
I Am The Annihilation Maker In Marvel

During WW3, legendary Assasin Samuel Corvin was killed by his girlfriend. It was not of her own will as she and all other Assasins like Samuel were sleeper agents of the state. When she saw what she did, she took her own life, but that led Samuel to be sent on the path of Reincarnation. Not only did he receive the Sacred Gear Annihilation Maker he also was turned into a World Sage. A deadly combination in Marvel 616.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Anime und Comics
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An Old Visitor.

(Seems I do not know nearly as much about Marvel as I thought I did. Where can I read Marvel comics as I have somehere to read DC comics.)

Once he had touched down in Alaska, he knew unless he started being a giant troublemaker, he would be left alone. Plus, he didn't fear the humans of this world as they didn't have the capabilities to take him out.

From what he remembered from Life Hunter, killing a World Sage was as hard as killing an immortal. You could stab them through every organ in their body, chop them up, incinerate them, and they would regenerate. 

"Now to make some more Monsters."

He clasped his hands together and began channeling his Mana into Annihilation Maker. He slammed his hands down and from his shadow, two types of creature emerged.

One was the massived Fenrisian Thunderwolves which were as big as Rhinos and the other were gigantic muscular Rune Bears from Elden Ring. He made 10 of each, but he didn't need more.

"Spread out and begin to map out my surroundings."

The Thunderwolves and Rune Bears roared as they dispersed through the surroundings. As for him, he kicked down a tree which fell with a crash. He then sat down on the stump as he finally thought of the situation he was in. 

He knew no one in this world and other than it being a Earth-like world in 1930 he had no idea what it was like. Was it a normal world like his old one, or was magic commonplace in secret?

If that was the case, did it mean that in this world there were mages and wizards hidden behind the shadows? Did they control everything including the wars like the upcoming WW2?

Did he stop it, fight on the side of the Allies or did he become a shit stain and join the Axis?

He scoffed at the idea of joining the Nazis as while he may have been an Assassin, he wasn't for genociding a whole race of people. In all honesty, he didn't have a goal as he had no idea what he was supposed to do. 

"What the fuck am I going to do in this world? Why me?" 

He was grateful, but was he sent here to complete some goal? Was this just a delusion created by his dying mind to give him a shred of control? Or, was he here in this Earth-like World?

He stayed like that for over an hour with the only company being the Cannibal. The Wyvern merely sat himself down and waited for him to get passed his mental troubles. When the hour passed he sat himself up and he ran a hand through his hair. 

"Let me make this clear, I am alive. I can create any Monster as long as I can imagine it and I have enough Mana. Meaning I could in theory create anything from aliens, monsters, dragons, or fantasy creatures. 

As the Rune Bears, Thunderwolves, and The Cannibal showed was only limited by what his mind could think of. This is why Annihilation Maker was one of the High-Rank Longinus and had enough power to destroy the world. 

Even Leonard, a kid could create Titanic creatures that could force even the strongest hitters of DxD could not take out. It took a Great Red-empowered Issei to take out the Jabberwocky meaning he could create Godzilla, Ghidorrah, Destroya, and the strongest Titans that could do the same. 

He smiled as if that was a good idea so he picked himself up and he saw that his Rune Bears and Thunderwolves were returning. 

"I think I have decided what I will be doing. I have no wish to rule the world since everyone who wants to do that ends up dead. I will be happy to be called the Father Of Monsters and I will make myself known. 

Today is September 3rd, 1930 meaning that WW2 will begin in 9 years. I do not mind making myself known to them to put down the Third Reich because fuck Hitler. He would figure out what to do until them by keeping to himself in Alaska and making a small army of beasts. 

Plus, he would need to find out what his abillities could do because he didn't think he was the only one with God's powers. If he was, then he might have been sent here just to take over. 

As such, he stood up and began to walk into the woods followed by his Rune Bears, Thunderwolves, and his Wyvern. 

"Let's find out what we can do shall we?" 

With a smile, Samuel and his small group of monsters walked off into the Alaskan wilderness for the foreseeable future. 


Once Samuel decided what he was going to do he kept to it and he began to build a home out in the deep Alaskan wilderness. It was just a gigantic wooden cabin that was then enhanced through magic which he began to learn on. 

As a World Sage, he could use all the basic elements of magic including light and dark magic. Time and Space Magic thus far, were higher-level concepts he didn't play around with due to the vast danger they could cause. 

Instead, he stuck to the elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Stone, Wood and Metal. He could combine them to create more advanced elements like Lightning, Lava, Mud, Gas, or Life and Steel. As for Light and Dark, they were opposites yet linked. 

The isolation of being alone didn't affect him since he had his creations to keep him company. Through his self-isolation, he began to act much like a Mage keeping himself in his research on the magical arts which were widespread. 

