
I am the Big Boss in my life

Prologue Andra has been a good person all throughout her life. She was an adopted daughter of a kind family so to give them back the kindness she felt, she worked a lot in order to give them a good life. However, due to an accident she lost her life when she saved a young boy crossing the street and was hit by a delivery truck. Upon waking up, she realized she is given one more chance to life. But then when she found out about her situation, she felt like going crazy as she became a villian of a love story where the definition of obsession is strongly attached to her for the male lead. (Cover not mine) "Are you crazy? I'm not going to be the person chasing some clown in this life. If my stepsister likes him, let her have him. I'll make lots and lots of money instead, tour around this world, and be a rich auntie like they say." Ironically, the current family she has is the one that neglects someone who they believe to be a bastard. Therefore, they made her a bride to a man who hated her as he is more interested to his sister.

BlessedMe · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 7- The Rhow Town

While making sure we are blending with the clothes we wear, we are also bringing a commoner's basket for our extra protection. I have the bracelet from our family and the crest symbol carried by our knight was covered by his cloak. Laila have her safety pin to present with our house symbol in case we ran in the town centre if ever we encounter any problems in Rhow Town. The town itself is only half an hour when you ride the horse and lesser if you bring the carriage.

I have to meet Mervin the designer in this town. In the future, he will be used by a noble and his designs were stolen and altered which eventually lead to his despair. He never had the chance to present his talent to the world and succumb to this tragedy leading his death.

The noble was eventually found out as after a year, no new designs had been created. Although he was sentenced guilty for his crimes, Mervin already left the world and he can no longer seek justice for himself.

Unfortunately, not much has changed from the noble's treatment between the commoner's and law is biased for the lower class. This noble then was punished by fate since he has gambling addiction and lost everything. He suffered poverty until his last moments with no one helping him.

Safira believes this is the year his work was stolen and experience great betrayal. If she counts correctly, it has been two months already but she does not want to take any risks. He might harm himself so they have to hurry. This person's life must be save.

While walking in a dilapidated street, I can see some children asking for food. This town belongs to their family but her father never really cared for it. This is the town that was given by the royal family so that they can control the growing population in the main land.

I decided to go to the bakeshop to offer them some food. These children will be part of her new territory. She will make sure they live a healthy life. Safira looked at Sir Barth to signal something.

After telling him her plan, she brought bread so the children can be fed. At first they are quite hesitant but she was keeping an eye to the adults who look at the children maliciously. She is not going to give them money.

Even though they smell the sweet bread, I saw wariness in their eyes. I feel more sad for their situation. They may have experienced things they should not in this age and time.

"My Lady, please be careful." Laila whispered.

"It's okay Laila. Let us help them as much as we can."

I smiled gently at these children.

"This bread will help you. I will not ask anything in return so please take them." The six children went near me slowly while grasping their clothes. Fear and desperation in their eyes.

Maybe their intuition told them we are not going to do any harm, they took the bread and eat them. I gave some water to them as well.

I saw them sharing and signalling one another. Safira did not leave them until they finished their meals. She has to make sure these children can stay somewhere safe when they leave.

"Do you know someone named Mervin Styl?"

They look at each other and pointed at a random house in the corner. It looks gloomy and neglected.

"Thank you." I acknowledged.

The children returned the smile and nod at me.

I ordered Sir Barth to look for someone with knowledge in this place and how he or she can convince the children to stay in their place.

She knows they are not going to trust her immediately. A girl who appears to be nine years old seem to be their leader. She needs to explain it to her and will try to understand if she resists.

"Let's go Laila. Sir Barth, I leave the children to your care."

"Yes, My Lady." Both Laila and Barth said in a soft voice. We do not want to tell anyone who we really are.

Upon facing the house, we knocked and called but received no response. However, when we touched the door, it was open. I felt worried that Mervin might have done something to hurt himself so I hurriedly went inside.

Laila panicked and immediately came to follow me. We saw a man slumped inside and when he looked at us his face was gaunt. I feel so sad for him.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Even his voice is so hoarse and void of life.

