
I am Supremacy, I am Hakuryuukou

I wanted to be someone in the world..... I wanted to be a hero, to protect everyone but............. How naive I was at the time............. I will show everyone who I am, I will show everyone True Supremacy. So fear you have received true Justice. Meet the Fury of White Paradise Of the White Dragon Emperor fear now I, who am about to wake up, I am the Celestial Dragon who took away the principles of God's supremacy I envy the "infinity" and seek the "dream" I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy And I must take you to the limits of white paradise Juggernaut Drive.

Klaus_Tsugikuni302 · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2-Friends and Time

Hiro was in an alley leaning against a wall facing a red-haired boy with amber eyes, who was staring at Hiro with neutrality, both had been staring at each other for about 10 minutes, this happened after the class that had happened early.

Both were in deep silence from Hiro using Senju Musō, to analyze Senji who was staring coldly at Hiro, both were like that until then Hiro sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples wondering how unlucky he could be.

"Friend or Foe?''- The Question Hiro asked could change the outcome of one's life, death and destruction of lives depending on the answer.

"That depends on your question, and on my answer if I'm an enemy, what will happen?" vibrating, a pressure came on his body putting him down.

"You would be dead." .- Hiro spoke calmly, and released the information, which they both knew was not vague information, it was a fact, Hiro had already analyzed Senji about 137 times for every thing he did, that is, Hiro was 10 steps ahead of him. his "opponent" while both were silent.

Hiro knew that somehow the boy in front of him is also somehow a reincarnated or who knows if there some boy who went to a generic isekai with wishes, this happened, but Hiro didn't really care if he has an ally now that he's equal. it will be a great help to have a friend like that.

"OK friend, I'm a friend'' .- Senji spoke raising his hands in defense.

"Swear by the River Styx".- Hiro spoke while the pressure disappeared and his guard didn't let down, still attentive.

The River Styx, besides being one of the rivers of the Underworld, is the river of invulnerability. Making a promise across the River Styx is the most sacred vow possible, not even the gods can break such a promise. Styx was a nymph who fought with the gods in Titanomachy and in retribution the gods gave her the river on the threshold of life.

According to myth, a mortal named Semele, lover of Zeus and mother of Dionysus, was tricked by Hera, who convinced her to ask Zeus to prove that he was truly divine. First, Semele asked Zeus to make a promise across the River Styx, not sure what it was about.

After Semele said he wanted to see Zeus' true form, once the promise was made he would not go back and Zeus in turn showed proof of his divinity to Semele who died in this metamorphosis. Not even Zeus broke a promise made by the River Styx, showing the importance of the vow.

Senji raised an eyebrow, not recognizing what the oath is.

"Ok, I swear by the River Styx."- Senji spoke while the Sound of Thunder rose to the skies by the oath taken.

"Well, if you break the oath, you will have a fate worse than death by the river."- Hiro spoke calmly while looking up, Senji froze and looked wide-eyed at Hiro.

"W-Wait what?!?".- Senji was too shocked for that, but Hiro didn't seem to mind the boy's surprise, as he looked up.-

"I needed to trust someone, somehow you're just like me aren't you? Someone who died, and went to another world.".- Hiro spoke while facing Senji.


Senji looked at Hiro skeptically, until he got the point, Senji then looked at the screens that appeared next to Hiro, who didn't see.

[Name: Hiro Aquila Nomura]

[Affiliation: Chaotic Neutral]

[Status for Host: Extreme Danger]

" Shit Level 3 Observation Skill, that's all there is to Extreme Danger!"

Senji was born in the United States, but the moment he was born he was taken by his mother to Japan where he spent most of his childhood until then he grew up normally except for his ADHD and Dyslexia, getting in the way of his life.

His Father he had never met, he more sometimes he always received some machines and forge materials as a gift with the letter "H" and for something Senji always knew he was his "Father"

But Senji knew that he had died and reincarnated more with no memories for this life, other than some memories which are the memories of his skills, he remembers a roulette wheel that gave him 3 Skills that he has today.

1- He has all the power and skill of Senji Muramasa and Shirou Emiya's body with Senji Muramasa in some way.

