
Surprise Inspection

Sunday, January 24th.

Anne and Arthur slept soundly that night as they didn't have to work that Sunday as their reservation for the 'Pork House' Restaurant was only tomorrow, Monday.

Knowing that she had the day off, Anne decided to visit her sister that lived in Elffire City.

A while later, Anne exited the taxi after paying the fare.

She was in front of a typical suburban house, just by looking at it, we could imagine that a typical suburban family lived in it.

Anne rang the doorbell and soon after a younger version of herself opened the door.

"Nee-chan!" The woman shouted in happiness before hugging Anne tightly.

"Vero-chan, we just saw each other a couple of weeks ago." Anne laughed heartily as she hugged her sister back.

"And I missed you dearly in these two weeks!" Veronica replied promptly.

Anne could only laugh and attend to her little sister's wishes.