
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasie
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22 Chs

The Earth Changed

In the vast expanse of the universe, wherever life can thrive, cosmic powers are sure to be buried. As evolution progresses to a certain extent, ancient gods are born, and other life forms on this planet become followers of these ancient gods. 

Somewhere deep in the cosmos, a few young ancient gods are engaged in lively conversation. 

Leading the group is an ancient god adorned in golden robes, majestic in stature, with eyes shimmering with golden lightning, and a pair of lightning wings tucked behind him. 

He opens with a charming smile, his voice melodious, "That fellow Aquila really took a beating this time, heavily injured by that legendary god who is said to bring about the end of all things. The dying god unleashed a cosmic force that included the essence of life, tearing open space to create a rift that devours everything."

"I've seen that cosmic rift, it's immense, with energy fluctuations beyond imagination." 

Another ancient god, dressed in white robes, speaks slowly, with a hint of schadenfreude in her tone. 

"Encountering such a cosmic rift, nothing survives. That group of ancient gods all perished." 

"Aquila seems to have escaped on his own." 

The white-robed god shrugs, her beautiful eyes sparkling, "The god of destruction, huh? It seems he died quite easily. Some legends are not to be believed." 

"Haha, I heard that the god of destruction had a few decent friends. After hearing about the 'cosmic rift', they brazenly declared a vendetta against Aquila, but now there's no sign of them. They probably got beaten badly and are now fleeing in all directions." 

The golden-eyed god chuckles, "Perhaps you could capture them and interrogate them."

"I'm not interested." The white-robed god lounges boredly on the table, her slender figure exuding laziness. 

That god of destruction, in just a few thousand years, not only destroyed several great civilizations but also made super gods like Aquila restless.

Actually, the white-robed god admires it quite a bit. 

It's a pity that he died again this time, and one wonders what price Aquila paid to achieve that. 


"A cosmic rift, huh? Just the thought of that scene sends shivers down my spine." 

Beside them, a nine-headed lion lying on a chair looks up at the white-robed god. He's about to say something when suddenly the golden-eyed god squints slightly. 

A message is relayed to him. 

"A certain planet is currently experiencing an energy eruption." 

"An energy eruption?" 

"That's right. If you're free now, you might want to take a look. There might be something good there. Here are the coordinates." 

With that, the voice disappears.

The golden-haired god lifts his head with a smile. 

"Ah, my friends, we've just received news. A surge of energy has been detected in the border wastelands. It seems quite potent." 

"Interested in taking a look? Perhaps we can find some treasures." 

"An energy eruption in such desolate lands? Interesting. I'll go and have a look." The white-robed god raises her head, a hint of interest in her eyes. 

"The wilderness, you say?" 

The nine-headed lion stands up slowly, his eighteen eyes simultaneously gleaming with a bloodthirsty light. 

"I've been needing some slaughter to boost my strength lately. A planet with an energy eruption might provide some good targets for slaughter." 

"I'm bored anyway. I might as well go too." 

"It's been too dull lately. Let's hope we run into something interesting this time." 


Meanwhile, on Earth, the energy eruption has already begun. 

Golden light floods the sky, mountains start to shift, cities relocate, and all sorts of strange plants emerge from the earth. 

Simultaneously, deep within the Rocky Mountains. 

After nearly half a month of effort, Lithos is nearing the end of refining that ancient vine. 

In the secret realm, Lithos lies prostrate above, his body enveloped in a verdant glow, emitting a powerful energy that permeates the entire realm. 

"Such a powerful energy. Most of the energy in this realm is concentrated in this vine." Lithos sighs. 

In his hands, there remains only a few dozen meters of the vine.

Originally, this vine sprawled across the entire city, stretching tens of thousands of meters and brimming with unparalleled energy!

It's an extremely rare treasure of heaven and earth! 

And after half a month of absorption by Lithos. 

Only this much is left. 

Lithos's strength has also greatly improved! 

Although he still can't guarantee victory against ambushes, at least he can now avoid the sneak attacks of those ancient beings from tens of thousands of years ago, unlike before when he was at their mercy! 

Rising slowly, Lithos gazes up at the sky.

"The energy eruption on Earth has already begun. Judging by the timing, others will soon discover it. I wonder who will be the first to arrive..." 

And when they do, the traps he set up will finally come into play. 

"No rush. Leave those things to the big fish. Let's take it slow..." 

Lithos sneers, intending to leave the realm to see what Earth is like now, but suddenly he notices a glowing object beneath the overturned city, buried in the soil. 


It's a one-meter-high metal fragment. 