2-He gained an Improved Intelligence Skill

3- He gained 3 System Skills of his choice, in which he chose [Observe] the [Inventory] and [Gacha]

And in that he was reincarnated without the memories, but when he grew up, he grew up and the personality of Shirou Emiya and Senji Muramasa together with a personality trait from his old life, which was strange but he couldn't argue, he just won the memories of how to use your abilities.

But even so, he had the memories of both, so he has more maturity than many for the memories he has.

Then you must be wondering wow, he's super stolen isn't he? ai and that is Senji can only ascend all his power, and having a Pseudo-Servant body he needs to find Tsumukari Muramasa the sword that cuts karma, he for now only has the skills of Shirou Emiya until he finds the sword, he will only be left with an Empty Reality Marble with only nameless swords, and Kanshou and Bakuya that he at least has thanks to a memory Senji had.

" And so until I find that sword that's somewhere on the planet, I can't have Muramasa's abilities... Lucky Shit Rank E"

So Senji when younger tried to look for some kind of hint about the sword, until then he and his Mother walk and get attacked by huge Boar Monster, his mother saved him but not her, so he survived alone for 2 years until then his grandfather find him and take him to the united states, and here he is, Senji has also always been fluent in the 2 native languages ​​Japanese and English.

Senji shook his head with old memories, so as he found himself and enrolled for school his grandfather was an important member for the Yakuza, who had contact here, so thanks to him, Senji has a roof over his head, food, and money, along with with a teaching.

And so on his first day he used his [Observe] ability on everyone in the school, and the only one with Extreme Danger appeared Senji imagined he was some monster, until then he showed that line and swore this oath.

"Okay, now explain to me what your powers are."- The boy with golden eyes calmly staring at Senji who was in a snooker pool, until Senji sighs heavily.

"Well, my powers are the skills of Shirou Emiya, and Senji Muramasa, only Senji Muramasa's skills are sealed until I find a damn sword."- Senji explained the beginning.- "My second "Power" was an Enhanced Intelligence , and last but not least 3 System Skills, [Observe] the [Inventory] and the [Gacha]

"Hmmmm, that's bad luck."- Hiro said scratching his chin, his skills were according to luck and a deal with Vanguard so he couldn't blame him.

"Great, your skills must be super OP'' .- Senji whimpered, while sighing.

"I can help you, but first of all do you know which world you are in?".- Hiro asked while facing Senji.

"I have no idea, I think the name of the world was Rionchaverse, or was it Rondaverse?.- Senji spoke while it was his turn to scratch his chin as he looked up.

"I'm fucked."- Hiro spoke as he sighed in shock, while his hand went towards his face as if his bad luck wasn't so big it was huge.

"Okay, okay, okay and could you explain to me?".-


Some hours later

Hiro mentally sighed today the day was too stressful, He wanted to sleep until he remembered the cube and remembered that the time to absorb a soul, Hiro then sat in the lotus position on his bed.

He then closed his eyes and opened them to find himself in the black place full of white flames again, then Hiro looked around, he took the first soul he saw, but it looked different from the others, an inverted heart, upside down

He was a strong white, but Hiro absorbed it anyway, so the great soul was absorbed inside Hiro which he closed his eyes feeling the sensation and the memories.

From a skeleton of the race they called him "Monsters" he had a younger brother, but he grew up and then when he reached a certain age and a certain time, he was trapped inside a time loop.

Where a boy full of determination killed everyone he knew one by one, and where his brother always died with his neck ripped off and his head crushed, he always saw that scene but he couldn't do anything.

The Choice that was imposed on him, to stop the genocide, and prevent her from reaching her king, as her work with the "Royal Judge" is up to the Last Judgment.

He would kill her and kill her and he would always come back, like the plague, he was known as the strongest monster, even though he only had 1 HP and dealt 1 damage, that didn't stop him from being the strongest.

He was the fastest, how to damage some character when never touching him? and how to defend faster bone and magic attacks, with gravity manipulation? What about Soul Manipulation, Spatial and Temporal Manipulation and Karma Manipulation, Teleportation?

Taking away other abilities from him making a monster to fear and retreat.

But even with that, even with more skills, even with all his speed, his patience, his justice never caught up with him.

