
News' Articles

Yamada Manor, Musdurn Mountain, Torringgar Mountain Range.

The manor was lit with beautiful yellow lights that made a stunning contrast with the snow and white trees around.

When everyone arrived, they didn't waste time before each entering the rooms they were assigned to take a hot shower. 

If they could describe how their bodies were after a long day of practicing winter sports, their bodies were a mix of sweat and coldness. Which made them desire to wash their bodies clean and put on some warm clothes. And that's what they did.

A while later, Theo exited his bedroom wearing comfy and warm clothes. He didn't spend much time choosing his clothes, he just picked the ones that were the easiest to grab from his bag. A pair of black boots, jeans pants, a T-shirt with an anime cover, another long-sleeved dark green shirt, and a heavy jacket.

But at the moment, he was only carrying his jacket as the house was warm inside.