Ancient and weathered, with lifelike depictions of ancient flora and fauna on both sides. 

But it's also covered in scars, with large sword marks, as if it had undergone a fierce battle.

"It seems... to be a fragment of an ancient clock?" Lithos wonders. 

The fragment is slightly uneven, not smooth, and slightly curved at the end, much like the end of an ancient clock. 

"Why would this be here?" 

The fragment gives Lithos a sense of antiquity, as if it has been washed by the river of time.

Suddenly, Lithos furrows his brows and looks closely at a certain spot, noticing a jade-green root growing on top of the fragment! 

And it's this root that extends into the terrifying ancient vine that spans hundreds of thousands of meters in the entire realm!! 

Lithos curls his lips.

So the source of the immense power of the vine of verdure lies in this fragment of an ancient clock?

And Lithos notices that the root hasn't actually penetrated into the fragment of the clock!

Has it only made slight contact? 

"What is this thing exactly?" 

His heart racing, Lithos tries to figure out the peculiarities of the fragment, but even after wracking his brains, he can't discern its uniqueness, not even its material!


After hesitating for a moment, Lithos tries to smash it with his hands, but it only makes a loud noise, without budging an inch! 

No matter how hard he tries to pry it open, it remains immovable.

What exactly is this thing?

After racking his brains for a while, Lithos, who originally planned to leave the realm to take a look at Earth's current situation, re-prostrates himself in the realm.

"Forget it."

"Anyway, let's absorb it first and then think about it!"

Just as Lithos is absorbing the mysterious metal fragment in the realm. 

Outside, on Earth. 

It's completely chaotic. 

Ever since that sunset, Earth has undergone earth-shattering changes. 

First, Earth began to change. 

On the first day, mountains and rivers

expanded, the earth shifted, and the seabed extended! 

The land area expanded countless times overnight, completely breaking the laws of physics!

Countless people were shocked and amazed!

"Please, citizens, do not panic. These are all normal phenomena. According to expert predictions, these anomalies will soon end."

"Please, citizens, do not wander around, try to stay with your families." 

Governments of various countries came out to explain immediately, hastily denying rumors. 

But the excuses were pale, and even they themselves hardly believed them. 

Sure enough, the anomalies continued on the second day!

The equator started snowing! 

Snow-capped mountains began to melt!

The ancient tropical rainforests were covered in winter, draped in silver, and one mountain after another was covered in ice and snow! 

Meanwhile, the perennially frozen North Polar ice caps completely melted in a single day. This would have been a catastrophic disaster, but now, they couldn't even raise the sea level by a hair's breadth! 

Everything was in chaos! 

All of humanity was plunged into a state of confusion, not just the public, even governments of various countries were completely stunned, busied with all kinds of strange events. 

Next, the oceans began to change too! 

Thousands upon thousands of islands emerged out of thin air from the seabed! 

The Arctic and Antarctic ice caps melted completely in a day. This would have been a catastrophic disaster, but now, they couldn't even raise the sea level by a hair's breadth!


It's all chaos!

All the people of the world were bewildered, not just the public, even governments of various countries were completely at a loss, busied with all kinds of strange events. 

As a result, Lithos in the Rocky Mountains has been completely forgotten by them, their attention diverted by various matters! 

"What's happening to Earth..."

As the chaos unfolded, the entire planet Earth underwent a drastic transformation, with surges of energy sweeping across its surface. Rivers and mountains seemed to pulse with energy, surrounded by a mysterious force that kept everyone at bay. The once magnificent landscapes were now shrouded in an enigmatic veil, rendering them inaccessible to all.

Moreover, various mysterious fruits began to grow on Earth. 

These fruits were extremely rare, appearing in different locations and in various forms. Some resembled small trees, others resembled flowers, and some were mere roots with fruits attached. 

Their appearances varied greatly, and only a fortunate few encountered them. However, those who were lucky enough to consume these fruits experienced astonishing transformations, evolving from ordinary humans into superhumans!

Some could breathe fire, while others could conjure frost. There were even those who sprouted wings from their ribs, their hands turning into claws, and scorpion-like tails emerging from their backs!

Humanity began to realize that something extraordinary was happening. Many who had been afflicted with incurable diseases suddenly found themselves cured. Those who had been severely injured began to heal, and many elderly individuals over the age of fifty started to rejuvenate, their gray hair turning black!

As they witnessed the mountains and peaks of Earth thundering like celestial drums, emitting bursts of starlight, many places on Earth sparkling like precious gems, they realized that Earth was no longer the same.

The rules of Earth were being completely overturned!