He then died, he was always hit in the end.

But he always went back to a certain time, after all, the timeline always reset, and he saw himself in the same scene that destroyed his life.

Again, and again, it never ends, he found himself in an endless nightmare of genocidal timeline resets, so he never had a value in his life, he always thought she was insignificant, he knew he had.

Then he would get lost and come back, always waiting for the final blow.

He had already given up on living a long time ago, now he looked at a place, where Hiro faced everything, while facing him the skeleton got up and approached Hiro and his appearance showed itself to the golden-eyed boy.

A short, pot-bellied skeleton with a wide, toothy grin, glove-like hands, and large eye sockets. He wears an open blue hoodie, a white shirt, black shorts with white lining, and a pair of flip-flops. He has white pupils that disappear when he is serious or angry

He approached the boy.

"Hey Kiddo, how are you?'' .- the skeleton spoke, a deep voice emerged, which called attention, Hiro stared and smiled a little.

"Heya Sans."- Hiro spoke with a small smile, as he raised his hand to the skeleton who kept the smile on his face and raised his hand as he approached and the hands shook after a noise.

* Pum* .- A huge fart noise that shook the place.

Hiro stared, almost embarrassed, while the skeleton laughed, as he raised his hand and showed a bag of farts.

"HEHHEHEHEH, it never loses its fun."- the skeleton spoke, then his eyes looked at Hiro as if reading his soul

"0 LV this is good, I wouldn't trust someone who would have more than that, boy, I won't explain something you'll know soon, but trust me I want you to promise me first."- The Skeletor looked at Hiro calmly now while Hiro stared at the skeleton for a while.

"Promise me that you will take care of your family, no matter the timelines change, don't be like me boy, promise that you will protect your family with all your might, only then can I trust you with my kiddo skills."-

"I promise.'' .- were the honest words of Hiro as Sans then waved.

"Great boy, because if you agreed, that would be '' Hard Bone'' .- Sans spoke while Hiro was neutral, and broke with a smile that grew on his face until then he started laughing.

Sans started laughing too, so he just snapped his fingers, and the full memories of Sans the skeleton came to Hiro's mind, all the timelines, all the deaths, so much of the ones he killed, all the times he was killed by a whim.

So making something so bitter in his eyes, the more he didn't care about himself, the more he wouldn't stop fighting, for everyone who always died

Hiro opened his eyes as he took a deep breath, he felt his body changing, but he didn't care the pain he had in him, he woke up, he felt a kind of heat in his left eye, then he stared at the mirror attached to the wardrobe, the blue flame and a little gold coming out of it, as if it was being burned.

He looked at the skill information he had and couldn't help but sigh.

[Successfully Added Skills, Acquittal was 100% successful]

[Bone Manipulation]

[Description: The user is able to create, shape and manipulate the bones of their own body or the bodies of other beings. This includes, but is not limited to, generating new bone mass, protruding bones out of the skin in the form of spines, or replacing bones in your own body, healing broken bones, or replacing lost bones.]

[Gravity Manipulation]

[The user is able to manipulate gravity, which is one of the four fundamental forces of nature that consists of a phenomenon where all things that have mass or energy like planets, stars, galaxies, light, etc. attract (or gravitate towards) each other.]

[The user, in addition to manipulating gravity, can also create it, shape it, warp it, etc. At base levels, the user can increase or decrease the severity of the environment or an object/body in question. The increase in gravity would cause everything in an area to be heavier, causing loose objects to be propelled to the ground, causing people to be immobilized or crushed depending on the increase in gravity.]

[By doing the exact opposite, lowering gravity, the user could achieve an effect similar to Zero Gravity, as all objects float upwards, or lift heavier objects with surprising ease due to the reduced weight. With enough control and skill, one can attract or repel objects regardless of direction, achieving an effect similar to telekinesis, ignoring or defying the laws of gravity altogether, allowing one to walk on walls or ceilings, or manipulate orbital fields in anything. At medium levels, the user becomes able to control their gravitational field, allowing them to move faster, be more agile, conserve stamina, all by decreasing gravity's pull on them or flying.]

