
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Church In luminous Barrier

"Is the Pacific defense prepared?"

In a room ablaze with light, the President of the United States, fresh from wrapping up a successful Washington press event, hurriedly paced, questioning his military advisors.

"Yes, sir. We're fully prepared. Our aircraft carriers are stationed in the Pacific."

"Nuclear missiles are primed, air squadrons are standing by, and our submarine fleet is in position."

"All fleets are battle-ready, poised for saturation bombardment!"

"If the Extraterrestrial Being arrives, we'll be ready to neutralize it!"

The President nodded.

Though his words sounded simple, there wasn't a hint of disregard in the minds of the United States.

On the contrary, they understood the menace of Lithos all too well.

They knew that only by unleashing their full might could they hope to vanquish Lithos.

"Underestimate nothing. Leave no opening for counterattack. Unleash all our firepower to crush the Extraterrestrial Being."

The President slid into a waiting car, issuing his final words before departure.

"Mission must be accomplished!" the Secretary of Defense reverently declared.

The President nodded, escorted by a convoy of military vehicles, heading to Washington Airport.


Engines roared as the plane took flight. The President took a sip of water, gearing up for the next destination.

His journey led to the Rocky Mountains, where an unsettling occurrence demanded his attention.

He picked up the dossier he had perused countless times, delving into its contents once more.

"For the past two days, the Rocky Mountains have been aglow."

"And at the heart of the Rockies, a luminous barrier emerged, defying known laws of physics."

"Beyond this barrier lies a structure reminiscent of the Vatican, resplendent and grand."

Upon seeing this, the secretary, who had remained by the President's side, produced another document, speaking softly.

"Your Excellency, the latest reports on the structure beyond the barrier are astounding. There are inhabitants inside, and attempts at communication by our military personnel were rebuffed."

"They demand an audience with the highest authority?" the President perused the document, his brows furrowing.


The President scanned the document, drawing a deep breath.

In the photograph, a lush forest stretched, once barren desert now verdant, towering grass reaching several meters high.

At the forest's edge stood a golden light barrier, through which lay a vast expanse that should have been rocky terrain, but now revealed a mysterious edifice.

"We dare not enter rashly, fearing escalation with the occupants," the secretary added softly.

The President nodded, pressing his temples.

Once relegated to the realm of disbelief, now...

Extraterrestrial Beings, impervious to gunfire, engulfed in flames, defying gravity, defying the laws of physics...

He sighed heavily, feeling the weight on his shoulders.

"Few are privy to this information, correct?"

"A select few."

"Good. I believe... I'll go in person."



The Rocky Mountains, perpetually desolate, marked the westernmost frontier of the United States, its high altitudes mostly barren, sparsely inhabited.

It was a vast expanse.

Roughly the size of a city, teeming with diverse flora and fauna.

And at its heart stood a continuous castle-like structure, magnificent and opulent, adorned with various crosses and silver embellishments, evoking the medieval era, a true cathedral.

At the core of this structure lay a castle with a bell tower.

Inside, a figure sat at a table, clad in a crimson robe, a cross adorning his chest, poring over ancient scrolls.

A gentle breeze wafted through the window, energy waves visibly pulsating from the pages.

'Tap, tap, tap.'

Soft footsteps echoed as a blond-haired youth entered, a faint cross-shaped aura emanating from his eyes.

He bowed respectfully.

"My lord bishop, word has arrived. The outsiders will send their king to visit the sanctuary today."


The bishop smiled faintly, closing the scroll, casting his gaze upon the youth.

"Eli, how many years have we resided in this sanctuary?"

"For over a few hundred years, my lord. Time knows no bounds within the sanctuary. I... I have long lost count," Eli, the golden-haired youth, respectfully replied.

"Ah, centuries indeed. We shall soon emerge into the light again," the bishop smiled, gazing out the window.

His eyes glimmered.

"Since our arrival, the sanctuary's seal has been weakening. In a few days at most, the sanctuary shall be unsealed."

"I wonder how the once barren land has fared now."

"My homeland, what has become of it?"

"My lord bishop, regardless, this world shall be under our dominion, as ordained by the Almighty, as guided by His divine hand to lead us here," Eli said reverently, hand over his heart.

The bishop smiled faintly, pleased with the prospect.


"This world is destined for the Lord, for the church. It is inevitable."

"But I yearn for opposition from the outside."

The golden-haired youth faltered. "Opposition?"