Through his research, he found that while his Sacred Gear wasn't sentient, it did have a type of Dark Malevolence not directed at its wielder. It seemed that whatever God did when he made the Annihilation Maker unstable leading to its world-destroying power. 

That in theory meant that if he forced himself he could create a Celestialsapien as long as he could imagine it, and had enough mana, and he didn't die. As such, he decided to try to avoid creating creatures like that unless he felt he could survive the attempt. 

Instead, he focused on things he could comprehend which began to cause issues for the locals. The vast variety of the monsters he made stuck around to a 500-mile range around his cabin, but he didn't just create small things. 

As such, stories began popping up around his territory and the locals began to consider his territory extremely dangerous. They stayed out as most who went in came out with a thousand-yard stair or began yelling about monsters and dragons. 

No one believed them, but it got so bad that even the feds got sent out to investigate this so-called danger zone. Very few of them returned alive and those that did refused to speak of the horrors they saw. 

This pattern continued until for the most part, his territory was seen as somewhere that should not be intruded on. For over nine years, Samuel kept to himself much like a Sage would as he meditated on the magical arts and his creations. 

The monsters he could make continued to rise in strength, complexity, and size. That was what he had been doing to keep himself entertained and trained for the past 9 years waiting for WW2 to pop off. 

He kept to himself as he wanted to make sure his mind was as strong as it could be. If he went out as he was when he arrived he was sure that he would end up off the deep end. 


Now, nine years later on September 1st, 1939 the day of the Nazi invasion Samuel was sitting out on the same tree he had knocked down nine years ago. He was meditating as he often did as he tried to understand what it meant to be a World Sage. 

After nine years of doing this, he knew fairly well, but it didn't hurt to stay consistent. As he was sitting, he began to feel the ground tremble as his bigger pets began to emerge. When he opened his eyes he saw some of his more dangerous pets. 

The first was the Cannibal who he had infused with strength to size him up to match some of his more recent creations. Them being Fatalis, Alatreon, Nergigante, and Balerion.

He had a slight obsession with Dragons, but they were not the only things he had created. He stood up from his stump and walked toward the five dragons who all lowered their heads at the sight of him. 

He began to run his hand down the scaled faces of his creations who he had created with attention, detail, and dedication. Each one of these creatures was an extension of himself and they were his companions in this world. 

For the most part, rather than create many weak monsters, he made a few powerful ones. He had already gotten rid of his Rune Bears and Fenrisian Wolves as they couldn't keep up. 

He brought his hand up to his mouth and whistled calling the few monsters he had through his turf. It didn't take long and from the woods emerged a few of his creations. From a gigantic black and white wolf to a single-horned red bear the same size, to a massive Griffin that flew in from the sky. 

Who needed a gigantic army when he could have a few monsters that could devastate armies? Once his creations gathered around him he thought of the plan. 

"Here is the deal, I have chosen to no longer hide. The past nine years were about mastering myself and I feel I have done that well enough. Now, we are going to go out into Europe and put a stop to the Nazis. 

What that will mean for history, who the fuck knows, but I am sure it won't be terrible. So, fuck what-ifs, and let's get to it." 

His pets began to whole and roar and bellow to the sky so he raised his hand to calm them down. 

"Chill. Now then, let's leave this place." 

He walked toward Fatalis who lowered his wing for him. His nonflying creatures entered his shadow while his fliers gathered around him. Once he was on the back of Fatalis, he gave the order to ascend. 

With that, his mount and his other flying monsters took to the sky from Alatreon, Nergigante, Cannibal, and Balerion. With a few final bellowing roars, his dragons and his other fliers began to make their way out of Alaska toward Europe. 

When he was gone, a mirror-like portal opened up, and from it emerged a robed figure. The person lowered their hood and revealed a bald woman who watched as the Dragons and other creatures flew off. 

She placed a hand on the Eye Of Agamoto as she began to view the many possible timelines. Samuel was a very odd person as he stayed quite consistent through the timelines and for the most part, he brought little danger to Earth. 

In one, he even became her replacement, but among the many Time Lines, this was the least likely. She had yet to decide if she should approach him as for the most part he seemed content to keep himself surrounded by his monsters. 

As such, The Ancient One chooses to keep away from Samuel. She waved her hand and returned to Kamar-Taj to await for Strange who seemed to be the better option rather than Samuel. 

He wasn't the kind to take that position. As for Samuel himself, as he flew on the back of Fatalis he knew that he would be seen as a threat as he still believed he was the only one with powers. 

Otherwise, why had none of them approached him for the past nine years? It didn't make much sense to him so with the mistaken idea he was alone, he would do as he pleased.