[He also becomes able to induce zero gravity at will, generate black holes, or exert force on the inverse of gravity, antigravity. At more advanced levels, the user can tamper with the space-time continuum, in addition to causing certain changes in reality, being able to move bodies/objects of mass and energy such as planets, stars, etc.]

[Gravity manipulation is one of the most versatile in combat utility, allowing it to achieve both offensive and defensive capabilities. Offensive uses include forcefully knocking back enemies, instantly killing them, increasing gravity to crush or immobilize opponents, or hurling large objects at your enemy with surprising force and speed, decreasing gravity's pull on those objects.]

[Defensive uses include creating a gravitational force field to repel all attacks (similar to anti-gravity) or anchoring yourself to the ground to take on heavy physical attacks or lowering the gravity of an attack to weaken its potency and speed. ]

Hiro stared at the amount of screens that appeared, until then he raised his eyebrow, the screen only informed what Gravity Manipulation is not his abilities, then another screen appeared that caught Hiro's attention.

[Gravity Manipulation Levels: Level: Basic, Advanced, Expert, Master, Ultimate, Absolute]

[User is at Advanced level, the stronger he gets in Gravity Manipulation, the faster he can reach other levels]

[Basic Level Abilities : Attraction and Repulsion: User can attract and repel matter and energy through gravitational force.]

[Gravitational Adaptation: User is able to adapt to the influence of gravitational force.]

Gravity Rejection: User can ignore the effects of gravity, thus acquiring anti-gravity effects.

[ Advanced Level Skills : Gravitational Attacks: User can perform gravitational force attacks.

[Gravity Reduction: User can reduce gravity to cause effects like weight loss and levitation.]

[Diluted Gravity Induction: User can dramatically decrease gravity in the area, making it difficult for anyone in it to move, possibly causing people to float or jump great distances unintentionally.]

[Gravity Amplification: User can amplify gravity to cause effects such as weight gain and immobilization.]

[Dense Gravity Induction: User can drastically increase gravity in a certain area, making it difficult to move or even stand upright, can cause damage to the target area/targets, causing the ground to crack and crumble, crushing the targets. ]

[Immobilization: The user can immobilize their opponents through dense gravitational force.]

[Crushing: The user can crush their opponents through dense gravitational force.]

[Flight Manipulation: User can control gravity around people and objects to lower, levitate, etc.]

[Gravitational Displacement: User can negate the effects of gravity within a certain area (large or small) and create a new gravitational force on another surface, such as a ceiling surface, which means they can walk on it with ease and no adverse effects.]

[Gravitational Constructs: User can create variable constructs through gravitons.]

[Gravity Generation: User becomes able to generate their own gravitational force.]

[Gravitational Imprisonment: The user is able to imprison living beings and objects by creating a strong gravitational force on them.]

[Gravity Solidification: User is able to solidify gravity.

[Gravitational Telekinesis: User is able to interact with some object, matter, energy and others using gravity.]

[Personal Gravity: The user can manipulate their personal gravitational field, allowing them to manipulate how gravity affects them and everything around them. Users can learn the basics, like becoming heavy or light, falling in any direction instead of the earth, levitating, and adapting to the gravity of other worlds.]

[Enhanced Strength: User can amplify their strength through gravity, either by reducing or amplifying something's weight.]

[Enhanced Speed: User can reduce gravity's pull on them to move faster.]

[Improved Agility/Improved Mobility: User can decrease gravity's pull on themselves to increase agility and mobility, to escape dangerous environments, for example.]

[Improved Jump: User can reduce their gravity to jump longer distances.]

[Gravitokinetic Flight: User can fly using gravity.]

A huge headache came to Hiro's mind as he received numerous information on how to use his abilities, he looked at the screens and saw that it wasn't over yet he sighed heavily.

He now knew that Sans was a monster, more so apart from the fact that Hiro only got the Gravity Manipulation advanced.

He knew there was more to come.

[Space Manipulation]

[Description: User can create, manipulate, erase, distort and shape physical aspects of space within an area of ​​their choosing, including an area and everything within that area, meaning the user can manipulate an unlimited three-dimensional extent along with objects and events that have relative position and direction.]

[They can trap subjects or objects in space and push that space, throwing subject and object away from them or to create wormholes, paradoxes, and other strange events by warping spatial areas and twisting them.]

