
I am Sasuke Uchiha

Waking up in an unfamiliar world and finding your life transformed in the blink of an eye is just the beginning of Sasuke Uchiha's odyssey. Trapped in a reality that defies all logic, Sasuke is forced to confront his past, his identity, and a destiny that seems beyond his control. With each revelation, he delves deeper into a world of mysteries, magic, and unimaginable dangers. Will Sasuke uncover the truth behind his new existence and find a way back home, or will he succumb to the forces threatening to consume him?.

Apollus_Febus · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

my awakening in this cursed world

The constant sound of rain acted as a natural alarm clock, pulling me out of a deep sleep and leaving me immersed in a bewildering reality. My eyelids felt heavy as if they were laden with lead, but the exhaustion I felt was not physical, but mental, a burden that crushed me to the point where any moment of wakefulness seemed absurd.

"What had happened?" I wondered, trying to gather fragments of memory scattered in the labyrinth of my mind.

I remembered clearly diving into a software project as ambitious as it was challenging. Gathered with a team of equally committed colleagues, we plunged into endless hours of work, defying the clock and expectations. There were nights when hours vanished into the whirlwind of code and ideas, and I bet more than once I found myself asleep in the dining hall, surrounded by the team in a camaraderie born of shared fatigue.

But now, instead of the familiar walls of the dining hall, I found myself trapped in a white, sterile room.

The aroma floating in the air was peculiar, a blend of disinfectant, air freshener, and a subtle hint of medication. Recognizable and unsettling at the same time. Was I... in a hospital room? Why?

I had no memories of illness or discomfort, aside from the inevitable hours of sleep stolen by the project. Nothing that justified my presence in a hospital environment.

A sense of fear began to spread through my entire being, like a shadow creeping insidiously. I didn't understand how I had ended up there, nor why I felt so disoriented. And now, upon closer reflection, why did the room seem to have grown larger, while I felt... smaller?

I was paralyzed as I looked at my hand; its size was clearly that of a child, too small to belong to a young adult like myself. My mind struggled to find an explanation as I examined the room for clues. It was then that my gaze landed on a large mirror in a corner of the room. Upon seeing my reflection, I was completely baffled: I was a child, without a doubt. The features of my face, though youthful, reflected an unusual beauty for my young age. My raven hair was slicked back, with some rebellious strands falling over my forehead. I noticed with surprise the numerous bandages covering my face, hiding the cause of some unknown injury. My eyes, the same dark tone as my hair, reflected deep confusion as they stared back at me from the mirror. I was dressed in a hospital gown, which only added more questions to the already bewildering situation.

I stood in front of the mirror for a time that seemed endless, trying to assimilate the reality of my transformation into a child. Was this a dream? The possibility floated in my mind, but the sense of reality was too vivid to dismiss completely.

Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced my head, breaking the spell of my contemplation. It intensified quickly into unbearable agony, forcing me to double over in pain and fall back onto the bed. The darkness of a deep sleep enveloped me once again, leaving me at the mercy of the mysteries surrounding my new and bewildering reality.


I had a horrible nightmare, one that clung to my mind with claws of terror and refused to let go. In it, I saw myself dragged into a scene of chaos and destruction, where a chilling-looking teenager, with eyes that flashed a sinister scarlet and adorned with what seemed to be three tomoe, unleashed an unprecedented bloodbath. His ruthless fury spared no one: innocent babies, vulnerable children, defenseless adults, and even helpless elders, all fell under the cruel edge of his relentless violence. Pleadings for mercy fell on deaf ears as the executioner remained impassive in the face of the suffering he inflicted.

Every image, every sound of that terrifying event was etched into my mind like an indelible scar. I tried in vain to look away, to close my eyes and find refuge in the darkness, but the nightmare persisted, enveloping me in its suffocating embrace time and time again. The perpetrator's ruthless indifference, his ability to inflict so much pain and suffering with unsettling calmness, left me stunned and shaken.

How could anyone be so cruel, so merciless? How could they be capable of snuffing out lives with such coldness, as if they were mere disposable objects? The revulsion and horror I felt at his inhumane act were indescribable, a mixture of disbelief and disgust that welled up in my chest.

My desperation grew with each passing moment, longing with all my might for that nightmare to end. "Please, get me out of here!" I pleaded with a trembling voice, my words echoing in the empty room as I desperately begged for relief from reality, fervently wishing that torment would come to an end once and for all.