The bishop took a sip of tea, eyes downcast, stirring lightly with a silver spoon.


"For without opposition, how shall we demonstrate the might of our Lord? How shall we exhibit our loyalty?"

The bishop's eyes turned steely.

"We shall act in the name of the Lord, and we shall vanquish all enemies in this world!"


Just as the President of the United States hastened towards the Rocky Mountains.

The Pacific coast of the United States.

The vast ocean sprawled, dotted with fleets of every kind, with thousands of fighter jets maintaining constant vigilance, awaiting the arrival of the Extraterrestrial Being.

On the tranquil surface, aircraft carriers patrolled, an elderly admiral with graying temples standing on deck, gazing into the distance.

The old admiral felt a surge of pride.

He had never imagined that he, nearing retirement, would command his old comrades in battle once more.

"Extraterrestrial Being..."

The sea breeze caressed, stirring memories of his youth.

So resplendent, so glorious, brimming with fervor. His greatest aspiration then was to unfurl the stars and stripes across these oceans, conquering all adversaries.

Now his sole desire was to consign the Extraterrestrial Being to the depths of hell.

As the most esteemed naval commander in American history, though the old admiral was well advanced in years, at the mention of battling the Extraterrestrial Being, he immediately set foot on the deck again.

The old admiral crouched, gently running his hand over the familiar surface, transported back to his youth.

But in the next instant, the old admiral stiffened.

An intangible pressure descended from above.

A tiny black dot appeared on the distant horizon at some unknown moment.


Just one glance, and the intangible pressure transformed into a terror-inducing force!


The old admiral almost heard the sound of his bones fracturing.

His eyes widened, heart pounding madly, blood coursing through his veins, fixating unwaveringly on the black dot, feeling as though his eyes were being pierced by needles, yet he didn't avert his gaze!

The old admiral retrieved his communicator.

Summoning every ounce of strength, he took a deep breath, gritting his teeth.

"Inform all ships, inform the U.S. Department of Defense..."

"The Extraterrestrial Being... has arrived!"

"All hands, stand ready!"


In truth, not only the old admiral, but at the moment of Lithos's appearance, countless fleets and aircraft detected its presence!

Planes, fleets, and even submarines beneath the sea.

All quivered, descending several inches together!

"Commander, the Extraterrestrial Being has surfaced on the sea!"

"Understood, why has it come so soon? Weren't we told it would be a few more days?"

"It didn't register on radar... it's as if it materialized out of thin air on the sea surface!"

"No detection... wait, where is it? Didn't it appear at the frontline defense?"

"It... it bypassed the outer perimeter directly and reached the most central defense. The Extraterrestrial Being is now positioned where our fleet is most concentrated!"



Countless U.S. military personnel were dumbfounded, staring at the projection on the screen, utterly incredulous!

This thing bypassed the defense line and headed directly to the most central position!

It was a colossal entity, treading on the sea, advancing slowly.

Enveloped in flames and light, it was too magnificent, completely distinct from any monsters, akin to a deity!

If not for the terrifying destructive power it demonstrated at Mount Fuji, no one would have considered it a monster!

Already forgetting why it appeared at the most central area of the American fleet, countless fleets swiftly mobilized, lining up on the sea surface like an iron wall!

Confronting hundreds of fleets, the Extraterrestrial Being in the distance showed no inclination to evade, not even a change in expression.

It simply continued its calm advance.

One step, two steps!

The giant strode across the sea surface, without causing a ripple, eerily quiet. But as the soldiers on the fleet could clearly discern its visage, all the marines couldn't help but gulp involuntarily.

Countless marines trembled with fear!

Previously, they had only seen Lithos's appearance on the screen, but the horror they felt on-site was incomparable!

Even battle-hardened U.S. Navy soldiers couldn't help but falter.

Was this the Extraterrestrial Being?

Could they truly confront it?

Shouldn't they only resort to nuclear bombs to attack such a creature?

"Inform the president, inform the Department of Defense, all units, wait for it to enter firing range. No attack without my orders!"

"Wait for it to enter optimal firing range!"

Commands crackled through the earpiece, and soldiers nervously gripped their weapons, their palms already drenched in sweat.

A deathly silence blanketed the sea surface.




As the giant drew closer, all the marines seemed to hear their own hearts pounding with nervousness!


Just as it was about to enter the optimal firing range, the giant came to a gradual halt.