[Space consists of the normal 3 dimensions in which matter and energy exist and the 11th dimension that exists within 3rd dimensional space. The theory behind space motion is to move away from 3 dimensions, find your position in the 11th dimension, and then calculate vectors to teleport, moving at a faster speed than light, without occupying the space between the two locations. .]

Hiro scratched his chin, that was interesting, but then the memories of Sans using it to teleport and create wormholes called "Shortcuts" came to his mind, he nodded that was good, more what level Hiro could have

[Space Manipulation Levels: Level: Basic, Advanced, Expert, Master, Ultimate, Absolute]

[User is at Advanced level in Space Manipulation]

[Basic Level: Space Creation and Space Erasure]

[Advanced Level: Spatial Perception, Distance Manipulation, Spatial Adaptation, Spatial Attacks, Spatial Constructs, Space Barrier Creation, Space Rejection, Space Flight and Teleportation]

Strange skills didn't describe themselves, was there something to it? Could it be that Sans himself was not so skilled at Spatial Manipulation? if he didn't make a mistake Sans could manipulate Space-Time that is.

Another popped up after Hiro's deduction ended

[Time Manipulation]

[Description: User can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate time, the indefinite continuous progress of existence and events that occur in a seemingly irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future, in the general area or to a specific target in a variety of ways, with the most basic acts revolving around speeding it up, slowing it down, stopping it, and even rewinding or rotating it.]

[The range of the affected area is proportional to the user's mastery, with those at higher levels being able to affect the entire space-time continuum. Since "time" exists and flows within "space", the two are interrelated, and by manipulating time, space is also distorted proportionately.]

[The effects of this relative distortion may vary. For example, controlling the time of a mere object or person may not affect the space in which they reside, whereas twisting the time flow of an entire region of space may cause the area itself to warp. Also, because time is so closely tied to our three-dimensional space, manipulating it may not affect another dimension, such as heaven or hell, in the same way it affects ours.]

Hiro analyzed with more headache, as he divided the information through his brain, to be able to read it calmly, then he realized that Hiro is something that is very dangerous even for him even with Sans' powers could he be that strong?

Time Manipulation is to a lesser degree than Space Manipulation, after all Hiro knows that Sans only had Time Manipulation because he could see the timelines, that's what he thought.

[Time Manipulation Levels: Level: Basic, Advanced, Master, Superior, Absolute]

[Host is at Advanced Time Manipulation level]

[Basic Level: Time Acceleration Time Deceleration Time Standstill Improved Reflexes/Supernatural Reflexes Improved Speed/Super Speed ​​Teleportation]

[Advanced Level: Accelerated Probability, Time Advance Time Point Reset, Time Intuition, Time Rewind, Physical Restoration, Time Heal Replay Effect, Time Reverse, Time Cooldown, Time Resurrection, Time Restoration, Time Attacks]

Hiro watched with a drop, he was sure now that most abilities Hiro couldn't even have screwed up, Hiro could only see the timelines, unless to see the timelines you need great skill i.e. Sans had those abilities to being able to see all the Timepoints and Resets meaning he was ahead of time, Hiro doesn't need to know that he had more skill, plus 2 skills that few knew in Sans, which is his Soul Manipulation, causing magic to surround him pulling the person's soul to some corner.

And the body going to the same corner, Sans could destroy souls, with some difficulty more he would, but it didn't matter for someone who always came back from the dead, unscathed, and continued to attack.

So Hiro waited while another screen appeared.

[Soul Manipulation]

[Description: The user is able to manipulate souls, which are the inner and immaterial essence present in living beings, usually found in sentient individuals, but which, depending on the universe, can be found in inorganic media, such as rivers, for example. With this mastery, he acquires a variety of ways to affect a target's way of life, positively or negatively.]

A skill of the sons of Hades, Hiro smiled, he had many plans so making a monster to fear, he was going to test it now with several enemies in his mind thus making a monster.

Now he needed to enjoy the peace he had.

and Train him and another idiot who didn't even know what world he was in


4 years later

4 Boys of "Special" and different appearances, walked in the darkness of the night while both ran through the dark night, while both ran in despair.