Waking up from that nightmare was like ascending from the depths of a dark abyss into an uncertain light. Although my mind had been freed from the torment, my body still felt heavy, dragged down by the aftermath of mental fatigue. With effort, I managed to sit up in bed, struggling against the tiredness that seemed to want to keep me in its embrace.

As I opened my eyes, I was once again confronted with the reality of being in the hospital room. My first thought was that I would wake up in my own bed, with the sharp pain in my back that I had experienced in my dream, but the familiarity of the hospital room brought me back to the harsh reality. What had happened for me to end up here? Was my condition more serious than I had imagined?

As I explored the room with a more attentive look, I began to notice details that my fatigued mind had overlooked before. The absence of medical equipment puzzled me. Were the hospital's resources so limited that they couldn't provide the essential elements for patient care? The lack of a vital signs monitor, an electrocardiogram, and other medical devices that would normally be found in a hospital room was disconcerting. The atmosphere of the room also seemed outdated, briefly leading me to consider the possibility that I was in an abandoned hospital. However, the cleanliness and order of the place quickly dispelled that idea.

Driven by intrigue and the need for answers, I decided to get out of bed and explore further. Cautiously, I headed towards the room's window, hoping to find clues about my location and a way to get back home. However, what I saw when I looked outside left me completely stunned.

The streets, though unpaved, were orderly and level, with some areas covered in rocks. The houses, predominantly built with wood and clay, combined traditional elements with modern touches. Their sloping roofs allowed for proper rain drainage, while the large windows provided generous natural light.

But the most striking thing was what I discovered carved into a nearby mountain: four imposing faces, each with a unique and powerful expression. The first radiated dominant serenity, with wavy hair and a characteristic hat. Next to him, the second face had a firm and determined gaze, reflecting his commitment to protecting the village. The third, with his long white beard, exuded wisdom and dignity. And the fourth, with his serene yet resolute expression, conveyed a sense of indomitable leadership.

Incredulity washed over me as I absorbed the magnitude of what my eyes saw. Was I really in the world of Naruto? The idea seemed so absurd that it must be a dream. To confirm my reality,

I pinched my cheek hard, feeling the sharp pain that told me I was awake. However, the reality of my situation remained unsettling, and I barely realized that the door had been opened until I heard a soft click, bringing me back to reality.

"Uchiha-sama, you shouldn't be out of bed," I turned to hear the voice of the woman approaching me with noticeable concern in her eyes. I didn't resist when she took me by the hand to lead me back to bed. She gently stroked my hair, and I could see the sadness in her face. Part of me felt uncomfortable with her empathy. If I remembered correctly, the Uchiha clan massacre had recently occurred, and I was the sole survivor, aside from the perpetrator who was my older brother.

"Don't worry, little one," the nurse said to me as she headed to the door to call someone. I didn't hear well what she said, but I understood that they were sending someone to inform the Hokage about my awakening.

Silently, I stared at my reflection. I began to have memories that clearly weren't mine; they belonged to the original owner of this body, who had died due to excessive mental stress caused by the genjutsu cast by my older brother.

Then, in my vision, a transparent window appeared:

"Congratulations, you have been chosen as Host. Say the word 'Status' for more information."

I was lost for a moment, engulfed in a mixture of surprise and confusion. Could this not get any stranger? Maybe my vision was playing tricks on me. After all, it hadn't been long since I woke up from bed. But still, what could I lose by trying?

As I whispered the word spoken by the system, a new window emerged with detailed new features:

Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Age: 7 years

Height: 4'11 ft

Race: Human

Class: None

Strength: 9 (-1)

Dexterity: 11 (+0)

Constitution: 10 (+0)

Intelligence: 14 (+2)

Wisdom: 15 (+2)

Charisma: 12 (+1)


Fireball Technique

Mastery: 1/5

Description: This basic fire release technique consists of expelling a large fireball from the user's mouth towards the target.


Mastery: 1/5

Description: Advanced skill in handling shurikens and other types of throwing weapons.

Taijutsu: Uchiha Clan

Mastery: 1/5

Description: Style that relies on speed, agility, and precision in movements. Users of this style prefer fast and accurate attacks that take advantage of openings in the opponent's defense. It is centered on the use of the Dōjutsu: Sharingan, which allows them to read and anticipate the opponent's movements more easily, allowing them to execute precise and devastating counterattacks.

As I finished reading, I realized that this new information would only complicate things even more.