
I am Sarutobi Ren with a System

Kudo Ren was a normal college student who tried his best to score nice Marks on exams and studied even during his free time to get a good job . His normal life's dreams were shattered by a sudden bolt of lightning which struck his house and through his computer wires electrocuted him thus he died . He met a completely unexpected situation when he woke up again because he found himself sitting with a God who said that Ren's death was his mistake as he failed to control the direction of the lightning bolt and it somehow traveled to planet earth and caused Ren's premature death . Ren being avid fan of Naruto series , agreed to the compensation which was reincarnation in any fiction world with a system to help him become strong. After that Ren woke up inside the body a 12 year of Sarutobi who shared the same name as him . From here the story starts about Ren's great journey to gain pinnacle of strenght in ninja universe and the changes he brought to the story on the way..

gursimran_singh · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 15

" Hello Kakashi san . My name is Sarutobi Ren . Nice to meet you .. " I stood up and greeted him like a gentleman because it has become a habit from past life ..

" Well .. My name is Hatake Kakashi. " We booth shook our right hands for a second and I was confused because he was looking at me with astonishment inside his eye ..

When I thought about the possible reason , I abruptly went pale because I had forgotten to mask and disguise my real chakra level . His sharingan was always in activated state so he could easily see through that from behind his forehead Protector.

I could not help but but facepalm myself for such a stupid miss on my part . I was surprised to see one of my favorite characters from anime so I forgot to do the job which normally wont even take a second to complete with my perfect chakra control ..

" Ahem.. um.. can you keep this a secret please? " I nervously said pointing at my stomach with a finger to indicate my chakra .

" I do not think that it's right to deceive Hokage sama because from what I can tell , he really cares a lot about you .. besides ninja dont work without benefits.. "

I could see his smirk from the lips pattern on his mask . I could not help but massage my head with my fingers because I knew that this lazy guy was actually very stubborn ..

" So did Grandpa Hokage sent you? " I decided to make some conversation before getting to the main point which may ensure that Kakashi doesn't tell old man my real chakra level . If the information got inside the ears of Danzo somehow then I'm screwed. He may send several jonin or even come personally to force me to join his Root . I did not want to fight him right now because I may die and even if I survive, the old man Hokage and my good relationship will instantly collapse . I was most afraid of that happening because he is like my real grandpa now . I did not have parents in my past life and was brought up by my grandfather who died soon after I graduated from high school . I simply did not want to loose familial love because of Danzo's plotting.

Such thoughts ran inside my mind in less than a second and my gaze became firm because I had only one way to convince Kakashi.

" Yes , Hokage sama sent me to bring you urgently to his office . So what do you plan to convince me with now ? "

I liked smart people who did not talk around the Bush for important matters . I decided to give Kakashi an offer which he cannot refuse.

" Ahem.. I can help you with sealing that eye and you can keep my real strength a secret . What do you think about this proposal ? I think it's more than enough though ... "

I carefully looked at Kakashi's expression which turned into shock then became neutral again after a long sigh . I could guess that he had no faith in my capabilities which was understandable after all he did not know me before and definitely had no idea that I had knowlege on fuinjutsu which can easily surpass any greatest Uzumaki of the past ..

" Looks like you know about this eye's secret somehow but your words have no credibility behind them at all .. "

Kakashi tried to use sharingan genjutsu on me which had no effect on me due to the passive ability of being immune to all illusions and mental attacks which come from SERENE mind skill .

" Stop with this little genjutsu trick of yours. It wont work on me at all . Let's see, will you choose to believe me if I promise to cripple my chakra network myself in the case I do not succeed in sealing your sharingan ? "

I could say this because I had utmost confidence in my ability to seal it because I had already of a seal inside my mind which has similar effect but on low levels . I just have to create a higher leveled version which is an easy job for me with my abundant knowledge on fuinjutsu.

Kakashi stopped his genjutsu and looked at me with a serious gaze this time . I could feel that his mind was shaken due to my bold and fearless statement. No shinobi could bear to cripple his chakra network himself as he would loose his years of training in that instant.

After more than a minute of silently staring at me , Kakashi finally spoke and his vague answer assured me that he had decided to give me a chance .

" Let's go as Hokage sama is waiting for you now. We will have a long chat after you are finished with your matter inside the Hokage office . "

Sigh.. it was truly hard to even hide your real abilities in peace . Maybe most of my headache is just me overthinking but I cannot bet on things which I'm not hundred percent confident on especially when things we are talking about have chances to become life threatening.

After that both of us headed towards Hokage office using Body Flicker at fast speed and I had already disguised my chakra level to appear at low chunin level like the one I usually show to others ..