A boy with a messy ponytail, his hair being a strong pitch black, he wore a loose black sweatshirt with a hood, he wore a white blouse, he also wore jeans and sneakers he looked to be about 14 or 15 years old , he led the group while he was the fastest.

That was Hiro Aquila Nomura

Behind him a red-haired boy with amber eyes who wore a gray sweatshirt, underneath a long-sleeved blouse, the blouse was white with the long sleeves being blue, he had a small part of his hair in the fringe was a white, he he wore jeans and all-star sneakers he looked like he was fourteen or fifteen.

He was always looking back to see if they were chasing that was Senji Itsuka Ford.

More behind him there were 2 boys a boy who has black hair and sea green eyes, a small build, in the best ''surfer'' style he wore a simple blue blouse, with shorts and shoes, while he ran holding his arm the other on her neck while helping her to walk.

That was Perseus "Percy" Jackson, while the one he was holding was a tall boy with curly brown hair, brown eyes, he wore a red cap, sparse beard he was crippled, he looked like he was 16 or 17 years old.

That was Grover Underwood.

"Come soon Percy."- Senji spoke while looking back, then a flashlight or something similar aimed towards them and a thick voice.

"THE BRATTS ARE THERE."- A man's voice spoke, while Grover froze, and Hiro and Senji and Percy waved each other, then moving forward showed an alley with 3 exits.

"Percy and Grover to the right, senji to the left and yours, I'll go ahead, let's meet at mine, be careful and good luck'' .- Hiro said with a commanding tone that made everyone wave.

"Be careful, Hiro''. Percy spoke for Grover, who opened his mouth to say the same thing.

"Relax, now go".- Hiro said as he went on his way, all 3 of them waved and paid their routes, then Hiro looked back, and then yelled.- "OH YOU IDIOTS I'M HERE!".- Hiro yelled winning. the attention of a group that Hiro couldn't see by the bright light, but he didn't care, so he started running at very high speed.

Hiro jumped and dodged obstacles like garbage cans as he quickly saw the noise behind him so he ran and braked slowly and stopped when he found himself in a dead end as he then looked around to see buildings getting in the way he snapped the tongue.

("Your bad luck and your luck are like a coin Hiro, everything can go right, and everything can go wrong in a matter of seconds but still I've never seen someone who can have so many and so few moments, so congratulations partner you are the first I've seen it like this."). - The cold voice, but that maintained a certain potency, appeared in Hiro's head.

"Bite me Albion, I don't know how a motorcycle works, so it's not my fault for blowing them up'' .- Hiro growled, remembering what happened a few hours earlier.

The store where Percy's mother worked was robbed by a bunch of bikers, and Hiro who was accompanying Percy on this summer vacation saw and memorized the plates with some difficulty due to dyslexia.

He growled for not understanding this dyslexia, but even so he made a clone and asked him to follow the biker group, always giving the coordinates he needed so he informed Senji and Percy who nodded in agreement to go there and get what's they stole.

Grover, who was a new member of the group, who joined them, said that it wasn't a good idea, but because he was afraid that it wasn't a good idea, in the end Grover saw that if he didn't want to go, he wouldn't. would prevent the trio from going there.

He reluctantly waved, and Hiro lied that he'd found out where they were to avoid a lengthy explanation.

So let's go for a flashback that's better for you readers to understand the situation.


a few hours before

The Quartet was hiding in front of a gas station and next to a bar, Hiro was with Binoculars, watching while analyzing the place, thinking of a plan, while a clone of his was watching the closest place and using the eyes of the man. clone Hiro could see the place better and more peacefully.

"Alpha have any vision of the guys?'' .- Percy asked as he lay on a hill to Hiro's left side, and as he shivered inquiring his ADHD wouldn't let him down, while Senji sighed just the same.

" ADHD shit" .- Both complained in their heads as their body yearned for movement, it wouldn't let it sit still, they looked at Hiro who seemed calm and both sighed.

"Affirmative Beta, this is the place, but "Albus" took the bag into the bar."-Hiro spoke using the codenames so he doesn't need to have his name known by the bunch of idiots he doesn't even know.