It startled Laila and posed a protective stance instantly.

"Please forgive us for being intruders but can we talk? I want to offer you something." I have to inform him I already know him due to his designs so he will not be too suspicious.

"Go out. You can't offer me anything. And with the way you are speaking, I believe you are nobles." He laughed humorlessly and Mervin's face became fierce and I saw Laila preparing to attack.

"I know you nobles, you are not the first one to pretend like a commoner and approach those people you want to use. That's your nature, pretentious! You want to only steal from us and claim the hard-work of others. Leave me!"

"Do not shout at My Lady!" I touched Laila's shoulder to calm her down.

"Yes, we are nobles Mr. Mervin and that is why we want you. I am here to offer you a position that will hopefully make you see that not all nobles are as bad as you meet." I have to deescalate this situation.

"W-w-what? How do you know my name?"

"We found out Teif stole your designs. I know you worked for him for free because he promised to give you your own shop."

I saw Mervin gasp and then tears were brimming in his eyes yet still with doubts.

"You can't possibly know that... He will never tell anyone..." He seem to be shocked and heartbroken once more.

"We are sorry for what happened. But as you said you believe we are nobles that is why we were able to know the information first hand." Mervin will not be able to meet the noble who stole his designs since he is busy catering people in high parties now. It will take a long time before they will find out the truth. However, since we need him and I want to help him I need to present this kind of information.

"Then what do you want? As you can see he stole everything from me. If you know what he did, you should know I am already useless."

I removed my hood. I saw him grit his teeth seeing another noble.

"Is it still alright if we talk properly, Mr. Mervin?"

He nods and offered the only chair not broken in the house, he was standing. Laila stood beside me.

I can still see his eyes lack of hope. As if he is just following anything we wanted. As if he is already a ghost who does not have anything anymore.

To try and remove even a small gap, I remained standing as well. I can see the questions in his eyes.

"I want to work with you, Mr. Mervin and not force you with anything. Well, what I really am offering is partnership." I smiled at him when he seems to be protesting and narrowed his eyes.

"It's hard to motivate yourself to work now but if you are ready and wants to see me we can meet at the cake cafe in the town centre after two weeks in the afternoon. I'm thinking of around two o'clock pm."

It's the only cake cafe in town anyway so he will be able to locate it easily.

"As I said, I will not and will never force you. I am going to present you this contract stating you will work as a designer and I will help you with the building as well. Unfortunately, I can't provide you a big area to work for now because I will need to relocate due to my upcoming marriage. I am planning to bring you along." I feel it's better to be honest with this part. Mervin is just quietly listening.

"As I said, you will work as a designer and I want to invest with your designs. You will still be the sole owner of them."

Mervin's gasp and big eyes are so funny. If only I don't want this to be kept formally I would have laughed out loud. It seems he did not expect anything from this.

"You can't- you-"

"My Lady-"

Both him and Laila are shocked.

"Laila, the contract please."

Even though Laila also has full of questions she still followed my instructions.

Mervin's hands shook while receiving the contract.

"Oh, and one more thing." I gave him he notebook I asked Laila to help me make a few days ago in preparation for this.

It was a workbook with designs of flowers and a rising sun. I want him to know what this means.

"This means hope. I want you to have it. If you are able to think of new designs, you can draw them in here. You have to put the date and signatures in the pages you draw so if someone steal your designs again, you can present it at court."

Mervin took the notebook as if his life depended on it and then he looked at me. He is still crying while his lips are quivering but I can see some determination now.

"For our protection as well though, I will only give you the first investment payment if you are happy with the contract presented. You can have a read and ask me questions if you decided to work with me."

"M-may I know the name of my benefactor?"

I cough being embarassed by his reference.

"Please call me Andra and you can refer to me as a colleague since we will be like partners in this business venture."

He shook his head.

"You are my benefactor My Lady. I am not sure of what you want from me except with all those things you said but you made me hope even for a bit. I am grateful."

"Teif may stole your designs but I believe being an artist, creativity lives inside your soul. I will be waiting."

"Thank you... thank you."

We gave a bow of respect before leaving him.