
I Am Serra Kim

Arin Louella de Rozelleo is a Royal princess that was executed for a sin she never committed. Surprisingly, as if God has given her another chance, she wakes up in another body. A body she never expected to be in: Serra Kim's body, the long lost daughter of the mafia Kim family.

Ash_Kim · Fantasie
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25 Chs


I open my eyes to a dark surrounding with people eagerly waiting for me to notice them.

It's weird because the last thing I remember is my father, his majesty, the previous emperor, ordering for my execution. He claimed that I tried to harm the empress, my brother's wife so I was thrown into the abyss of nothingness.

It all felt real: the emperor hugging his wife in front of me, the duke who's my lover watching me from a far, and my father who didn't even flinch when I was being executed.

It all felt real so why...am I seeing other people in front of me? Is this the afterlife? But...they don't look like angels to me. Did I...perhaps...ended up on the other side of the afterlife?!

"Gosh! Our Serra would put all the girls beneath her when she turns adult!" one brusque man says from the side.

Eek! He's huge! Who is he?!

"Stop staring at her like that. You'll scare her, you stupid madman!" another guy with a scar on his face says.

Huh?! Where am I really?! Who are they?!

"What madman?! You mean you? You were the one who rained bullets while we were still inside to save her!"

"Oh yeah? Then be thankful because I saved that stupid ass of yours. You would have been a goner if not for me!"

What? A goner? What are they saying? What bullets? What's that?

Suddenly, another man emerged from the door. Unlike the other two, he looks proud and he's wearing a proper suit.

"Shut your mouths. My daughter cannot open her eyes because of how noisy you two are," he states in his deep voice.

At that moment, I flinch. How did he know I was already awake? I was trying so hard to secretly take a peek but he knew?

"It's fine. You can open your eyes. No one here will hurt you."

Why did his voice turned gentle? And...did he just say that I'm his daughter? Is he pertaining to me? But...why?

A hand then caresses my head and I take that as a cue to completely open my eyes.

The room is dim lighted but I can figure enough that everyone and everything looks weird in this room.

Like what is that thing on the wall?! Why is it there and why is it moving like air is coming out from it? Even the wardrobe looks weird!

"What is it? Do you not like this room?"

This room? Hng...

I really have so many questions but I need to know two things in particular.

"M—Mister, I just want to know if...this is the afterlife and who you are..." I say shyly. "Are you...perhaps...the three devils of hell?"

Just then, the brusque man burst out in laughter. On the other hand, the scarred man tried to hide his laughter by covering his mouth with his hand.

I am not that knowledgeable when it comes to the temple and religion but when I was younger, I've read one book about the afterlife and it says that there are three heads in hell. They are named Riloa, Charity, and Elfio.

And since this place looks weird and scary, I guess that they are the three... I feel comfortable but they said that devils love to make you feel good before they devour your soul forever.

The man in front me looked speechless but he ended up patting my head. I wanted to dodge but I was too late.

"I know we do illegal and unforgivable things but never in my life have I ever thought of becoming a head in hell!" the brusque man then points at me while still trying to subdue his laughter. "You, kid! You're a unique one!"

What?! Me? But...they are the weird ones here.

"Onyl, get Hunter out of my sight. Now," the man in front of me commands.

"Alright," the scarred man says while kicking the butt of the brusque man and forcing him outside.

"Hey! I want to stay—"

He didn't have a choice because he's completely kicked out and the door's already shut closed.

Now...the room feels suffocating with just the two of us here.

Am I going to be punished now? For what I said?

"Kid, do you know your name?"

Why is he calling me a kid and why does he want to know my name? Is this some kind of a test or just an introduction before getting devoured?

I sigh.

My name's Arin Louella de Rozelleo. Right. A royal princess. Okay.

I try my best to look into his eyes before opening my mouth to speak.

"I am..."



"My name's..."

Wait! Why can't I speak out my name as if I'm not allowed to?! What happened?!

I touch my lips but no matter how hard I try, I cannot introduce myself.

Just what is happening to me?!

"Whatever your name was, forget it."

Huh? Forget my name? How...How dare he refuse my name?! I am the princess of—

"From now on, you are Kim Serra, my one and only daughter. You are no longer the orphan that you were because in the first place, you're not. I know...you do not remember since you haven't been born at that time but this is your home."

"My...home? I am...Serra Kim? I was an orphan before?"

I already confirmed that this is not the afterlife but why is he uttering this complete nonsense to me?! What gibberish is he talking about?! Just...

Suddenly, I feel dizzy and my head feels like it's being ripped apart. It didn't take long before I lost consciousness.