"Tsk! this is horrible how are we going to get in there?".- Senji asked while he was on Hiro's right side, while he strengthened his eyes and got a better distance.

"I don't know Omega, but we'll find out, so Perna, you keep a lookout, and let us know if anyone sees us."- He said looking at Grover as he threw a Professional Walkie Talkie into Grover's hand, while both Hiro and Senji took headsets. single ear of an ear with a small white microphone that went near his mouth.

"What?!? Of course not, I'll go with you ``.- Grover said as he awkwardly grabbed it while he held the Walkie Talkie.

"No, you will stay as a lookout, Grover if someone gets close and we decide to abort the mission, you will be a weight I don't want to lose, stay and the best."- Hiro spoke calmly as he then jumped and slid down the hill, and stopping on the street facing the sides and leaving to stop at the gas station

Senji followed behind Hiro without words for Grover.

"Percy, you are, aren't you?" .- Grover asked as he looked at the boy who was looking at Grover sympathetically.

"Yes I will Grover, Hiro is helping me get what they stole from my mom, if she can't find a way to get the lost money back she'll be fired, my mom always sacrificed herself for me, and it's my turn to I at least help her a little."- Percy spoke as he went down the mountain on Senji and Hiro's tail.


Percy stared in surprise as he looked like a scene from a movie, Hiro and Senji and he found themselves walking calmly through the shadows.

The trio was walking calmly until then, Hiro walking calmly and passing by the place quickly while he went to the side of the bar on a wall, and then signaled for the duo to come, the duo came calmly.

"Could you tell me what the Hiro plan really is?" .- Percy asked as he looked at him while he was leaning against the wall and waiting anxiously.

"The Plan and we go in there and stay and infiltrate any of us who finds the money, take it and let us know that we got it for the rest, and we get out of here."- Hiro spoke while always looking straight ahead and then he put his 2 fingers on the earphone and then started talking. - "Leg we're coming in, stay on guard from now on." - He spoke while he released his 2 fingers from his ear and waited for the answer.

"Understood Hi-I mean Alpha'' .- Grover spoke while correcting himself on the other end of the line, Hiro waved then left first, he took a deep breath and then he approached and entered first.


Hiro entered the place while calmly analyzing, the place was a big space bigger inside, than outside, so Hiro had already found this strange fact, so he checked the Bar.

The whole place looked like a Viking Tavern, wooden tables, rectangular and round in different places, and then the counter with a woman cleaning glasses the place was almost full, if not for a round table left very close to the wall.

Hiro entered calmly, then the place stopped, silence reigned throughout the place, the eyes of all the people, men and women, went towards Hiro, who stared at them coldly, and walked to the empty place, then everyone's attention, Hiro walked to Stop and sit at the round table alone.

Hiro scanned the location quickly, then he looked around until he found his target.

The Headphone in his ear disappeared or rather became invisible, so he calmly faced the place, then he looks around the bar and sees everyone celebrated with great drinks, he analyzed and saw a stage in front of most tables, Hiro then saw Senji and Percy entering calmly and quickly entering the place with both eyes wide.

"The place wasn't that big."- Percy said while rubbing his eyes to see if he was seeing properly while admiring the beauty of the place.

Senji watched in silence, as the place darkened, the stage in front of the three facing the curtains opened, revealing a woman with the single word "Perfect" her hair being pitch black, and her eyes being even darker, she She wore a black dress that tightened and highlighted her curves.

She had pale skin, but it made her even more beautiful, she wore black fabric gloves, as she bowed to the audience, she held a white violin in her hands.

She held the stick as she then began to play quickly catching the attention of the entire venue as everyone listened to the start of the song.

(Put the Music: Roundtable Rival)

Everyone started to clap, some slammed the table, others stomped the floor.

The place was filled with joy, the woman closed her eyes the moment she started to play, then a man with black hair and white skin with light blue eyes started playing the guitar as if it was a kind of competition.

"This is our chance."- Senji warned Hiro who found himself in awe of the woman's beauty for a moment while shaking his head nervously and waving.

"I'll fix the distraction I'll leave the rest to you, go."- Hiro spoke as he got up and took a glass cup and went towards another table where he poked a person in the back, and then he knocked the glass of glass in the head of the person behind the person he poked from.

