.

Walking toward a random rock, I leaned and sat down. 

"It's clearly a stronger weapon than my white staff that had been crafted by Branches of the Holy Tree of Eden." I muttered while stroking the white runes engraved on the blade. The blade was also white but somehow the white runes were whiter and had an otherworldly glow in it.

[Stronger than your staff?]

"Yeah…and it shouldn't be possible…unless…"


I let out a tired breath. 

Am I so lucky?

How is that even possible?

"Unless it's one of Eden's Hallows."