
Farewell to Ms. Briefs and goodbye earth

After the night of sex with Ms. Briefs I got up to take a shower, apparently I spent the night eating Dr. Briefs' wife while he spent the night working to help me make the Earth Sphere Tracker... me i feel bad i will bring some tech stuff from space to him in the future.

Doctor Briefs was very efficient and managed to make the tracker in one night, after getting the tracker I went after the spheres, it was fast with my speed less than 2 hours and I already had them all.


"Shenlong please appear for me" suddenly a big light starts along with a huge dragon looking at me,,, "say what you wish" shenlong, I thought what could you tell me, in general what I liked about the earth was simple but useful martial arts like controlling KI, learning them from master kame would be time consuming so I could just ask them all in my head, "please shenlong, I want to learn all the martial arts on earth", the dragon's eyes flashed and I suddenly felt a lot of information inside my head.

After the shenlong left, I went after the spheres again and kept them in the places they were so as not to disturb the cannon, and I went to get my wife selena and the ship to the briefs mansion, I will spend a few days there until the doctor studies the ship and improve it.


POV ; Selena

My man smells like another woman, and the taste of his cock also tastes like another woman, luckily I was already prepared, my man is a sex machine I think it's fair for him to eat others, but I already made it clear that I would be the only wife of him, he can have sex with 3,000 women but I will be his only wife.

My husband wants me to have sex with the lady briefs and him together, he wants to eat two hot women together, I don't know if he'll handle it, I'll accept after all I want to make my man happy.



R18 R18 R18

Right now I'm with the white and scented ass of lady briefs in my face while my wife selena sucks my cock, this is the best feeling I've ever had, I love being born in dragon ball.

My wife's pussy is getting tighter and wetter, I try to get deeper and deeper into her as lady briefs kisses my wife on the mouth, seeing two lines of women kissing while I eat one's pussy is very good.

I suck lady briefs' pussy and make her moan loudly, I'm sure the doctor is listening, poor man after I fuck her so much she'll never be satisfied with a human-sized cock..... yes that woman's pussy married is the best, I've already cum inside her about 5 times today, I think I'll give bulma a little brother hahaha


We've been at doctor briefs' house for 1 week, this week in addition to training KI control, I spend the rest of the day having 3-way sex with my wife and lady briefs, the doctor has already finished our ship and today will be our last night on earth, so i'll say farewell to lady briefs, i'll have anal sex with her.

I start using my purple tongue to suck all of the lady's pink ass, I sucked until I saw that it was calm, then I put lubricant on her ass, I took my 30cm hard cock and stuck just my head in her ass, she moaned in pain and pleasure, I started sticking my cock more and more, after 5 minutes just playing with her ass I finally shoved it all up her ass she moaned with pleasure while I ate her ass, I spent 2 hours eating her virgin ass, she enjoyed a lot times, of course i cum inside her ass and filled her with my honey.

Unfortunately I can't stay longer to continue to fuck her, but I came a lot inside her I don't know if she's going to get pregnant? in 20 years i will return to earth, this time to have sex with bulma and chi chi, it will be nice if i can fuck mother and daughter at the same time hehehe.



the MC will only have the wife selena, the aim of this is that all the women in the work have the same original partner so that the MC can have sex with them all married, chi chi, bulma and others, I'll advance that android 18 will continue being kuririn's wife but will also be Dodoria's whore, android 18 will have her daughter with kuririn but kuririn will also have pink and fat children without knowing why.

the MC will only have the wife selena, the aim of this is that all the women in the work have the same original partner so that the MC can have sex with them all married, chi chi, bulma and others, I'll advance that android 18 will continue being kuririn's wife but will also be Dodoria's whore, android 18 will have her daughter with kuririn but kuririn will also have pink and fat children without knowing why.

Marcelinho_Ggazelicreators' thoughts