The Man was red-haired, and muscular, he turned to see who hit him, and saw the Man who had turned, looking at him, he roared and punched the man in the face.

"YOU WAS THE ONE WHO HIT THE BIG BLEND!!!".- The muscular redhead roared as he pointed his finger at the man who had been innocent.

"IF YOU WANT A FIGHT WITH THE BIG BLEND THEN YOU WILL."- The Red Blend spoke as he grabbed the man's head with 2 hands and gave a powerful headbutt, then a boy who appeared to be 19 years old looked at Blend angrily.

"HEY IDIOT NO ONE MESS WITH MY BROTHER BUT ME!!".- The Boy spoke as he jumped and kicked Blend in the face.

Then the table of Blend's friends got up and while the table full of the boy's classmates, they got up and left creating a huge fight, while Hiro was leaning against a wall in the back with a maniacal smile as he waved and closed his eyes.

So then the bar fight began thus fixing the distraction, which Senji and Percy noticed and nodded, to Hiro in shock more then as they ran, they heard the music fill their ears with determination and disappeared into the crowd as they saw the table from where were the men who stole.

Percy and Senji looked at each other, and tried to think of a quick plan.


Hiro then faced all the chaos he had created with a sick smile on his face, he wondered why not?

He got up and ran upstairs punching a random one that had gone to hit the first person he had seen, Hiro saw the power of the punch that made him break his jaw and break some teeth.

But he wouldn't stop, he roared as he went up and punched and kicked and punched anyone he saw, while the music made him more excited to get crazier, then he saw a man trying to threaten the Woman who was cleaning glasses , Hiro then ran there and jumped with the impulse he gave a 2 foot kick in the guy's face sending him flying

"Are you okay?" he asked as he stood up.

"Yes, thanks, but I know how to defend myself'' .- she said with a bored look, but you could see the gratitude in her eyes, Hiro waved and left, looking for something to hit.

As he watched the fight unfold, he saw a handsome man with brown hair and bright blue eyes, he wore flashy clothes, he was calmly drinking a beer, he seemed invisible to the world around him except Hiro who seemed to be the only one who could see him in this chaos he created.

Out of curiosity he walked calmly towards him, and sat opposite the man who looked familiar to Hiro somehow, but he didn't know why.

"...Uhmm Hello?".- Hiro asked while not knowing what to say at that moment.

The Man just drank his beer until he looked at Hiro, blinked 1, 2 3 times, and momentarily widened his eyes, and then returned to neutral face, then he went back to drinking his beer while finishing the sip, and sighing.

"Hey boy'' .- was the man's reply, as he stared at Hiro, calmly.- "By the way, Fred a pleasure.'' .- The Man now Fred raised his hand to Hiro, who shook it firmly, Hiro stared at Fred with calm, but a nervousness inside.

" This guy can't be normal, this aura, he sure is a god ."- Hiro thought, while analyzing, he looked and then used Senju Muso

"I see you're leaving, well I should go too, but I'm waiting for a friend."- Fred spoke as he took his glass to drink again, and so he wanted at least a day of peace.

But who could blame him was Apollo, god of Music, Prophecies, Archery, Plagues and Medicine.

And in these millennia also the god of the Sun, by Hélio disappearing, leaving him more responsibility.

It was complicated but it had its moments of glory, but he liked the peace, having to deal with hundreds of thousands of visions of the future, thanks to him being the god of prophecies, plus the possibilities all of them, so many good and bad, he had to find a way to deal with the pressure.

and Look where he's drinking with a 12-year-old boy, he's put himself down a lot, over all these years.

"Ok, I'm going."- Hiro said as he slipped away, and turned to leave quickly.

"I'll be watching you Hiro Aquila Nomura, the future is great around you, not just me…'' .- Fred's Voice came from behind Hiro who turned only to see the empty table, as if it had never been used .

" The attention of the gods will be on me!!!!, this is sure to be a problem in the future, I have to get stronger! ".- Hiro thought as he sweated and left the place.

Until he looked around and saw Senji with a bow on his back, and Percy with a bag in his hands, and they both waved at each other.

Only fate can tell what will happen