
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Bend to Me

Lithos stood atop the sea's surface, his gaze fixed on the line of battleships arranged in formation ahead. Yet, within him, there stirred no ripple of emotion.

To him, the defensive display before him seemed as feeble as paper mache.

"Such a primitive civilization... For so long, they haven't dared to explore beyond the bounds of our own solar system..."

Lithos sighed softly. If extraterrestrial civilizations were to become aware of humanity at this stage, destruction would likely be inevitable.

A notion sparked within him.

The sea's surface churned as a crystalline throne slowly ascended, gradually expanding to form a platform spanning hundreds of thousands of meters!

Crafted from crystal-like material, it shimmered with the light of stars and shades of azure.

"What is his intent?"

Countless members of the American military watched, puzzled.

Standing upon the platform, Lithos made no hostile move. Suddenly, several beams of light descended from the sky without warning!

In the next moment, a thunderous voice reverberated in the minds of all humanity, regardless of their location or activity.

"You've longed to communicate with me."

"Now, the opportunity presents itself."

"This is your first and final chance."

"To decline means annihilation."

A gentle sea breeze brushed past.

The crystalline platform, resembling a constellation, glowed around Lithos, enveloped by radiant beams of light.

This was a manifestation of his telepathic prowess, a skill honed since ancient times.

Earth was inconceivably insignificant in the vastness of the universe, akin to mere dust. Even in antiquity, Lithos' mental reach could easily encompass the entire planet.

Lithos harbored no doubt that nations would send representatives.

Faced with an enigmatic civilization and its mysteries, rationality would prevail, compelling them to seize this opportunity.

After all, this marked the first genuine encounter between humanity and an extraterrestrial entity in the annals of history.

Meanwhile, nations worldwide erupted into chaos!

Lithos' thunderous voice left countless individuals grasping their heads, shaken to their core!

"What was that sound just now? It startled me!"

"You heard it too?"

"Yes, it was deafening, like an explosion!"

"It must be the Extraterrestrial Being! Only they could wield such power!"

Countless souls were shaken and terrified, while others seethed with outrage, and many more trembled in fear.

"What does this Extraterrestrial Being desire? Wreaking havoc across the globe, causing untold destruction, and now demanding an audience with us?"

"So tyrannical!"

"Let's band together to oppose him. Ultimately, he's just one entity. I refuse to believe he can defy the entire planet!"

Countless hearts swelled with fervor, even as various nations responded differently.

Some, like Japan, South Korea, and the United States, nursing grievous wounds from prior events, sought retribution.

Others remained perplexed, finding the Extraterrestrial Being's behavior incongruous with its usual demeanor.

Yet, some found solace, interpreting it as a hopeful sign, hinting at the prospect of peaceful coexistence.

But all maintained composure.

First, they quelled internal discord to avert panic.

Then, an international assembly convened.

All nations participated, and the deliberations, though unexpectedly brief, culminated swiftly in a unanimous decision.

Given the Extraterrestrial Being's intelligence, each nation had no choice but to dispatch representatives, irrespective of circumstances.

For this was the inaugural genuine interaction between humanity and an extraterrestrial entity in history.

The internet buzzed with speculation, with myriad conjectures swirling about which nations would send emissaries.

And at some undisclosed juncture, the United States commenced live broadcasts, expanding the coverage so that virtually all globally recognized figures could witness the proceedings on the sea.

Gasps resounded across the globe.

Under the scrutiny of the world, over a hundred helicopters departed from the United States, gracefully descending upon the platform.

Representatives from across the globe had arrived!

Their heads of state, naturally, remained absent, but they dispatched their foremost diplomats.

Escorted by elite special forces, they disembarked from the helicopters.

Global luminaries, eyes fixed on screens, watched intently as the first American negotiator, resplendent in formal attire, drew a deep breath.

Suppressing the fear welling within.

He met the fiery gaze of golden eyes.

This was a moment destined for the annals of history—the representative from each of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council advanced.

Proximity to the United States positioned its representative to query first, "May I ask the purpose of your desire to negotiate?"

Yet, it was only when the American negotiator confronted Lithos directly that he grasped his own insignificance.

Clad in golden armor, towering like a mountain ablaze with flames and light, the oppressive weight nearly overwhelmed him!

Was this entity truly alive?

In truth, Lithos had tempered his power. Otherwise, their proximity would have proven lethal.

"We come in earnest for negotiation. May we know your origin? Within the Milky Way or beyond?"

Far off on the platform, helicopters with high-precision cameras beamed images via radio waves to various nations.

Across screens, countless dignitaries watched avidly, awaiting a response.

Despite disdain for Lithos' imperious demeanor, they couldn't deny his might.

The sea breeze caressed, seemingly unnoticed by Lithos, who remained silent until the negotiators' patience wore thin and restlessness stirred among the spectators.

Finally, Lithos inclined his head gradually.

His golden-red pupils seemed to flow like molten lava, emitting a searing light that left the American negotiator breathless!

In one glance, a sense of despair overwhelmed them all!

Like fish out of water, their widened eyes mirrored profound fear in an instant!

Fortunately, this terror was fleeting as Lithos redirected his gaze.

"I never implied equality in negotiations."

Not equality?

The negotiators were confounded, frustration bubbling within.

Did Lithos truly regard humanity with disdain?

Especially the American negotiator, who believed American nuclear arsenals could wreak unimaginable havoc on the Extraterrestrial Being, possibly annihilating it!

Post-initial shock, his fear of Lithos waned compared to those around him.

Drawing a deep breath, the American negotiator prepared to speak when Lithos interjected.

"Furthermore, I am no extraterrestrial civilization. I was born on Earth, traversed the cosmos for countless eons, and have now returned."

Lithos spoke deliberately, leaving the negotiators dumbfounded.

"Pardon? You're from Earth?" the British delegate blurted out, echoing the astonishment of all present.

The American negotiator inhaled deeply. "You mean you hail from Earth, like us?"

Lithos regarded him. "In a manner of speaking. I've spent millennia traversing the universe."


With this revelation, not only were the negotiators dumbfounded, but also all those watching the screens!

This Extraterrestrial Being originated from Earth!

And not just Earth but millennia ago!

"This defies belief!"

The French representative exclaimed, "There exist no historical records hinting at his past presence!"

"Such a colossal entity would assuredly have been a paramount figure in any era, leaving an indelible mark!"

"But there's no reason for him to fabricate falsehoods. Could he truly be of Earthly origin?"

"How did he manage to endure for millennia?"

Some doubted Earth could harbor such life, while others pondered, considering that Lithos might indeed be an Earthling.

Just as speculation swirled, Lithos uttered a sentence that altered everything.

"I never envisioned that after countless millennia, you would remain so primitive, failing to venture beyond the solar system."

"You lag far behind."

Lithos bowed his head, his words deliberate.

"Bend your nations and peoples to my will."

"I shall lead humanity and Earth itself toward a new phase of evolution."

Silence descended.

All fixated on screens fell silent.